deadnail Posted January 4, 2002 News: LAME has been updated to 3.91. You can get yourself a new binary right here. Here's what has changed: ---------------------------------------------------- LAME 3.91 December 29 2001 Darin Morrison: Bugfix for --alt-preset (for content with low volume, clean vocals), only important for the "fast standard" preset Alexander Leidinger: add some missing files to the distribution add --alt-preset to the man page ---------------------------------------------------- Ogg Vorbis has also reached RC3. If you are interested in this format you can get the latest version right here. This new version finally adds some more encoding options... which this format has really needed for a good long time. Not the least of which is CBR emulation so streaming Ogg files should be a lot more predictable. World Trade: I didn't know this last time, but Exact Audio Copy now works on my system. When I got my DVD drive I was still on 98se and EAC went goofy on me. Now that I'm on XP (anything NT based, really) it uses a better system for reading the drives and it works perfectly. So if you have 2K or XP and you want the best ripper possible, it's right here, and it's freeware. =) The --r3mix setting has actually been outmoded since the latest release of LAME. A list of current presets for archival quality MP3 (CBR, VBR & ABR) can be found on this thread right here. Settings & Edit: For the highest quality 192kbps CBR MP3s, like Lüt is addicted to, can be achieved just by using this: lame --alt-preset cbr 192 in.wav out.mp3 It also means that I should give up --r3mix and move to: lame --alt-preset extreme in.wav out.mp3 I've had a little bit of time to experiment with these new alt presets... and they are very nice. Lüt should definitely try the one I recommended for him. One thing I noticed is that adding -q0 and -V0 to --r3mix results in a larger file, well, using --alt-preset -q0 -V0 results in about an extra 80kbps over the whole damn song. This, actually, is a bit much. Now if you're a Goddamn Pink Floyd freak and you want all your Pink Floyd MP3s at 320kbps I don't have a problem with that. Using --alt-preset -q0 -V0 will pretty much get you 320kbps MP3s, but they still might dip as low as 192, oh, for maybe %1 of the song. You'd have to be obsessed to really use a quality setting this high and since it spends so much time at 320kbps you simply might as well use CBR. There is a preset for that, too. lame --alt-preset insane in.wav out.mp3 Fitting, eh? =) I am sure you will find a setting that fits your purposes on this thread. Note that I said archival quality. Note that I also didn't say jack about vinyl or Devin Townsend. Note that this isn't flamebait in the least. I'm just letting you file sharing happy bastards in on the news. And so ends this edition of MP3 News & Trade. Stay tuned for the next issue, which will involve yet another release of Lame, perhaps a new WinAmp, maybe a new Ogg plugin for it, and if you're lucky maybe I'll get drunk and harass Steffers again. ^.^ 0 Share this post Link to post
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