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rare demon

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There is a monster in Doom 2 that isnt listed in the booklet. He is very rare. A bald demon that doesnt really do much I think his first apperance is in map 09.
What is that thing called.

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I have no clue what you're talking about, take a screenshot, I want to see this demon. It's probably something obvious but I'm lost right now.

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What are you talking about? Are you sure you're not playing a megawad or something with new enemies?

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AFAIK the only non-bald ones are the humans, but the Chaingunners make their first appearance on Map09 so maybe that's it.

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I still want to see a screenshot of this bald monster. Oh and by the way the humans are not the only ones bald, there's only two monsters/enemies in doom that have hair: zombie and nazi soldier.

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Wrong, there are chaingunners in MAP03.

Well, that map sucks, I never play it :P

Maybe he's talking about Lost Souls then.

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Wrong, there are chaingunners in MAP03.

There are Chaingunners on UV in Maps 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9.

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they're in the manual, along with all other monsters in doom2. Maybe he thinks the moving impaled guy is a monster.

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Wrong, there are chaingunners in MAP03.

There are Chaingunners on UV in Maps 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9.

maybe he's playing on "i'm too young to die" and reading the original doom manual.

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There are Chaingunners on UV in Maps 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9.

Wrong, there are no chaingunners in MAP02

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Yes there are, one comes out of the door in the water tunnel that opens after you get the red key, across from the room with the SSG. At least I'm pretty sure there is.

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I just played through it, nothing, not a sign of a chaingunner. 2 demons though.

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I must concur with vrack man (heh). Never saw any chaingunners in Map02 either. Hell, just open up WadAuthor or some other level editor to find out for sure.

Let's see, all "bald" looking enemies: sergeants, commandoes, imps, revenants, mancubi, arch-viles

If I missed one, reset my post count :P

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You spelled the plural of mancubus with an "i". That alone deserves post-count resettal.

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Bah, you're all right.

Stupidity cannot be concealed.

There, happy?

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And Cyberdemons don't have hair, either. Nor do Arachnotrons and Spider Masterminds.

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Wrong, there are chaingunners in MAP03.

Well, that map sucks, I never play it :P

Maybe he's talking about Lost Souls then.

Lüt man, you haven't given doom2.wad a run in a while, have you? Lost Souls show up in MAP05.

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