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Project announcement: Scythe X

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Those of you who reads the blogs forum may already know some of this but anyway...

My next project will be titled "Scythe X".

It will feature:

- Limit-removing port compability.

- 5 map theme episodes like Scythe 2. The last map of every episode will be kind of a smaller "boss map" with bigger creatures than the rest of the episode. The episode themes are yet to be determined.

- Detailed maps like Scythe 2 (or better...).

-Fast and exciting gameplay with exceptional flow and heavy difficulty progression like Scythe (1).

- No huge slaughterfests outside of the boss maps.

The number of episodes is yet to be determined. As soon as an episode is finished and tested it will be released. Thorough testing will assure that a released episode never needs updating after release.

Current progress: maps 01-05 are >95% finished. Testing has commenced.

I am looking to fill the following positions atm:

- Dedicated gameplay tester (demo oriented player).

- Graphics guy (title pic, intermission pic).

- Music guy(s).

If you are interested, you can concact me via pm, email or in this thread.

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Captain Toenail said:

Nice! Another one!

Hopefully you will include some new monsters that are not evil turbo plasma marines and afrits?

Probably yes, though new monsters will not appear in the two first episodes at least.

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This is excellent news. I don't read the blog section, so I was wondering where that neat pic in the doom pics thread was from. :>

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Ah, Erik, haven't you considered allowing musicians to help with new music? My least favorite aspect on the the Scythes tends to be the music. Some of the guys, like Jimmy91, tend to look at the levels and compose in a way that's inspired by them, which tends to bring nice results.

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Well, if there is someone who is interested in doing music for this project I would be very happy. Let me know if you feel you're up to it.

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Erik said:

As soon as an episode is finished and tested it will be released. Thorough testing will assure that a released episode never needs updating after release.

Good call!

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Nixot said:

Can I be the music guy?

Mail me a sample midi. Email can be found in the txt of any of my wads.

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With Whispers of Satan nearly done. I'll definitely write some music for the third Scythe megawad for sure because its time for some original music! - I also think that Scythe 3 would be a better name from my point of view.

Would you like me to email you all my Whispers of Satan midis so you get an example of my recent MIDI based Doom songs?

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What happens if you want to create a new Scythe after this? What would you call it? Scythe Y? Scythe XX?

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I had a feeling you were ramping up for something awesome when you released the completed version of Scythe 2. This makes my week.

pcorf said:

I also think that Scythe 3 would be a better name from my point of view.

I'm guessing the reason for the X is because it's more of an episodic release thing rather than a true sequel to Scythe 2. That or it's completely arbitrary. Not sure I like it, but the maps are what matters.

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I can only hope that later maps won't be crappy HR-festivals with pointless spam monster placement. Scythe 2 last maps suffered from that much. Try putting more thought into the monster placement when you want them to place in masses. make them varied. ALSO NO BFG fests please. From both things, Scythe 2 has suffered much =P (Last maps that is)

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alterworldruler said:

I can only hope that later maps won't be crappy HR-festivals with pointless spam monster placement. Scythe 2 last maps suffered from that much. Try putting more thought into the monster placement when you want them to place in masses. make them varied. ALSO NO BFG fests please. From both things, Scythe 2 has suffered much =P (Last maps that is)

If you read my announcement you have your answers there...

The main reason for the name is because I don't want any confusion. The episodes will be referred to as Scythe X1, Scythe X2 etc.

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Great news :)
I really liked the final version of Scythe2, so I'm definitely looking forward to this.

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