printz Posted August 15, 2009 I'm copying the contents of EDITREF.HTML 1.90 (the latest EE documentation) to the wiki ( I am going to write a headpage for each "Part", which branches off to each of its "Sections". I really like how BOOMREF/EDITREF is written, and I'd like to make it appear on the Net. And since it's old, after I finish copying it, someone else with deeper knowledge would have to update it with the new stuff. Then, it will have to be linked to from the wiki startpage. Anyway, is this a good or bad idea? So if it's a bad idea I know to stop and not clog the wiki. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
printz Posted August 15, 2009 Yeah but people rarely edit the youfailit wiki, but others lead the mappers there anyway. Oh fine then. Ok, there it is: It's not my writing, and it belongs to version before Simorgh. It's taken from that editref.html until (excluding) "detailed generalized specification". I only added data to the Portal linedef types, by linking to the already existing Linked portals. Most of the pages lack much of the possible important hyperlinks, but I formatted them. I may have to learn some more wiki formatting probably. Some of the data may have to be updated to Nekhbet level. Thankfully, nothing yet links to my created article. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
printz Posted August 15, 2009 Ok, I added most of EDITREF, except ExtraData (which has its own document) and Detailed generalized (which either is time-based -- we see there about BOOM and DETH --, repeated or too techy). Here's the finality. Master, add a link to it from the main page :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
esselfortium Posted August 15, 2009 Cool! Some of that stuff could probably be eventually rewritten into a more tutorial-esque form, but having it moved onto the wiki is a good starting point. Thanks, printz :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted August 17, 2009 Careful when documenting codepointers. Something like RemovePod originates straight from Heretic, so it's not "new to Eternity". Here's the list of Heretic codepointers (some are shared with Doom):AccTeleGlitter AddPlayerCorpse AddPlayerRain BeakAttackPL1 BeakAttackPL2 BeakRaise BeakReady BeastAttack BeastPuff BlueSpark BoltSpark BossDeath Chase CheckBurnGone CheckSkullDone CheckSkullFloor ChicAttack ChicChase ChicLook ChicPain ClinkAttack ContMobjSound DeathBallImpact DripBlood ESound Explode FaceTarget Feathers FireBlasterPL1 FireBlasterPL2 FireCrossbowPL1 FireCrossbowPL2 FireGoldWandPL1 FireGoldWandPL2 FireMacePL1 FireMacePL2 FirePhoenixPL1 FirePhoenixPL2 FireSkullRodPL1 FireSkullRodPL2 FlameEnd FlameSnd FloatPuff FreeTargMobj GauntletAttack GenWizard GhostOff HeadAttack HeadFireGrow HeadIceImpact HideInCeiling HideThing ImpDeath ImpExplode ImpMeAttack ImpMsAttack ImpMsAttack2 ImpXDeath1 ImpXDeath2 InitKeyGizmo InitPhoenixPL2 KnightAttack Light0 Look Lower MaceBallImpact MaceBallImpact2 MacePL1Check MakePod MinotaurAtk1 MinotaurAtk2 MinotaurAtk3 MinotaurCharge MinotaurDecide MntrFloorFire MummyAttack MummyAttack2 MummyFX1Seek MummySoul NoBlocking Pain PhoenixPuff PodPain RainImpact Raise ReFire RemovePod RestoreArtifact RestoreSpecialThing1 RestoreSpecialThing2 Scream ShutdownPhoenixPL2 SkullPop SkullRodPL2Seek SkullRodStorm SnakeAttack SnakeAttack2 Sor1Chase Sor1Pain Sor2DthInit Sor2DthLoop SorcererRise SorDBon SorDExp SorDSph SorRise SorSightSnd SorZap SpawnRippers SpawnTeleGlitter SpawnTeleGlitter2 Srcr1Attack Srcr2Attack Srcr2Decide StaffAttackPL1 StaffAttackPL2 UnHideThing VolcanoBlast VolcanoSet VolcBallImpact WeaponReady WhirlwindSeek WizAtk1 WizAtk2 WizAtk3 And the Hexen codepointers (some are shared with Doom and/or Heretic):AddPlayerCorpse BatMove BatSpawn BatSpawnInit BellReset1 BellReset2 BishopAttack BishopAttack2 BishopChase BishopDecide BishopDoBlur BishopMissileSeek BishopMissileWeave BishopPainBlur BishopPuff BishopSpawnBlur BounceCheck BridgeInit BridgeOrbit CentaurAttack CentaurAttack2 CentaurDefend CentaurDropStuff CFlameAttack CFlameMissile CFlamePuff CFlameRotate Chase CheckBurnGone CheckFloor CheckSkullDone CheckSkullFloor CheckTeleRing CheckThrowBomb CHolyAttack CHolyAttack2 CHolyCheckScream