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The /newstuff Chronicles #349

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entryway said:
Be not surprised next time if you will see "GL ONLY" on all non-hires analogues of hires textures.

Is that what you guys will do in the so-called serious WAD to come? I can understand a joke, but that would just be a childish waste of PrBoom+ capabilities and a way to take T/nC or how others play one's WADs way too seriously:

  • The engine's behavior already allows both types and the low res ones are easy to add from a higher res counterpart, even if they don't end up looking particularly great.
  • Some people aren't really interested GL rendering features or high resolution graphics in DOOM.
  • Some people like to play on systems where software mode is convenient.
  • Some players prefer to use certain engines and will use them on WADs these can run, even while in some sense it may not be the optimal choice for said WAD.
In my case, much of the above applies. And if you or Eternal think anyone who does any of this is "lame" I can tell you I don't give half a bit of a flying fuck.

Maybe you and Eternal should start suing people who infringe your copyrights by playing his WADs (and PrBoom+) in such an incorrect manner :p

Seriously, it's up to you guys, and if you don't want to bother including any low res versions, you might win a couple of adepts willing to try it on the port you want and on GL, and then again others will simply ignore such releases and possibly consider you two a pair of dickheads, but way to start an argument for nothing. I guess this proves that law Enjay enunciated on the other thread, heh.

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myk said:

others will simply ignore such releases

Best choice for "others". I prefer you will see nothing instead of unplanned shit

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While you're at it, make an effort and add support for some features that automatically crash the WAD in anything except PrBoom+. That should solve your problem forever.

The funny thing is that even if you were to do what you mentioned above, the user could easily extract the resources and add the low res graphics himself, inflicting you the terrible blow of seeing the unplanned shit against your will!

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I think we're all forgetting something important here: what about the regular, planned shit that you see when you play it with the intended setup? :S

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myk said:

While you're at it, make an effort and add support for some features that automatically crash the WAD in anything except PrBoom+. That should solve your problem forever.

How funny! How many time you spent for thinking up this cool idea?!

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Oh, you're right... not enough. I forgot all about stripping PrBoom+'s software rendering. Thanks for reminding me. That'll cover all the bases. Phew.

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udderdude said:

I suppose if there's one thing I would change about my review it's the LAMER SUXX line. But I'd just replace it with something like "Author was too lazy to scale down his high-res texture and instead added a lame insult (presumably towards people trying to play it in zDoom), which ironically ends up showing up in his own source port."

About that, a couple of points:
1. ZDoom (yeah, software renderer ZDoom) is perfectly able to display hires textures at their correct scale.
2. GZDoom (which the author does mention as "more or less good after monster awakening") does display LAMER SUXX even in OpenGL mode.

So if the intent is to say "use an OpenGL port to see hires textures", then it's wrong on two points, because an OpenGL port should not be necessary for one, and the way he did it does not work in some of the OpenGL ports the author used when playtesting.

More points:

Third point: "One level for 'advanced' Boom compatible ports." If he wanted people to only use GLBoom+, he should have said so. Yeah, he did say it's the port that is "STRONGLY recommended".

Fourth point: Looking at the wad in Slumped and DoomBuilder, I don't see how the LAMER SUXX texture is supposed to display something else in any port. There is no lump modifying it anywhere that I could see, and the linedef has no tag or action special.

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I don't want to interrupt this lovely discussion you guys are having, but I just wanna interject something quickly.

I misspelled Madness [left out the 'n'] in the readme for my map and I feel like a big dummy :(

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Mechadon said:

I don't want to interrupt this lovely discussion you guys are having, but I just wanna interject something quickly.

I misspelled Madness [left out the 'n'] in the readme for my map and I feel like a big dummy :(

It happes to the best of us, Mechado. It's ot that big a problem ayway.

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Mechadon said:

I don't want to interrupt this lovely discussion you guys are having, but I just wanna interject something quickly.

I misspelled Madness [left out the 'n'] in the readme for my map and I feel like a big dummy :(

So since it wasn't intentional I can steal the name "Madess"?

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Gez said:
So if the intent is to say "use an OpenGL port to see hires textures", then it's wrong on two points, because an OpenGL port should not be necessary for one, and the way he did it does not work in some of the OpenGL ports the author used when playtesting.

Man, and in retrospect I thought it actually meant something, and wasn't just some misfitting joke-wad-like patch gratuitously placed there.

