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Chainsaw Experiment.

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This makes me wonder - isn't there such a thing as Tyson episode run? Of course, "chainsaw only" is more difficult, as we can see in MAP02.

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Yes, I think so :-)


As I'm not a big Doom II fan, I tried the same thing, but with Requiem.
Reaching level 3 with only a chainsaw is not a problem, but what next?
Also, on MAP01 97% kills is maximum I think (33/34), and on MAP03 many imps are unreachable with the chainsaw.

With regular Tyson one could maybe reach MAP05-06 I think. I'll post something when it'll be worth watching.

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OK, two demos in the zip file.

In Doom II, i made it to MAP03. I pick up green armor in MAP01 at the very end, then MAP02 is played very cautiously.

I aimed for 100% kills AND secrets (unlike Tyson)


MAP  Health/Armor    K/I/S        Time
       @ exit
 1     100/100     100/ 44/100   1:53   1:53
 2      41/82      100/100/100   6:01   7:54
 3 - I had 22/78 kills when they killed me (time 0:58)
As for Requiem, 100% kills is possible on both MAP01 and MAP03.
Once I ALMOST got to the blue key at MAP03, but somehow deleted
the demo. So I submit another demo where I die a little bit earlier.
Nevermind, beating MAP03 is too difficult for me.
MAP  Health/Armor    K/I/S        Time
       @ exit
 1      23/50      100/ 30/100   2:52   2:52
 2      38/80      100/100/100   2:19   5:11
 3 - I had 59/163 kills when they killed me (time 11:17)
Conclusion: chainsaw sucks :)


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IMHO ever full-tyson movie is damn masochistic task for DoomII. Especially for keyboarders. )

Akse said:
i am making scythe episode 1 tyson movie right now.

It sounds more suitable than iwad movie. But anyway - what you will doing on m07?

Conclusion: chainsaw sucks :)

This sample baron don't think so )

upd.: gets :27 for the wad in above link. archive updated.

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