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actually making a pop up killer couldn't be too hard.

anyway, I'm in charge of the big vibrator.

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i did that restrict security thing and now when i get x10 popups, not only does the popup appear but an error bar shows up informing me that the site is restricted. i click ok on that and the popup comes up anyway.


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i did that restrict security thing and now when i get x10 popups, not only does the popup appear but an error bar shows up informing me that the site is restricted. i click ok on that and the popup comes up anyway.


You're making up all this shit, right? Right?

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or he meant to say he lowered the restriction to access a porn or warez site, and those usually have 10 pop ups.

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The x10 thing is particularly thorny.

It all appears to be related to how the x10 ad is embedded into the page.

I'd do some more research on this matter but I can't be arsed to go look for sites that (still) run x10 ads.

In any case, he'll have a lot more ads blocked now than before, with the x10 ads being a very special case. :P

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Add *.ad-flow.com to deadnail's Big Restricted List.

Zaldron, you mean why hasn't X10 infiltrated GJ, or why havent they made their own fake ad? :)

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i did that restrict security thing and now when i get x10 popups, not only does the popup appear but an error bar shows up informing me that the site is restricted. i click ok on that and the popup comes up anyway.


You're making up all this shit, right? Right?

Nope, same thing happened to me. I wonder if there are some settings in IE, which need to be changed or something.

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do you have to put http://www. before that? same question to deadnail

Apparently, you need the http:// thing before it works.
The popups didn't disappear on my computer before I wrote http://mediamgr.ugo.com

Before I thought of adding that little tidbit I experienced this thing:

i did that restrict security thing and now when i get x10 popups, not only does the popup appear but an error bar shows up informing me that the site is restricted. i click ok on that and the popup comes up anyway.

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Make sure you've patched up to the latest version of IE. I tried restricting the sites the other night, before I finaly patched IE on my family's comp. Then, rather than getting three pop-ups max at a time, I would get one with every new page view. I don't have that problem now that I'm using IE6.

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i did that restrict security thing and now when i get x10 popups, not only does the popup appear but an error bar shows up informing me that the site is restricted. i click ok on that and the popup comes up anyway.

When you go into the restricted sites settings, make sure the level is set at "default level", and not "custom level". I dunno why IE comes with those custom settings, just hit the "default level" button for each of the 4 zones. I don't have this problem after doing that. (I haven't tried it with the preset custom settings though so I can't say if it's a fix or not.)

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I've had worse.

So did everyone who once tried to download warez or porn without file sharing progams...

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