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missing walls


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Why is it that when I run certain wads, there are always walls that never show up. It is very annoying. Is it because I'm running it wrong, or is it because of my source port (legacy). Is there any way to fix it? Here are some screenshots:


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To the best of my knowledge, it has something to do with the map itself. But that is coming from a mere player, I don't make my own maps or am familiar with the engine source.

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I've run into this as well with Legacy and I suppose it's some bug in the OpenGL renderer. Probably because the WAD format was never written with hardware rendering in mind.

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It has to do with the bsp builds I think. If you were to compile the maps in 3dbsp or whatever im sure it would fix it

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I've noticed that too, especially in OpenGL Legacy. It hasn't happened to me in any other GL port yet though. Weird.

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Learn to use BB code, n0013

You're a lazy bastard.

Yes this really looks like a bsp problem, as long that's not a wad that requires an extra texture pack.

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