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Well, godurnit, I just can't get used to this new system. A couple hours ago, I put a post up here entitled "Ling, what have you done?!?!?!", or something like that. Now, I can't find it.
What happened to all the other posts that were put up here?

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The posts are arranged by latest reply first. So if you want one of your posts at the top again, reply to it. But you'll probably get flamed for it, so don't.

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Mmmh, at this rate I'll be 2000 by the end of the day. Anyway, there's no way to include the old system without a major rewrite.

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I guess these aren't so bad, as long as you check each thread for replies every minute.

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For Zaldron, not me. Zaldron is my prime worry at the moment. He's really going nuts on these new boards.

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Mmh, yeah, things are wild here. I wonder how much will it last. Temporary madness, I guess the forum switch is the thing in quite a while.

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It'll end when Ling checks in this afternoon and wipes 90% of these posts.

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What's the problem anyway? If we don't use the forums, this place would be as almost as dead as the DooM 3 one (at least for now).

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I was just overexaggerating. I hope nothing gets deleted. I can't see a reason for it just yet.

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Except for the fact that 90% of these posts are just bullshit and random ramblings of hopeless people with nothing better to do.

So? That's who the forums are for! It's not like there's flamewars going on yet, so far it's mostly friendly discussion, it'll calm down in a few days I think. Besides, it's the "general" forum.

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I do go there sometimes, but I got sick of reading the last 3 pages of "recent" threads before posting new ones so I stopped it, I didn't have time for it.

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Well... it's quite arguable really. I don't wanna get into it now. Ask Maonth.

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