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Doom II You Have 1 HP v. 1.0 and v. 2.0 — map 01: Get Your Imps in a Row



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Made another weapon

New melee weapon for Eternity Engine 4.03 - Force Gauntlet with the mechanic of accumulating damage before a punch:
If you hold down the LMB, the player will begin to accumulate punch, the longer you hold it, the more damage you will end up taking during the punch.

During a berserk, the damage is doubled.

There are 4 stages of damage accumulation, the transition from one stage to another can be distinguished by a specific mechanical sound and visually by the changing sprite of the stretching arm.
Stage 1 - 100 (200 with berserker) damage, will work if you just press the LKM.
Stage 2 - 200 (400 with berserk) damage, changes the sprite of the outstretched arm.
Stage 3 - 350 (700 with berserk) damage, the sprite of the outstretched arm changes.
Stage 4 - 500 (1000 with berserk) damage, maxed out, at which point the player keeps his left arm maximally extended at the center of the screen, allowing for better aim before punching.


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