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1994 tune-up challenge (*updated /idgames link*)

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I was just checking out the first page, and i noticed that there are many finished maps. Way to go, partners! it seems that this project will be finished before the end of this year.
I was thinking, also, what shall we do about the #32 map? I, for one, think that the honor should go to snarboo

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Anyone is free to take that spot. I haven't even started working on my second, so I don't know if I want to start a third just yet. :p

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Got rid of the voodoo dolls in HH1 and currently waiting on Krispavera to send me his version of SWEET.WAD.

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Been slacking on me and Mr. Freeze's wad, sorry.. I've been spending all of my mapping time working on the advent calendar map. I'll come around, don't worry.

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Glad you asked!

Updated TUNNEL11, aligned a couple textures, fixed some unclosed sectors, works in boom thanks to Super Jamie :D This should be the absolute final product now. I know I said that two updates ago.


Also ULTIMA is ready for playtesting.


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Snarboo said:

Bumping this so it doesn't fall off the first page.

What's your current status, guys? :)

Completely forgot about it. Don't worry, I'm back now. I'll soon post a somewhat updated version with screenshots.

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I've been fixing the game balance on the other two difficulties. They're something I kind of overlooked before, and I want them get is as close to perfect before putting up a test copy. I've also been redesigning and adding detail to a few areas.

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Snarboo said:

What's your current status, guys? :)

Real life has given me a tough time these days. The good news is that i've completed the entrance for COMCON.wad (hardest map ever! as soon as i done something, i deeply hated it. But i think i've nailed it now). Not enough progress to show some screenshots, but this weekend i'll get myself up-to-date.

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maggot202 said:

hardest map ever!

Yeah right. That map looks like a piece of cake.

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I've just compiled Helipad 2 with a non-zero reject lump:
Helipad 2 final w/ reject lump

It should now work properly in PrBoom and PrBoom+. You still need the texture wad I compiled for this project. Speaking of which, what's the status on the replacement textures, Essel and Nightmare?

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I posted a download link earlier in the thread. The texture pack is just textures from Doom that are not found in Doom 2. Due to a debate on the subject, I decided it would be better if the Doom textures were replaced with original facsimiles. Right now the pack is composed of textures from Freedoom.

I probably should re-upload the pack as it is currently since I think the download expired.

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Alright 40oz I played your map. Here's a demo in prboom, got through on my 3rd try. Hope it helps, there were some moments I think I paused that you might want to look at, although I bet the demo is 40+ minutes long as my complete attempt was 22 minutes, I got pretty far my second attempt but died stupidly, then was being silly on my first.

So, onto my thoughts. It played well and I was only ever on 'low ammo', never empty. The insets are nice and don't seem to get in the way, and nothing else really did. Overall the difficulty progressed well, although I think you could have thrown some barons in the end instead of pain elementals, I had plenty of shells left. That invulnerability sphere kind of tucked away near the end is unnecessary, as my last run will show. And I'm probably only an amateur speedrunner as far as my ability goes. So maybe a soulsphere would work better. Another thing, that berserk pack off the yellow key room is also a little superfluous, I also had plenty of health then and never really got hit much after. Before that there was always enough health, and armor wasn't a big deal.

Texturing, I liked the choices overall, the green stone with the tekwalls are nice. Nothing really clashed, although I'm not sure why there's a computer screen block in front of the yellow key switch, just seems kind of weird for some reason. If no one else chimes in with texture alignments I'll look it over but I don't think there'll be any problems.

Something else I'd like to comment on is lighting, the areas work quite well ... really :P

Anyway, anything else you'd like thoughts on?

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Harder monsters near the exit, Invulnerbility sphere to soulsphere instead, (I never used an invulnerability sphere in a map before) And less health before the berserk pack.

Got it.

I'm not at my computer now so I'll have to view the demo later.

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40oz said:

Someone wanna playtest my map already? Goddamn it.

Take it easy, bro.
My 2 cents: i really enjoyed the map. I agree with AB on the ammo, I was always on the low ammo end, but never empty, although i cannot say about the health. See, the first time i was killed by one of those goddamned revenants (man, i hate those monsters!), so the second time i used the old iddqd cheat.
The main issues i had with your map are detailed here, in this screenshots:

Those are mostly "cosmetic" mistakes. Aside form those, there are many un-aligned textures, and there is a lack of upper/lower unpegging on some other textures (there were too many to take screenshots of them all).

So, that's all i can say right now. The map's looking good, the texture choice was amazing, and there was never a dull moment.

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Thanks for the screenshots, Will take that into consideration! :)

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It seems theres one slot left, judging by the first post.

Can I make a suggestion of a 1994 map to do up? I'm no mapper, but someone might want to work on it.

I dont know if its been suggested (500+ posts? No way am I hunting through that D:) but I suggest Sewers.wad. Its the bonus map sneakily thrown into the Xbox Doom 3 disc as E1M10 in Ultimate Doom. I assume its in the Xbox Doom 3 RoE Ultimate Doom as well, I'll get my brother to check that out

I downloaded the PC bugfixed version and gave it a play, and I like a lot of it, but it suffers from usual 1994ism

Seems like a good secret level for Map32 (the open slot) being a secret level itself, and its a level thats been featured in an official Doom port.

I would also suggest Betray.wad, a level that was snuckj into Doom 2 as Map33 in the same way as Sewers, but its a '95 wad according to Doom Wikia, and theres no more slots.

EDIT: Heres the links to the Doom Wikia articles on them if anyones unfamiliar with them


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Sewers.wad's text file states that it may not be used as a base for additional levels, so that means it's out. I haven't looked at the /idgames database entry for Betray, but I assume it's much the same.

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I thought thats what the contacting the author was about, to ask for permission to use the file, huh. Guess I didnt read the first post properly, despite reading it 4 times now over a long while. I didnt pay too much attenon to that "Not" part, because I dont think Ive ever seen a wad that sayd you can.

Anyway, thats a shame, those two would have been great, with their new infamy for being shoved in Doom 3 as a (presumably) joke.

I just played Betray just now, its a fun (yet newbish) teleporting fest seemingly made to be really surreal, what with all the water and slime being used like it is. Also has Nazis for some reason (probably the weirdness look, theres no story or deescription in the text file)

I actually suggested Sewers because I was going to use them as the secret levels for my Master Levels merging project; I had 30 levels, and figured those two would be good for it as secret levels, being "id" levels (I doubt they count as such, I mean their newbie wads from the Doom 3 porters, and made freely available for download.) Then I played it and it's just too far from the Master Levels level of quality.

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avery1555 said:

Can I do MAP32?

I'm very good at detailing and tuning up a map in general seems like something I can do, no problem.

You're welcome to the slot, but pick a map first and I'll add you to the roster. :)

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ArmouredBlood said:

choose one.

I am, just want to make sure with Snarboo thats its ok that I can take that spot or if its already taken.

EDIT : Alright, finding one hold on...

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