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Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

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The topic title is self-explaining. Post Doom videos that you take while playing.

I just learned how to take DOSBox video, so I uploaded me failing at ORIGWAD. If you see any inaccuracies in the description please let me know.

edit: fixed grammer since Archvile78's post changed and people don't know the reference anymore anyway

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Perhaps you could have kicked off this thread a bit better if you posted a more interesting video... *smirks*

Two rooms, a door, three imps, and two barons is a tad minimalist. Though at the moment it does give me an idea of giving the player challenges to overcome with very limited resources.

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ORIGWAD is awesome.

  Super Jamie said:

It's not mine, but I just love watching this e6y TAS speedrun video.


How completely the balance of power is reversed. The player character is not merely the last surviving marine, desperately and painfully clinging to the existence of humanity, while Hell plays its game. The player is now immune to all of Hell's armies, machines and machinations. His power is not great, but unlimited. He is some strange mockery of God.

Many deities contain contradictions: the Son is the Father, truly and absolutely, yet the Son is not the Father - their essences are insoluble. Such is the case here. The player is omniscient, yet psychotic. He sees all. He knows every facet of every obstacle that lies ahead, yet does not pause to consider them. He allows his id to draw him through his predestined path - a path of frantic, unceasing butchery. As he acts with a perfect and untainted insanity, an endless stream of ghastly hallucinations passes before his eyes. The player is omnipotent, indestructible, and yet his lifeblood is limited, and death gnashes in its cage. To perform his greatest feats of acrobatics, the player willingly allows his tools of destruction to rend his own form - but he must spend his flesh with care.

I cheer for the demons. It would be a great horror for Hell's excrement to succeed in its quest - for hellspawn to seize the Earth and keep it, undisputed, forever. But all the same, is it not worse for the universe to be held hostage by this insult against existence itself? He is a physical manifestation of a terrible force: not of mundane destruction, but of uncreation. He must not be allowed to exist.

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Creaphis said:
He is some strange mockery of God.


God is indeed mocking Hell, by granting his TAS machinations to his minion.

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I was thinking much the same thing. Whoever recorded it has such complete mastery of the maps. I wonder if whoever it was could just start up the game and rattle all that off.

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Reaper978, it was recorded by entryway, the PrBoom+ coder. He indeed does have thorough knowledge of the levels and game mechanics, although the recording was made with TAS features that eased the tricks and allowed additional attempts at any critical point. It is impressive as a technical achievement and as a display of the accumulated knowledge of the maps, which has been developed by many speed runners through the years. However, if you want to see sheer flesh and blood skill in the game proper you have to check real-time plain recordings, like the sub-30 minute UV and NM runs by Radek and Vile, where everything is done from scratch in one go without any help from the engine.

PS: TAS means "Tool Assisted" (or maybe "Tool Assisted Speedrun.") It refers to using extra tools or features, beyond those of the standard game, to produce an inhumanly optimal run.

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I was aware that it was probably tool-assisted (I didn't know what "TAS" was but I had a hunch). I have seen so many speed-runs with the "tool-assisted" label on them. I wasn't even aware that full, real-time speed runs were available, so thanks for letting me know.

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  Super Jamie said:

It's not mine, but I just love watching this e6y TAS speedrun video.


Holy shmoo. I have never watched a TAS run before. That was pretty frasdhjg awesome. The bit where he....huqweijbdasf and the qaewfjsdjlk rocket thing ..asfdhfehudajnk and the badda bing badda boom. fahsufaihfad How the hell did he....


*head explodes*

Thanks myk for clarifying what a TAS run actually is. I knew it was an assissted run of some sort, but knew very little else about it.

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That specific run was recorded with a version of PrBoom+ that allows for constant SR50 (which is straferunning with both the strafe buttons AND arrows with strafe on - it would be period plus alt plus right arrow with the standard setup - normal straferunning is just SR40) and like myk said, the ability to continue from any point in the demo if he stuffed a bit up. There's more on his Doom Wiki page.

RamboBones holds the current record for Doom 2 UV Speed TAS runs at 14:02. Entryway still well and truly holds the record for the same on Doom 1. His Doom 1 runs are approaching 5-minute-Mario perfection, I don't expect we'll see them beaten, and if so only by a few seconds.

Apart from shitty old games, I also love speedruns :)

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People interested in demo recording history and specifics can check A Brief DOOM Demo History here at Doomworld, as well as the more general Speedrun article on the Wikipedia.


Super Jamie said:
That specific run was recorded with a version of PrBoom+ that allows for constant SR50 (which is straferunning with both the strafe buttons AND arrows with strafe on - it would be period plus alt plus right arrow with the standard setup - normal straferunning is just SR40) and like myk said, the ability to continue from any point in the demo if he stuffed a bit up.


Yeah, although to be pedantic, any version of PrBoom+ does that, as PrBoom+ is a variant of PrBoom that can do extra demo and TAS related things plus a few others. Besides, there's the option to slow down the game's behavior, so that you have an easier time doing all the (eventually) precise and quick moves accurately and in time. PrBoom itself already contains recording from saves and a more limited degree of game speed control. Boom introduced the latter, aside from getting it in a more obscure way by messing with DOS.

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As it says on the description at the YouTube page, with PrBoom+, which can be very efficient in populated levels. If you try it, use -complevel 9 (Boom compatibility,) as otherwise some monster AI settings will degrade performance.

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That explains why the framerate plummets to single digits when I tried in Skulltag..wonder how to emulate that in ZDoom..?

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WildWeasel - I want to play.

Since there was a tool-assisted run of Doom 2 posted, I thought it appropriate to post Vile's single-segment, non-assisted (I think?) run of Doom 2 on nightmare. Prepare to have your mind blown.

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