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which Doom engine to use?


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Just discovered Jdoom a few days ago and was hook on doom all overagain.

anyway there are soo many version of doom out now
zdoom,legacy doom, jdoom, vavoom.

what version of doom do you people think its the best.

so far I like Jdoom because of the 3D enemies but Legacy doom dooms seems to be more compatiablie with other WADs

btw: after Quake2, unreal tournement. spoiled me I have to have a version that uses my 3D acclereator :)

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For GL stuff, the one I've found to work best is JDoom, although you can't get rid of it's nasty blurring effects. The best software port with the most features would be ZDoom, although it alters gameplay enough to frustrate me and other hardcore Doom players. The best true-to-the-original Windows engine is PRBoom, although it doesn't have the fancy map-making features of ZDoom.

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Zdoom cause its got good scripts
Legacy cause of the eye candy
Edge cause of the cool mods
PrBoom cause of the ease of recording demos
BooM cause it removed all the DooM engine limitations

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Who dares to use my avatar?

Heh...just kidding. ZDoom is the most cooperative port I've used, though I havn't tried JDoom yet.

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Alright here we go.

I'm not going to link to every one of these, look in doomworld.com/ports to find them.

ZDOOM is probably the most popular one with the most features. Like our old destroyer of forums said, however, it strays a little from classic doom gameplay.

JDOOM is your pick for graphics, although I typically can't stand the blur.

EDGE is probably gameplay-wise my least favorite port, but it's also got the nicest and easiest to learn editing features. I learned how to make room-over-room in about a day from Fanatic and I hear DDF isn't much harder.

LEGACY is nothing too special. It's not all that graphically advanced and editing with it is a bit harder (not to mention the fact that it seems to get buggier with each new release). However it has the most complete Heretic support of any port excepting maybe Jheretic and it has netcode to help you play online Heretic, so I love it anyway.

VAVOOM is... uhm... don't use it.

ZDOOMGL is Zdoom with... uhm... GL. The best looking by a longshot, especially with md2 models, but extremely buggy, and some people can't even run it.

I'm done.

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For GL stuff, the one I've found to work best is JDoom, although you can't get rid of it's nasty blurring effects. The best software port with the most features would be ZDoom, although it alters gameplay enough to frustrate me and other hardcore Doom players. The best true-to-the-original Windows engine is PRBoom, although it doesn't have the fancy map-making features of ZDoom.


Yeah, what he said.

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thanks for the help.

I tried Zdoom it's pretty good. I don't really seeany difference in game btw: other port of doom. (I mean single play, don't know about multiplayer)

how come u can't use more that 8 bit color in zdoom?

can't seem to download the MD2 files to run zoomGL with anyone have any other link to the files other than the 3Ddownload site? can't seem to get the files from there

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I don't really seeany difference in game btw: other port of doom.


Get some level packs or single levels that have been made for ZDoom specifically and make use of its abilities and enjoy.

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...although it alters gameplay enough to frustrate me and other hardcore Doom players.


You're starting to sound like a puritan DOOMer, you know. Besides, there's nothing sayins you HAVE to use the features in it. Just look at me; I only got ZDoom to play certain WADs, and I fail to see how you think it "alters" the gameplay. Shoot me if I don't see the obvious.

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ZDoom doesn't really affect gameplay. The physics and overall feel are *slightly* different, but it's not a big deal at all. It's by far the fastest port when it comes to running maps that have lots of detail.

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Zdoom screws up the gameplay (even with mlook and jump off), this is noticable mostly on ammo-tight levels where the rocket launcher is used a lot to kill large monsters like mancubi and arachnotrons. Deathmatch is largely unaffected though, only a few details are different from doom2.exe.

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i think zdoom is good but when i am playing plain old doom or old doom maps i use legacyGL because it looks good and it is stable. zdoomGL is the best looking if u can get it to work, it is the most unstable openGL port for doom as far as i know. i would just try them all

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zdoomgl is the most unstable port. <period>

BTW, it's coronas look like I spilled water on the screen..

Damn , I'm playing..
/me shuts up now..

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Actually that's how coronas look in the human eye, instead of 35mm cameras like all games do. I mean the eye doesn't cast secondaries, damnit.

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IMO it's just looking stupid with lens flares. jdooms are well executed, but after the fiorst 5 minutes it's getting old and I go back to Legacy.. Legacys coronas may not be overly executed or anything, but they do look real..

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actually the lens flare can be disabled in Jdoom.

yupe ZdoomGL is very unstable.
for now I use Jdoom and Legacy doom.
Jdoom is good eye candy but some wads that have like soome new texture or enimy don't really display peroperly in jdoom. ex. mummy2

but legacy doom sometiems havetexture tears in certain wad whre jdoom don't

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Well, hmmm....
Well, here is MY list of my favorite SPs to use:
The GL mode is quite good though loading up levels can take some time to get used too.
2. Legacy
This is good for loading levels-you can load them straight form the console! Software mode is OK, but GL mode rocks!
3. PRBoom
This is the best 'vanilla' DOOM port out there. It's also quite to record/play back demos.

That's about it for right now.

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me and other hardcore doom players...


{Lut Dudzik}



If it's true that Lüt made it to AV level 14 without his health dropping below 150% I'd call him a hardcore doomer for sure...

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If it's true that Lüt made it to AV level 14 without his health dropping below 150% I'd call him a hardcore doomer for sure...


Anybody can do that, it just depends how much saving and reloading they want to do. I have a tendency to save every 5 seconds and reload if anything as small as a bullet hits me :P

If I were going without saving I probably wouldn't have made it past level 3 yet.

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If it's true that Lüt made it to AV level 14 without his health dropping below 150% I'd call him a hardcore doomer for sure...


Anybody can do that, it just depends how much saving and reloading they want to do. I have a tendency to save every 5 seconds and reload if anything as small as a bullet hits me :P

If I were going without saving I probably wouldn't have made it past level 3 yet.


AV gets to be a real challenge after the first few levels. I think I've left off on map06 or map07. I might play a little more tomorrow.

On another note Lüt, those are some real cheesy tactics you have there. I save about every 4-6 maps, and most of the time if I die I just start the level from scratch and see if I can beat it that way.

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