sleepy_boy Posted January 6, 2002 What was the first game you owned that came on more than one cd? Mine was Riven, followed by Rebel Assault 2 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted January 6, 2002 Final Fantasy VII for Playstationsame here. Loved that fucking game. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted January 10, 2002 Mine would be both Total Annihilation and Lands of Lore:Guardians of Destiny (THIS GAME SUX!). But I was borrowing the two, for about a year or two. THe first multi-cd game I got for myself would be Planescape:Torment, followed closely by Balder's Gate. 0 Share this post Link to post
SaGa Posted January 21, 2002 Starocean 2 for playstation, I whould of said ffviii but i didnt get that till later that day. basicly i only own 1 computer multi-disc game and thats descent freespace 2 0 Share this post Link to post
sleepy_boy Posted January 21, 2002 the problem with riven was that it takes 5 goddamn hours to play, without cheats. I did it once, on one oof my insomniatic rampages. why do you think i'm called sleepy? 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted January 21, 2002 why do you think i'm called sleepy? Oh, I always thought it was because of all the tranquilizers we've been slipping you. oh wait...OOPS! 0 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted January 21, 2002 Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Sega Saturn. The game is legendary, I still love it :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted January 21, 2002 What's so special about a game on more than one CD? 0 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted January 21, 2002 Nothing. Unless it's Panzer Saga.... /me spooges I'm a sad, retrocentric bigot, I know. So sue me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted January 23, 2002 Balders gate had a ton of CDs, and it was good. I never beat it out of sheer tedium, but hey, its fun while you last. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted January 23, 2002 Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Sega Saturn. The game is legendary, I still love it :)Heh, I played that at my cousin's house when it was new. I loved it. I still gotta play it again, that was years and years ago.under a killing moon, maybe.Heh, you played that too? I thought the guy down the street from me was the only person who knew of it's existence, much less enjoyed it :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted January 23, 2002 command and conquer.the game contain in two cds,coz they separate the GDI and NOD campaign (and cut-scene movie) out in each cd. 0 Share this post Link to post
sleepy_boy Posted January 23, 2002 Does anyone remember Siarra's "Phantasmorgia"? That was the first game I ever remember having more than 1 cd to play. I think it had 7. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted January 23, 2002 Does anyone remember Siarra's "Phantasmorgia"? That was the first game I ever remember having more than 1 cd to play. I think it had 7.I've heard about it. I remember it was one of the few early "adult"-rated games to not get banned. I haven't played it myself. I remember there was this one Sega CD game that caused a big stink and then got banned. i forget what is was called, tho... "Night Stalker" are something along that line. 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted January 23, 2002 I remember it was one of the few early "adult"-rated games to not get banned. really?i remember that it was horror adventure game(kinda like Gabriel knight,7th guest)it was only M rated.and the developer was sierra. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted January 23, 2002 Does anyone remember Siarra's "Phantasmorgia"? That was the first game I ever remember having more than 1 cd to play. I think it had 7.I always wanted to play Phantasmagoria, never got around to it though (woulda been a pain to sneak that into the house back then).I remember there was this one Sega CD game that caused a big stink and then got banned. i forget what is was called, tho... "Night Stalker" are something along that line.Night Trap, and that one I played almost every weekend for at least a year. Dunno what I found so entertaining about it. Then it got banned. Then they re-released it for 32X with 32k colors (instead of 256), way bigger screen area, etc. and now I'm still trying to find it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted January 24, 2002 Does anyone remember Siarra's "Phantasmorgia"? That was the first game I ever remember having more than 1 cd to play. I think it had 7. that's a lot for a game so old. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted January 24, 2002 Bah, I've never in my entire life owned a double-CD game. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted January 24, 2002 Bah, I've never in my entire life owned a double-CD game. ????? I must have, like, 20 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted January 24, 2002 Then, I don't buy any games. I hate games, they piss me off because they're so bad. I only play demo versions the few hours it takes me to get bored of them, then I do something else. 0 Share this post Link to post
sleepy_boy Posted January 24, 2002 Then, I don't buy any games. I hate games, they piss me off because they're so bad. I only play demo versions the few hours it takes me to get bored of them, then I do something else. Fredrik, this means you only have the doom1.wad shareware version, am I correct? 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted January 24, 2002 Does anyone remember Siarra's "Phantasmorgia"? That was the first game I ever remember having more than 1 cd to play. I think it had 7.that's a lot for a game so old.I've noticed that a lot of older games aren't terribly efficient with their CD space. I mean, I just installed MDK (I bought it cheap at Fred Meyer) and the "full install" option was just 150 megs. That's, what, 500 megs of space gone to waste on that CD? That's typical, too. 0 Share this post Link to post
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