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TNT 2: Devilution (Texture Pack in OP)

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Processingcontrol said:

We're planning to have all the midis in this project be original, so no tracks collected from random websites. Anyways, there's already been a ton of new midis created for this project.

music1.mid is "tier" by rammstein, music2 is "quad machine" and music7 is "descent into cerberon" from quake2, that's just what i recognized quickly.

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Btw my map is "done" and has been for some time, it just needs thing placement which should be done this week. You can have this.

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woho! if youre using Quad Machine as soundtrack then it better be a kickass map, else you waste fine whiskey

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Whoo said:

A far more spooky (albeit incomplete) present is likely in order.

That's come and gone. So what's up?

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Anti-virus blocks page as dangerous, with the usual "malicious software" claims. Have you been hacked by any chance?

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000webhost is popular for receiving DDOS attacks, but as far as I know the site isn't compromised. I downloaded it without any issues or unwanted "guests."

EDIT: Regardless, I'll upload it to MediaFire as a backup.

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imo bad idea to use readme.txt filename because 34562 other wads already use it, so people that store all wads and accompanying files in one folder will have to either sacrifice some other readme.txt or waste time renaming this one

edit: map01 broken I guess? Second teleporter (lines 497-498) doesn't lead anywhere.

edit2: here is a quick fix I made for myself to play map01, maybe people who don't know how to edit maps will find it useful.
btw incorrectly made sky horizons are worth fixing too, not cool how the trees and other stuff just float in the air. (very visible from the 2nd teleporter area, for example)

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Titlepic looks nice, not so complex and related to original one, new music is also ok, good to see new HUD. ;-)

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Aaaaarrrrrggggh! Whoo, I wish you would tell me you are doing these things. All the maps are still undergoing more testing, and have been modified over the last month or so. You posted here yourself that we were doing major playtesting, and then you jump the gun and release maps before we have even finished testing them. Megamur, Ragnor and hawkwind have worked their asses off getting these maps tested and ready, and I have been implementing all their suggestions and changes.

And as it turns out, there is still quite a bit wrong with these versions of the maps. Map 01, for example, still has VPO's, (admittedly difficult to trigger, but they are there,) other bugs, and is actually broken. The other two maps have issues of their own.

I mean, hey, just ask me. I could have told you, "Don't release these versions. They are not properly finished." Silly thing is, the testing isn't finished, but just by luck, these three maps were done testing and could have had the final versions released. I mean, come on. This exact thing happened the last time we released a demo. We had to rush to patch it twice in the next week after it was released.

Anyway, check your PM's. I have sent you a copy of the demo with the updated versions of the three maps put in. Maybe release that one.

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Yeesh, I wasn't looking to make someone rush out a buggy demo - but I think it's widely understood that this isn't a final product.

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Is that map03 or map04 in excess of 500 monsters?

Will a majority of the levels be this big?

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Aaaah screw it.

updated version of the demo.

Soz whoo, I'll actually get you all the maps once we have actually finished testing them.

Bucket said:

Yeesh, I wasn't looking to make someone rush out a buggy demo - but I think it's widely understood that this isn't a final product.

Totally agree. But that said, no need to make it buggier than it has to be. Let the people playing it find the bugs that we haven't found, rather than to be finding bugs that we have already fixed. This is especially true seeing as map 01 in the demo is actually broken. (Completely my fault, as I made some changes to the map that DeathEvocation sent me, and which the testers found and I then fixed.)

TheMionicDonut said:

Is that map03 or map04 in excess of 500 monsters?

Will a majority of the levels be this big?

Yeah you are probably right. It is a big map.

As far as the current order goes:

Demo map 01 = tnt2 map 02
Demo map 02 = tnt2 map 04
Demo map 03 = tnt2 map 13

I hope that there will be a re-ordering of some of the maps, as the demo map 02 probably should be later than tnt2 map 04, as it is pretty big, bigger I think than map 03 of the demo which is map 13 of tnt2. We will get to that once all the maps are in.

