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FOV questions

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  1. Is there a source port that will let you go to 360 FOV? If not, would it be possible?

  2. Can you adjust the window size so that the FOV bending is more bearable? Is an equation like this
    sufficient, or is there some funky other way you're supposed to do it?

  3. Is 90 really the FOV of vanilla Doom?

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1. Not AFAIK. It's actually mathematically impossible to go to >= 180 degrees using the standard projection (you'd need something like a fish eye lens projection)

2. You could use a long thing (ie. wide) window to help with a wide angle projection, but the amount you need to increase the width increases as you go to wider angles. For a 180 degree projection, the window would need to be infinitely wide (which is why it's not possible)

3. Yes.

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I think jdoom can go to 360 degrees (because it's in OpenGL). I THINK. I remember playing around with the field of views for the first time. I remember being baffled by the really weird way the game looked when your field of view was so high. Everything looked so far away.

EDIT: I'm not sure if you can get the full 360 but I know you can get at most 270.

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kristus said:

No, but there's a Quake port by Aardappel called Panquake that lets you do it.

That's really cool. Thanks.

40oz said:

I think jdoom can go to 360 degrees (because it's in OpenGL). I THINK. I remember playing around with the field of views for the first time. I remember being baffled by the really weird way the game looked when your field of view was so high. Everything looked so far away.

Nope, goes to 179, as does ZDoom.

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A long long time ago one of EDGE's developers, Erik Sandberg, had weird fovs like 360 and 720 working in EDGE's software renderer (this may even be before we had OpenGL rendering).

So yes, it can be done, but I don't know if any released version of EDGE actually supports it.

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It's not capped in Legacy (opengl), but the effects aren't pretty if you go too high. You can go to about 160 or so without too many rendering bugs creeping in, but much higher than that and it starts looking horrible and you can see through walls you're standing next to.

Did a bit of testing (ignore the custom sky, heh):

150 FOV
160 FOV
170 FOV
180 and a bit fucked up

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how did you manage to turn exactly 90 degrees? Are there console commands for that?

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I disable vertical mouse movement, enabled the automap grid, zoooooomed in and aligned the player's arrow with the grid.

<damned MediaFire server's on the blink again>

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Another way would be to use the player's start location as the anchor point for the shot.

Load the map, take a screenshot, edit the map and change the direction of the player start, repeat.

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Akimbo doesn't explicitly mean "dual wielding." Before Blood, there's very little if any reference to the word having that meaning. Outside of some Hong Kong action flicks, that's the only place "Akimbo" means dual wielding weapons.

Traditionally I means standing with your elbows bent and hands on your hips.

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andrewj said:

If holding a weapon in two hands is called "Akimbo", what's the word for holding a weapon in all four hands?


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andrewj said:

That is not a true 360 degree panorama (as I found out after turning it into a sky texture, heh).

no, what i did was take a screenshot then turn a little bit and take another screenshot until i had enough to make a whole 360 degrees. then stitched them together with some software. i supposed if you cropped it you could make a sky? what does a sky require?

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  • 6 years later...

I tested changing the FOV with GZDoom once. I think it can do the full 360 degrees.

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