The text file's full of "don't use this" on previous versions of PrBoom+ (plus PrBoom) just because they don't support hi res textures, which themselves have low res equivalents in the WAD precisely to use them either in those versions, in other engines that don't support the patches, or while disabling hi-res patch functionality which works only in GL mode, in GLBoom+.

Fourth point: Looking at the wad in Slumped and DoomBuilder, I don't see how the LAMER SUXX texture is supposed to display something else in any port. There is no lump modifying it anywhere that I could see, and the linedef has no tag or action special.

Right, it doesn't and that's what surprised me when you showed my guess was wrong. I mean, it would have made sense as a prank against those who used what was "prohibited" in the text file. The only two hi-res textures seem to be the sky and the heated walls in the pits in the lamer suxx room.

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myk said:

The only two hi-res textures seem to be

And only one of them occupies about 70% of each frame :)

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Ah, okay, then I was right after all, just that it doesn't work as I had imagined. I went there in GL mode and noticed it's missing. All I saw was darkness, though. GL mode is quirky on this computer, so I'm not even sure that is what's expected :p

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Mechadon said:

I misspelled Madness [left out the 'n'] in the readme for my map and I feel like a big dummy :(

Do't worry Mechado, my keyboard is broke too, it's a good level ayway :)

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DuckReconMajor said:

So since it wasn't intentional I can steal the name "Madess"?

Heh, sure why not :P

I gotta start paying more attention to these things.

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I thought it was Madness until after I posted a demo and saw that it was Madess, but wasn't sure if it was a typo or intentional. I really liked the map.

For some people who say some maps are too easy - try recording a demo and playing fast.

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myk said:

The only two hi-res textures seem to be the sky and the heated walls in the pits in the lamer suxx room.

And it will forever be known as the Lamer suxx room.
It appears the "LAMER SUXX" texture is unavoidable, so the reviewer was pretty much spot on after all. I guess it's supposed to imply that I'm a lamer for have been playing that far.

Nice Flamebait, guys!

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The monsters are evil and there's nothing stopping them from sticking foul slogans.

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entryway said:

How funny! How many time you spent for thinking up this cool idea?!

About as much as it takes for you to make a good map instead of being a stupid retard and laying whole thread with your non-existent brain sir.

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Csonicgo said:
It appears the "LAMER SUXX" texture is unavoidable,

Is it? I tried PrBoom+ in GL mode and when the demon face was out of the way, there was a black space instead of the message. They apparently did something (the 70% frame deal entryway mentioned above) which makes it go away if GL mode and in-game hi res are enabled. Unless my system incidentally creates a bug out of that specific place, of course, which wouldn't be entirely surprising.

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myk said:

Is it? I tried PrBoom+ in GL mode and when the demon face was out of the way, there was a black space instead of the message. They apparently did something (the 70% frame deal entryway mentioned above) which makes it go away if GL mode and in-game hi res are enabled. Unless my system incidentally creates a bug out of that specific place, of course, which wouldn't be entirely surprising.

I had the texture there in GL mode and hi res enabled, both glprboom+ and I didn't think much of the texture anyway, whoever takes a "LAMER SUXX" wall seriously in a NUTS-09 map with strange and totally out of place music...well, yeah. :P

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Heh, true enough; I agree it's not a serious WAD, I only argued with Andrey a bit because he seemed kind of serious in his "you suck if you don't use the hi res feature" posts above. He could have been kidding there too, anyway.

And yeah, my system sucks at advanced GL handling :p

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Honestly, I do not understand why Udderdude writes all these boring and superficial reviews. Is he simply graphomaniac?

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On "graphophile" google said me "perhaps you mean: graphophone" :P

and for "graphophile" it brings only 604 results;
but for "graphomaniac" - 4450!

In origin, I mean russian word "графоман" ("grafoman") - (344 kilogoogles)

English Wiki has quite sensible description for this term.

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Graphophile sounds more like an epithet or figurative name for a genuine writer. If philosophers love wisdom, writers love writing. Maybe I could earn that, with that rather long review I submitted :p

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Been meaning to ask this for ages:

Please could there be a notice at the top of every /newstuff saying which (of the WADs being reviewed) the title screenie comes from?

In this case it is rather obvious (9000+ monsters lying dead on the ground), but only after reading all the reviews; I'd like to be able to jump to the article concerning the title screenie, i.e. because it's usually the most eye-catching one, before reading the rest of the thread :)

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