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Post your Doom video! [but don't quote video]

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That's strange, I didn't think Fraps would pick up the cursor. Guess I didn't notice it in editing either. Also, 8 seconds away from world champion? That's pretty cool, though I don't know if I can really do any faster, heh.


Tried again, this time shaved off 3 seconds.

EDIT 2: Managed to get a 13 second run going the normal route, but I die too much that way to really bother trying it further.

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Started off a Let's Play of Deus Vult 2, let's see if this ends up good.

Youtube ate up my quality a bit based on what I test-viewed of the first video. Disappointing, considering I spend 30-40 minutes per video rendering at a nice 9692 kb/s total bitrate.

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Xeros612 said:

Cake-o Demon

It just occurs to me that I might have been saying 'cacodemon' wrong this entire time.

Do you say Cocka Demon, Cacka demon or Cake-o demon?

unrelated and off topic: An idea just popped into my head from Csonicgo's bitter rant on animated films. What if Pixar made a Doom Monsters Inc? That would be the perfect format to be able to have the 'cartoony' doom monsters not need to be upgraded or improved upon, but rather be just as they are in doom, but be 3d objects so you can view them from any angle.

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I've always pronounced it "kay-co demon" (or "cake-o demon"), it's the only pronunciation that makes sense to me.(Disregarding differences caused by accents.)

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The levels are just a bit outdated in these clips I included. I tend to make levels that are old-school in detail, so as to give an impression of something released in the 90's (the good maps, not the amateur ones). I've made 8 maps for it so far and I am about to complete another map for it soon. I can also send what I have so far to those who may be interested.

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I liek makng doum vids

Happy Birthday Snakes starring ArmouredBlood as the Doom guy reviewed in a recent /newstuff. Also found out how to capture audio from my PC without having to put a microphone up to my speakers.

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Heheh, why record an fda I made instead of one you made? Though then it would be someone else's map. Thanks for showing off my good generic-secret-finding skills ;p

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valkiriforce. I like the look of this classic project of yours. I would offer to help, but I am already involved in some projects, and I map soooo slowly. But it does look really awesome.

40oz. As usual, a great looking map. Link plz.

and Xeros612. Some funny moments in there.

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Kyka said:

Link plz.

Do you ever read /newstuffs or what?

ArmouredBlood said:

Heheh, why record an fda I made instead of one you made? Though then it would be someone else's map. Thanks for showing off my good generic-secret-finding skills ;p

Well i recently found out how to record audio that is played through my speakers that's in decent quality, so I wouldn't have to play music to cover up the lack of audio all the time. I was going to record my own demo but I kinda noticed my Doom skills have dropped off A LOT lately since I haven't had any time to play it as much anymore, and I didnt want to upload something that was boring to watch, and this demo is one of the few I have on my hard drive. I was interested in showing off my maps anyway. I'm thinking about doing a video review of some wads but I haven't decided on which ones, but I'm excited to try my hand at doing some actual video editing instead of playing a full demo from start to finish.

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40oz said:

Well i recently found out how to record audio that is played through my speakers that's in decent quality, so I wouldn't have to play music to cover up the lack of audio all the time.

If you aren't using XP, FRAPS will allow you to record "stereo mix" sound.

Since there isn't anything in the Doom 3 section for this(and I doubt such a thread would get much attention or usage), I may as well put this here because technically it -is- Doom(albeit not classic).
Playlist link to my Doom 3 LP thus far. 35 videos is far too much to post video by video.
[/continuing my trend of posting my Doom LPs here]

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Keeping with the general pseudo-tradition of posting my LPs here(because the only other viable forum option I know of involves a relatively dead thread on Penny Arcade), Episode 4 of Deus Vult 2. I end up getting pretty pissed in the last two videos, so that should be entertaining to those who find that sort of thing funny. It's also a pretty long episode, so I hope I can fit it into one post.

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Trying my hand at video editing. Thank you kimo_xvirus for the awesome UV-Max speedrun!

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Doom Builder 2 Time Lapse video, still going to make more parts and hopefully finish the whole map infront of Hypercam :P

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