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Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

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53 minutes ago, Horus said:

I improved on Soulless' time by 5 seconds :P

Horuuuuuss!! I thought we were buddies! hahaha. Nice run man, I knew it could be faster.

MWG should be proud, we are making improvised speedrun challenges out of his maps!

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Hey peoples, I'm really hoping to get some more attention on this project.. I really want to provide the unity console players with some DM turf, not to mention new demon killing arenas!




People seemed to have a great time in the big ZDS FFA a couple weeks ago:




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The scheming lunatic @EmptyCell gets a sadistic kick from watching me get my arse kicked in some of my playtesting adventures and, after taking note of my boiling hatred for Revenants, has been making a WAD to torture me with. Here's a sneak peek.



Edited by Biodegradable

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8 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:

The scheming lunatic @EmptyCell gets a sadistic kick from watching me get my arse kicked in some of my playtesting adventures and, after taking note of my boiling hatred for Revenants, has been making a WAD to torture me with. Here's a sneak peek.




I love this.

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Doom Zero, ALL blind. (I finished the wad but need to edit some stuff first before making it public.)



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Playing through the entire DOOM franchise on my channel (that's the plan, anyway).  I'm onto the Shores of Hell now. 


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