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Project announcement: Scythe X

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Erik said:

If you read my announcement you have your answers there...

The main reason for the name is because I don't want any confusion. The episodes will be referred to as Scythe X1, Scythe X2 etc.

Alright you win the cake Erik, I did read announcement but i wanted to say what i didn't like in final version of Scythe 2 since i already voted for the original on idgames when it came out (the unfinished ver.). I'm really looking forward to it, man you never cease to amaze me how can you learn your mistakes so damn fast.

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Erik, before you start asking for help on your new mega-cool-and-whatnot project, make sure you have something to show first (screenshots, map downloads, etc). Keep in mind we've already seen thousands of upcoming projects that actually never got done.

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On the subject of new monsters, will the changes and additions be different in each episode? I figure that might be a good way to get more mileage out of dehacked; different episodes could replace different monsters with whatever is best suited to their theme and gameplay style. It'd keep all the episodes from being compiled into one wad, but I don't know if that's your plan at all so :P

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I will want to compile the whole thing if I ever get to 32 maps so I think that is out. I plan to really scavenge frames for maybe 3 new monsters however.

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I haven't had time to check all the music samples I have recieved yet. I will get back to you.

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If you are making new monsters, I heavily suggest monsters with relatively predictable attack patterns. Mr. X kinda forced the player to play as if he were in a deathmatch during a tactical single player mode, which was very very hard.

Preferably, I'd like to see an easy Imp-like monster that makes an early appearance and appears regularly throughout the wad. Also a monster that has more health than the Baron of Hell but less than a Cybie, and is BIG (not as tall as a cybie though). I liked Scythe 2's Afrit but the sprite being half a baron, i assumed it would have much less health. Resize a monster if you have to.

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I have 4 new monsters atm and I think I have leftover frames for one more. I have cut my least favourite monster in doom2, the spiderdemon and altered one other non-favourite monster heavily.

Edit: and yes, there is an imp-like new monster which is pretty interesting, but it will not appear before map10 or 11.

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Progress report:

maps 01-06 100% finished.
map07 95% finished.

Titlepic and intermission pic by Jimmy91, 95% finished.

3 monsters for use in episodes 3-6 finished.
1 Monster for use in episodes 5-6 finished.
Spare frames for 1 more monster right now.

No luck coordinating something yet... beginning to worry that this may become the bottleneck of the first release.


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Remember I will eventually write some MIDI files of different themes for your project.

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What's the other non-favorite monster? Please don't say Archvile.

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Pain elemental. It's not gone though, just made a little less annoying and more fitting for the theme.

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Erik said:

No luck coordinating something yet... beginning to worry that this may become the bottleneck of the first release.

I'd strongly prefer if the first episode is released with or without new music once the graphics are finished. I don't care that much about the music; I can't wait to play your maps!

P.S. Oh, and you can always pick original Doom musics the fit to hold over, as you did with Scythe (1).

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Hm, well i've been interested in Doom 1/3 because of its music.

So my question is, where can i find a good music maker/editor program? Im sure there are plenty out there but you guys got any ideas?

I'd be glad to contribute if i had something that made music **

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Krispavera said:

Good cause I'm also not a fan of the Pain Elemental.

Pain Elemental has terrible pain sound. Sounds like something from a 1982 game coming from the PC speaker. It also has the least evil/coolness factor of any enemy, despite the fact it shoots lost souls.

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I love the Arch-Viles (especially when they teleport in behind you and start bringing back the dead monsters to life) but absolutely hate Pain Elementals and those annoying Revenants!

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Erik said:

I will want to compile the whole thing if I ever get to 32 maps so I think that is out. I plan to really scavenge frames for maybe 3 new monsters however.

Will the Afrit and Evil Marine be retained?

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Looking great :) I just started playing Scythe 1 & 2 and they are amazing, i absolutlely love them, and i would be happy to test them :)
But i'm really excited for this :D

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Very glad to hear one of my very faviroute wads is getting a sequel :)

I must have been the only one who loved the evil marines in Sycthe2 - purely because I was utterly terrified of them. Everytime I caught sight of one, I'd run away and quickly save my game.

I think the only trouble I ever had with Scythe2 was the difficulty of what was awaiting me at the top of the lift towards the end of Map15. My computer screen took a lot of verbal abuse from me, just from that one room. :S Maybe I was just doing that one the hard way, though...

Also, were the last few levels (just released recently in the final version of Scythe2) easier than a lot of the maps that came before them? I remember struggling through the later levels in Scythe2, but I didn't have much trouble beating the new maps.

Still, I can't wait to see what you come up with. I'm particulary looking forward to whatever new monsters you throw in - I loved the evil marines and the ifrit, because they (especially the marine) were very hard to treat like a lot of the regular demons, in terms of strafing, and attacking and so on.

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No huge slaughterfests? Thank god, thats what killed my interest in ever playing Scythe 2 seriously. I find no fun in a pile of cell packs, rockets, whatever, and a screenfull of monsters to wade through. To me it made the amazingly great map detail almost pointless.

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