CHolyPalette CHolySeek CHolySpawnPuff CHolyTail ClassBossHealth ClericAttack CMaceAttack ContMobjSound CorpseBloodDrip CorpseExplode CStaffAttack CStaffCheck CStaffCheckBlink CStaffInitBlink CStaffMissileSlither DelayGib Demon2Death DemonAttack1 DemonAttack2 DemonDeath DragonAttack DragonCheckCrash DragonFlap DragonFlight DragonFX2 DragonInitFlight DragonPain DropMace ESound EttinAttack Explode FaceTarget FastChase FAxeAttack FHammerAttack FHammerThrow FighterAttack FireConePL1 FiredAttack FiredChase FiredRocks FiredSplotch FlameCheck FloatGib FogMove FogSpawn FPunchAttack FreeTargMobj FreezeDeath FreezeDeathChunks FSwordAttack FSwordFlames HideThing IceCheckHeadDone IceGuyAttack IceGuyChase IceGuyDie IceGuyLook IceGuyMissileExplode IceGuyMissilePuff IceSetTics KBolt KBoltRaise KoraxBonePop KoraxChase KoraxCommand KoraxDecide KoraxMissile KoraxStep KoraxStep2 KSpiritRoam LastZap LeafCheck LeafSpawn LeafThrust Light0 LightningClip LightningReady LightningRemove LightningZap Look Lower MageAttack MinotaurAtk1 MinotaurAtk2 MinotaurAtk3 MinotaurCharge MinotaurChase MinotaurDecide MinotaurFade0 MinotaurFade1 MinotaurFade2 MinotaurLook MinotaurRoam MLightningAttack MntrFloorFire MStaffAttack MStaffPalette MStaffTrack MStaffWeave MWandAttack NoBlocking NoGravity Pain PigAttack PigChase PigLook PigPain PoisonBagCheck PoisonBagDamage PoisonBagInit PoisonShroom PotteryCheck PotteryChooseBit PotteryExplode Quake QueueCorpse Raise ReFire RestoreArtifact RestoreSpecialThing1 RestoreSpecialThing2 Scream SerpentBirthScream SerpentChase SerpentCheckForAttack SerpentChooseAttack SerpentDiveSound SerpentHeadCheck SerpentHeadPop SerpentHide SerpentHumpDecide SerpentLowerHump SerpentMeleeAttack SerpentMissileAttack SerpentRaiseHump SerpentSpawnGibs SerpentUnHide SerpentWalk SetAltShadow SetReflective SetShootable ShedShard SinkGib SkullPop SmBounce SmokePuffExit SnoutAttack SoAExplode SorcBallOrbit SorcBallPop SorcBossAttack SorcererBishopEntry SorcFX1Seek SorcFX2Orbit SorcFX2Split SorcFX4Check SorcSpinBalls SpawnBishop SpawnFizzle SpeedBalls SpeedFade Summon TeloSpawnA TeloSpawnB TeloSpawnC TeloSpawnD ThrustBlock ThrustImpale ThrustInitDn ThrustInitUp ThrustLower ThrustRaise TreeDeath UnHideThing UnSetInvulnerable UnSetReflective UnSetShootable WeaponReady WraithChase WraithFX2 WraithFX3 WraithInit WraithLook WraithMelee WraithMissile WraithRaise WraithRaiseInit ZapMimic 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
printz Posted August 19, 2009 Gez said:Careful when documenting codepointers.If you happen see any mistake, edit it. I'm not all the time on it, and merely for the sake of getting rid of (as many) red links (as possible), I copied data from the offline docs. It's already for an older version, and whoever finds that it doesn't work on their version has to just ask Strogg-on-Meth, Quasar or another informed person and do the edit. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quasar Posted August 22, 2009 The codepointer docs are horribly out of date and now blatantly incorrect on some points due to changes in implementation / bug fixes. Also, the docs referred to Heretic pointers as "New to Eternity" because Eternity grew out of a DOOM port, and DOOM didn't have Heretic codepointers. So yeah. Hexen codepointers are not implemented or supported yet. Also, not all of them have the same names or even exist at all in EE, so do not go by a list of vanilla pointers. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
printz Posted August 22, 2009 Quasar said:The codepointer docs are horribly out of date and now blatantly incorrect on some points due to changes in implementation / bug fixes.Like which? I haven't encountered big errors yet. