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Diet 32in24 Demos [-complevel 9]

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Oh no! I'm double-posting again! D: However, I recorded a whole bunch of UV speed demos today, and I wanted to post them tonight, so here you go. Some possible, but unused tricks are mentioned in the text file if you want to try them.

3d03-010.lmp - UV speed on MAP03: Ronald Reagan Memorial Mini-Hall in 0:10
3d04-037.lmp - UV speed on MAP04: Some Crappy Theatre in 0:37
3d06-029.lmp - UV speed on MAP06: Some Crappy Mall in 0:29
3d08-037.lmp - UV speed on MAP08: Theme Unknown in 0:37
3d09-026.lmp - UV speed on MAP09: A Walk in the Park in 0:26
3d10-055.lmp - UV speed on MAP10: Satanic Base in 0:55
3d12-044.lmp - UV speed on MAP12: The City of Tarnation in 0:44
3d14-014.lmp - UV speed on MAP14: The Hellevator in 0:14
3d15-104.lmp - UV speed on MAP15: Pest Control in 1:04


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Wasn't doing a whole lot just now so I did map 10 UV-fast style. Aside from the beginning and the first moments of the YK room being rather chaotic and/or tricky, this level isn't as tough as other UV-fast maps like 5 and 7.

Time for the run is 3:17. Could potentially go a few seconds lower.


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A pair of UV-fast demos from me today.

Map 11, "Tetris Revenge", in 6:35. A tricky one this is. Slow play is basically needed thanks to no signs of armor and rather cramped fighting quarters at times. Still could be ~5 seconds quicker due to a screw up at the elevator.

Map 12, "City of Tarnation", in 3:16. Not as hard as map 11, but the beginning does provide some tense moments thanks to limited health. Quite happy with this run. Don't think I'll be improving it anytime soon.


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No problem. :) Here are four more demos to fill in the remaining slots in the UV speed tables. The origins of two of the level names are described in the accompanying text file.

3d05-112.lmp - UV speed on MAP05: The Birdman of Texas in 1:12
3d07-116.lmp - UV speed on MAP07: The Barons' Hideout in 1:16
3d13-058.lmp - UV speed on MAP13: McDonald's Grease Processing Plant in 0:58
3d16-154.lmp - UV speed on MAP16: The Million Dollar Pyramid in 1:54


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Thanks. :)

Here are six more demos. Three of them are NM speed demos for levels that didn't have them, and the other three are optimizations to existing UV speed demos. Check them out.

3d03n010.lmp - NM speed on MAP03: Ronald Reagan Memorial Mini-Hall in 0:10
3d06-024.lmp - UV speed on MAP06: Some Crappy Mall in 0:24
3d08-035.lmp - UV speed on MAP08: Theme Unknown in 0:35
3d09n028.lmp - NM speed on MAP09: A Walk in the Park in 0:28
3d14n021.lmp - NM speed on MAP14: The Hellevator in 0:21
3d15-056.lmp - UV speed on MAP15: Pest Control in 0:56


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  • 1 year later...

i was tidying up some demo folders and stumbled upon this wad again. i picked a few maps i particularly liked (and later hated) and produced a few demos. they're quite decent i dare say. check the tables. :)

map03 uv-max in 1:10
map05 uv-max in 2:42
map06 uv-speed in 0:19 (ugh, that was unpleasant)
map06 uv-pacifist in 0:21
map08 uv-max in 1:49
map09 uv-speed in 0:24
map12 uv-max in 2:44


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dew said:

i was tidying up some demo folders and stumbled upon this wad again. i picked a few maps i particularly liked (and later hated) and produced a few demos. they're quite decent i dare say. check the tables. :)

map03 uv-max in 1:10
map05 uv-max in 2:42
map08 uv-max in 1:49
map12 uv-max in 2:44

Loved the maxes as always. :)

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dew said:

map03 uv-max in 1:10
map05 uv-max in 2:42
map08 uv-max in 1:49
map12 uv-max in 2:44

Qaatar said:

MAP04 UV Max in 1:07

Ridiculously, I didn't know about this must-see wad until today (after I noticed your new five maxes). When I downloaded a similarly designed wad (GothicDM) in the previous year, I thought it's a shame that such an exceptionally tasteful mapset is DM-only. But astonishing levels of "Diet 32in24" compensate for it (even though they are a little too short IMHO). I should also have a look at other wads from the 32in24 series.

So thanks for the demos, dew and Qaatar! It's indeed a non-trivial combination of highly well-done maps and fittingly high-quality maxes for them.

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