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Don Punchatz passes away

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Donald Ivan Punchatz, a distinguished fantasy and science fiction artist who also illustrated the acclaimed Doom package art and logo, has passed away on October 22 at the age of 73 following cardiac arrest 11 days earlier. The Doom community would like to send its sincere condolences to the Punchatz family. Rest in peace Don Punchatz!

EDIT: Kotaku has an article with some more information.

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The Doom box art and logo encapsulated all that the game did - i.e. something that went beyond what a PC game meant traditionally at the time, and into the realm of creating a world people could actually be immersed in. It perfectly fitted the game.

Mr. Punchatz had a lot of talent, RIP.

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RIP. Looking at the Ultimate Doom poster it's hard to believe one person did all that. If you zoom it to actual size and look at the demon in the bottom left corner, it's actually quite frightening. The expressions on the marines' faces were done very well, too.

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The one who gave Doom a face deserves to be up there with the developers themselves. RIP

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I actually remember looking this guy up on wikipedia just because of how cool the Doom box art really was. It's a shame that he died so young. After all, 73 isn't that old anymore these days.


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This is fairly sad news, that was such a great piece of art. (Although 73 years old isn't exactly so unusal to pass away at... yes, people live longer than that, but it's still expected...)

Scuba Steve said:

Doom's box art is a testament to great video game covers. It's a goddamn lost art.

I wouldn't say it's totally lost... although generic in-game screenshots are plentiful... Borderlands comes immediately to mind for at least having creative boxart, although it's definitely not the best (and probably not the best example either, but like I said, it was the first thing to come to mind)

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That poster of Doom has been burned into my memory ever since childhood. His artwork will live on for years to come I'm sure. RIP

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RIP Don. You were such an inspiration to many, and will continue to be. I just hope that Gregor is doing alright.

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MikeRS said:

I wouldn't say it's totally lost...

Doom's Boxart could stand as a work of art in itself. "Borderlands" Couldn't. In my honest opinion, that example is pure crap.

And I sure wouldn't put it on my wall. Doom is on my wall, however, and everyone that has seen it has commented on it.

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L4D and Borderlands are pretty decent as far as covers go, I like them... but they just lack the brilliance and creativity of old game covers. Games like Doom and the other games of that era inspired the Urban Brawl boxart.

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It's not the exact logo but it's derivative of his art.

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Shame, But he will be remember for creating the best video game box art in the world. RIP Don Punchatz.

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