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quasar Posted August 24, 2009 For example: Any reference to monster vs player pointers crashing if used interchangeably is now incorrect. Args for a couple of pointers, such as SpawnGlitter, have changed. Most damage range info (ie where it tells min or max damage values as plain numbers) is considered useless and should be removed, since they all fail to take the effects of DOOM's limited pseudo-RNG into account. That info is now available on the Doom wiki in a much better format anyway. Thing counters have been extended from 3 to 8 (and from 16- to 32-bit), so all functions referring to counters need to be updated. Keywords have been defined for almost all parameterized codepointers, but their method of use and available values have never been documented. And then finally, tons of pointers are missing because I never got around to documenting them. There's probably more than this. I was in the process of updating the pointer docs during the last attempt to update the documentation, so some of this stuff may be in a half-fixed state. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
printz Posted February 18, 2010 I built up the list of console commands here at the wiki, based on searching the source code by looking for CONSOLE_ strings inside it. I didn't take my time to explain all of them; I only listed them there. Use them with caution, some have helps, some have usages, but others don't do nothing if parameters are missing, while others work already without parameters. The main reason I posted this: could someone add a link to the list of console commands I linked above, at the front page? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quasar Posted February 18, 2010 printz said:I built up the list of console commands here at the wiki, based on searching the source code by looking for CONSOLE_ strings inside it. I didn't take my time to explain all of them; I only listed them there. Use them with caution, some have helps, some have usages, but others don't do nothing if parameters are missing, while others work already without parameters. The main reason I posted this: could someone add a link to the list of console commands I linked above, at the front page? Not every article on the wiki should appear on the front page. We need to start building up a solid hierarchy of categories and have the categories visible from the main page, like on other wikis such as the ZDoom wiki. Also some of the commands you listed are internal commands marked with the cf_hidden flag. Those should be removed from the list, as they are intentionally undocumented and their direct use may be highly detrimental. EDIT: * I took care of removing some of those commands. Mainly the mn_df* commands that are used internally by the deathmatch flags menu. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
printz Posted February 18, 2010 Yay for adding info on some of the commands/variables :) I think they'll also need to be regrouped in better categories. The current lousy clustering was based on their distribution in the source files, and how the CONSOLE_* macro looked like :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quasar Posted February 18, 2010 printz said:Yay for adding info on some of the commands/variables :) I think they'll also need to be regrouped in better categories. The current lousy clustering was based on their distribution in the source files, and how the CONSOLE_* macro looked like :) I reorganized it a bit, but it can definitely be tweaked further ;) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quasar Posted March 4, 2010 I have done some recent work on the wiki: cleaning up the thingtype flags, updating the command line parameters, and correcting/tweaking some stuff in the EDF frames article. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted March 4, 2010 Quasar said:Not every article on the wiki should appear on the front page. We need to start building up a solid hierarchy of categories and have the categories visible from the main page, like on other wikis such as the ZDoom wiki. Feel free to copy and adapt ZDoom wiki templates that helps doing automatic categorization such as the Special, Wad and Actor ones. Also don't underestimate the power of simple templates such as LE that allow to directly link to a List Entry with other templates like Flag or Property. Finally you may need to use simple templates such as ! and = to work around some problems in wiki syntax. The sooner these things are adopted, the less work to do; and it makes the wiki a lot more user-friendly. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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