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Hey. which demo is the latest? Is it the one in the above post or the one in the first post? They seem to be different in name and size (3.4 Meg and 3.1 Meg). Cheers. :)

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The one I just posted is the correct one. Whoo will update the first post when he gets on. Thanks for the interest. :)

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...and now I feel bad for taking that week off. I haven't gotten around to Map 13 testing yet (Do I actually have that one? EDIT: Yes, I do.)

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Don't feel bad my friend. You have done awesome work. :)

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Has it been said previously that the music in MAP04 (or map02 in demo) sounds really similar to Hysteria by Muse?
overall I'm very impressed with the demo. Don't really have any complaints.
By the way, the music in the last map sounds more like an Open Season remix than a Deepest Reaches one ;)

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Jesus, map04 with 500 monsters? damn..

still pretty awesome that 3-maps demo, looking forward for the final release.

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Well, design-wise the maps are well done I guess but I gotta say they don't feel like TNT at all. Instead of Evilution's open-ended adventure maps with somewhat chaotic gameplay we get this modern "overscripted" trap-oriented linear gameplay. Not saying that it's necessarily a bad thing, just saying that the last two demos don't have any TNT style maps I think, while the 2009 demo was a lot closer to the original.

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Sorry about the bugginess of the demo guys, I thought the versions of the maps I put in the demo were tested completely.

OP has been updated with Kyka's fixes.

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I don't care what others say, it's clearly TNT vibe as much as it's possible. This is still faithful as close as TNT style can get (don't fix what's not broken) and corrected mistakes of original in continuous more of the same design. Basically it's redefined and refreshed TNT style that doesn't sucks, vastly superior over old one, you set new standard of what true TNT essence is without spoils, junk, clutter and inconsistency.

The only problem with this can be, it makes Evilution inferior with it's remastered/revisited design and gameplay formula so some people in nostalgia googles can say it doesn't feel like TNT. No matter what it's exactly looks what Evilution would be if it was made today.

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While it looks and plays good, it doesn't really play like Evilution. Evilution had crazy and non linear game play, this is the opposite. Still not a bad wad.

Something similar happens with the music, it isn't bad, but it doesn't sound like the one from Evilution.

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I have to say that I never really watched the development in this thread, only now I've downloaded the demo and I'm really impressed by it. In my opinion, the gameplay fits TNT Evilution well, I really feel it's something different than the "classic Doom" gameplay in (modern) maps. I agree with GBT3.

GBT3 said:

I don't care what others say, it's clearly TNT vibe as much as it's possible. This is still faithful as close as TNT style can get (don't fix what's not broken) and corrected mistakes of original in continuous more of the same design. Basically it's redefined and refreshed TNT style that doesn't sucks, vastly superior over old one, you set new standard of what true TNT essence is without spoils, junk, clutter and inconsistency.

The only problem with this can be, it makes Evilution inferior with it's remastered/revisited design and gameplay formula so some people in nostalgia googles can say it doesn't feel like TNT. No matter what it's exactly looks what Evilution would be if it was made today.

I personally didn't like original Evilution (didn't even complete it) for exactly those mentioned imperfections. And what I see in this demo is like Evilution spirit purified from these faults. I think it's a good approach. The only thing that matters is to satisfy players, isn't it? Why to emulate both the good and the bad of Evilution? That would satisfy only the most hardcore purists and TNT-lovers. Let's throw the bad apart and keep just the best of it - and a wider scale of players can be addressed! In my eyes, this is the right way. And from the 2 out of 3 maps I've played of this demo, I believe the creators did everything much much much more than well.

So again - great maps, you've got me interested, keep up the good work and take your time to come up with a quality result, such as these maps are!

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Keep in mind these are early maps; TNT's early maps weren't vast and full of exploring. Trust me, the maps get bigger and less linear the farther you go.

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Speaking of which - if anyone wants an original TNT track remixed/remastered, I'll have time to do a song tonight.

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