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Doom Mutator Contest results

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We held a little contest over at the ZDoom forums to see crazy mods people could come up with only using text lumps. That means no new maps, sounds, music, graphics, sprites or any of that. The contest was to see who could create the best gameplay altering mod with these limited resources.

The winner provided a good example. Any Level Invasion turns any regular Doom 2 map into an invasion of hellspawn. You get a choice of 4 classes to fend off wave after wave of spawning enemies. You can easily edit the script to customize how many waves of monsters there are, which monsters are allowed to spawn and enable a separate mode mode where only one monster spawns per wave.

View the entries here: http://cutstuff.net/blog/?page_id=1658

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I got to beta test Osiris's Shrunken World mod! The only problem with it is that you either need to use custom maps for it or enable jumping because ledges that regular doomguy could stroll up, minidoomguy can't. :(

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Also I think projectile monsters still think your head is high up in shrunken world. Its cool though and not like I could do better.

I like how cybers make the world quake in reflex.

for me:
eye gauntlet & annoyingB =
Script error, "eyegauntlet.wad:DECORATE" line 24:
Expected ')', got ','
(zdoom 2.3.1)

I played all the others which were interesting, except crazy monsters (because I think you need further scripting know-how to make the monsters appear, probably just simple 'actor replace' type stuff but I don't know how currently)

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Haha, some really creative stuff here.

In "Any Level Invasion" I got halfway through wave 6 on Map01, UV, buckshot class, before finally getting worn down.

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gggmork said:

for me:
eye gauntlet & annoyingB =
Script error, "eyegauntlet.wad:DECORATE" line 24:
Expected ')', got ','
(zdoom 2.3.1)

me too

aaglo said:

I think the "dizzy" was ridiculously... well, ridiculous :)

dizzy + MAP24 = :D

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