sirjuddington Posted January 12, 2002 I was just wondering beforehand if anyone would be interested in helping me out with a Doom RPG project for ZDoom. I plan on using DoomScript, but, if that is not powerful enough to do what I want, I may need some coders that can add RPG features to the ZDoom source. Also, I would need music (mod) composers, level designers, and sprite/textures artists. A little more info is over at my site: If I am not going to get the support I need, I probably won't be able to go ahead with the project, since I can't do it all on my own (I don't know programming for a start...) Anyway, if you might be interested, either reply to this post or email me! 0 Share this post Link to post
Enjay Posted January 12, 2002 I'm not in a position to help (sorry) but by way of a suggestion, If you have any of the games from the old SSI/Westwood AD&D games series - Eye of the Beholder (1,2 and 3) or the similarly engined "Dungeon Hack" XWE can read and extract most of the resources from them. Most of the sprites in the game are drawn from too few angles and have too few frames of animation to be directly transferable to Doom, but there are a number of nice graphics in there that could be useful. Obviously I dunno what your plans are, but the EOB games would make an unusual alternative to many of the often seen Heretic/Hexen type resources. Edit: Oh yeah, and after checking the XWE site, of course it supports quite a few more games for graphic extraction that might also be of use. EOB was just at the front of my mind because I have used XWE to pull out a lot of graphics from it. 0 Share this post Link to post
SaGa Posted January 13, 2002 A doom rpg, that reminds me to much of persona(i think i spelt it right) 0 Share this post Link to post
BattleCat Posted January 13, 2002 What kinda mod music ? I make Impulse Tracker mods and I'm pretty sure i can help you but I'm best at making rock/metal kinda mods 0 Share this post Link to post
sirjuddington Posted January 15, 2002 Well, I was thinking more medievil kinda stuff, if you can. (I also do metal mods better than anything else, heh) 0 Share this post Link to post
BattleCat Posted January 15, 2002 I've never tried to do medieaval mods |:-/ Well, i noticed u also do metal mods (cuz i went to ur site) but the links dont work... {:-( 0 Share this post Link to post
sirjuddington Posted January 16, 2002 Yeah I know, I haven't uploaded them, since that Geocities site is only temporary... Oh yeah, Enjay, I don't have any of those games, but do you think you could send me some gfx from them to contribute to the project? 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted January 16, 2002 Good luck with the project, you're really gonna need it son. 0 Share this post Link to post
Enjay Posted January 16, 2002 Yeah, I'll look out what I have extracted so far. I've pulled quite a bit out of EOB 1 and 2. EOB 3 (and Dungeon Hack) has stuff spread through loads of small files, so I haven't spent so much time pulling them, apart as it would be more of a pain. If you think there is likely to be anything in the EOB3 files once you have seen the other stuff, I'll start looking at it. The EOB graphics are a bit brighter and more "cartoony" than graphics in the Doom Palette usually are, but some seem to convert quite well. As I said, most enemy sprites and so on are drawn from too few angles to readily be used as replacements, but you might be able to make use of items and walls etc. Give me a day or 2 to pull something together. I'll keep the e-mail attatchments small because I know hotmail will just start rejecting things if it goes much over 1MB. 0 Share this post Link to post
sirjuddington Posted January 18, 2002 Oh yeah, there is also a section for the RPG in my forum: 0 Share this post Link to post
Vominus Posted January 29, 2002 I used to own a game about 6 years ago called Witchaven. It was an RPG in first person. If you can find anyone who has it you might be able to get some good ideas. I don't think it was ever very popular though, and it barely ran on my hardware at the time I had it, but I think we've come a long way since the days of 486's and figures like "25mhz." 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted January 29, 2002 hey slayer, you should ask pickle to compose medieval .mods (or .its), he does great quality stuff. i'm starting to re-learn tracking. i'm making a cover of carcass - black star. 0 Share this post Link to post
Vominus Posted January 30, 2002 Dude, Carcass fucking rules. Have you ever heard of Enforsaken? I'm good friends with a couple members and they do a kick ass cover of Incarnated Solvent Abuse. Check 'em out!! 0 Share this post Link to post
Not-Shotgun_Bill Posted January 31, 2002 doom rpg eh? see ya in a couple of years when you finally get sick of it and give it up 0 Share this post Link to post
sirjuddington Posted February 1, 2002 I am kinda hoping not to give up on it. Although I might if I can't get enough help. I think I'll make a 'demo' sometime if I can't get any help, and then, maybe, if people like the demo, they may want to help... Still, I have to wait for DoomScript first... 0 Share this post Link to post
BattleCat Posted February 1, 2002 Dude, Carcass fucking rules. Have you ever heard of Enforsaken? I'm good friends with a couple members and they do a kick ass cover of Incarnated Solvent Abuse. Check 'em out!! I like other stuff than Slipknot ! Defleshed, Cradle of filth, and dimmu borgir are among my favorites... 0 Share this post Link to post
Enjay Posted February 1, 2002 Just wondering if you got the EOB graphics I sent. Hmm... I seem to be one of the few people in this thread without a death and destruction type nick. Enjay toys briefly with calling himself Immolator, and then thinks better of it :-) 0 Share this post Link to post
BattleCat Posted February 5, 2002 Bigbadgangsta makes me think of some ghetto black person, not killing stuff........although ghettopeeps have a tendency to kill stuff gonna stop now otherwise i'd just write some more nonsense 0 Share this post Link to post
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