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I'm just curious about how much you guys keep up with new games. So heres the question:

What is your most recent game (as in date it was made, not when you bought it)?

And re-releases (such as Collector's Doom) don't really count.

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Personaly, my 3 most recent games are the Sims, Icewind Dale, and Diablo II. Nothing thats really technicaly advanced. Heh. I guess Unreal Tournament is the most advanced game I have, but it came out in 99, while the other 3 came out in 2000.

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Hmm... I would have to say RtCW (which I can't play), followed by Black and White (which I don't play), then Undying (which I lost), then Alice (which I mastered). The most recent game I still play is easily Half-Life... or rather it's mods.

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The last game I bought?

Heretic 2, back when it first came out. Like all the other games I'd bought in the previous 2 years (starting with Quake 2), I played it once and put it on the shelf.

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The most recent game I bought was C&C: Yuri's Revenge for Red Alert 2. (Expansions are getting better and better these days; gone are the days of a few poor maps and a spider/scorpion clone.) Before that, Anachronox was the most recent (tragically underrated, horrendously buggy, very, very funny, great over-all).

I just don't buy games that quickly. Doom had been out for about two years by the time I actually bought it.

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Diablo II + expansion (decent buy, wasted a lot of time with this)
Icewind Dale (sucky sucky...)
BGII (Worst buy ever, this is sucky beyond imagination)
Half-Life generations, HL + opposing force + counter strike
(pretty good buy, Cs is quite fun on a lan)

FFVIII (great game, zero replay value though)
FFIX (great game)
Resident Evil - Nemesis (decent buy, fun for a while)

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btw, this post cant be seen on the active threads part. maybe because of the <> thing


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My newest games would be RtCW, Diablo 2 exp and Diablo 2

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Active threads? Never noticed that till now.

Oh, that's what he's talking about.

Yeah it's not surprising, seems like "new topic" and "post reply" are the only things that don't have explicit bugs in this forum software.

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There's a lot of shit out there. I walk into EB and I'm just not aroused any more. I need to be convinced to buy something off the shelf if I haven't played it at a mates or shareware

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Max Payne is my latest purchase of new games. I've been getting classics like Raptor, Omf, Jazz J, tyrian though.

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Omf?, sweet! That brings back some memories...

Maybe that thread not so long ago?

can't recall. Must've been during my carribean mission.

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