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doom's bad new flavor!

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i played an online doom game last night to find i was playing a bunch of dumbass, ass lick'n, pig fucking nazis! all of them and they had a doom site, also a nazi site. I hate nazis and i hate it more when they make doom servers and doom sites. they spoil the game and give other doomers a bad image. I see this alot with quake and half-life but this is the first time i have seen it with doom. many times when i play half-life i see a bunch of nazi logo's sprayed around which makes me angry. many times we have kicked people off of servers for doing that or even saying nazist things. I hope none of those pig fuck'n shit heads are on these doom fourms. please forgive my bad word use but i hate nazis because they killed over 6 million people

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I couldn't agree more...Doomers don't need anymore negative publicity and Cocksucker and Hairball shot up Columbine. And the Nazi's killed over 10 million. 6 million jews, 4 million gays, blacks, pols and other "non-aryans". And considering I do have European Jew blood in me, I empathise with those that suffered during the holocaust, because history has a sick way of repeating itself.

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Sure does. Hitler was praised by the Pope when he first took control and one of his major decisions was to DISARM THE PUBLIC.

If you plan on arbitrarily exterminating four or five ENTIRE ETHNICITIES of people you certainly don't want them fighting back.

That's happened a lot, actually, in this century alone. Public disarmament usually leads to disaster. Canada and Britian are two clear examples of the OPPOSITE, both of them countries is A-OK.

Be nice if we could all live fearfree lives and trust our governments but that's probably never going to happen.

Still, I'm just uncomfortable with broad-sweep plans that affect the whole country and not knowning what little underlying schemes are being plotted. There is not to reason why but to do or die, I suppose.

The two main factors above all else in the world that decide freedom are EDUCATION and the right to BEAR ARMS. Stupid people are easy to control and anyone is easy to shove around when you have all the guns and have absolutely nothing to fear.

Of course I'm not saying everyone should be issued fourteen assault rifles or anything. I don't even like citizens owning pistols. The right to do so, though, I think should remain.

The fact that you have to take a rigorous course to be able to drive a car and DON'T have to to own a gun is a little odd to me.

The thing I really fear... the education standards in the USA have been staggeringly PLUMMETING for the last !SIXTY! years. They don't teach concepts or comprehension or knowledge anymore, all they teach is to tests... just enough to pass. They just teach trivia. We're being bred into CONSUMERS, not thinkers.

60% of poor 4th graders right now CAN'T FUCKING READ. This is just pathetic.

Over ONE BILLION DOLLARS was embezzled out of the education department while Bill Clinton was in office. I'm pretty sure that these kind of activities have something to do with it.

Ever wonder why movies like Titanic scored hundreds of millions in the box office? Have you seen Tomb Raider and even asked yourself "Who the fuck came up with the idea to do THAT?!"

We're constantly getting dumber and lazier. This shit keeps up and in fifty years probably anyone could overthrow our Government because no one will give a fuck and the ones that do will be so fucking ignorant and atrophied they won't know what to do or even be able.

I should change my icon to the USA flag. How many people live in the United States of America and are PROUD of it?

Oh wait, um, Nazis are bad. There.

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And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free... and I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me... and I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today... ‘cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA...

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And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free... and I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me... and I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today... ‘cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA...


Long live the rebellion.

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Ever wonder why movies like Titanic scored hundreds of millions in the box office?

why ?

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Until the general American public should that they can actually be TRUSTED with guns, they really shouldn't have access to them.

Ask yourself this: what's more likely?

1) The US government deciding to wipe out or imprison ethnic minorities, in which case they would lose trade with the rest of the world and enter an economic depression worse than the one in the early 20th century.

2) some f**ked up weirdo going on a rampage in your city and shooting you and your friends/family while you're out shopping or whatever.

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Blasted Nazi bastards!! I hate Nazis, and that's probably why I like playing Wolfenstein and Grosse in Doom2 so much! It's so much fun to kill Nazis!

In all seriousness, I am deeply offended whenever I play an online game of Quake or Doom or whatever, and I see some low-life NB talking about killing Jews and other such ethnic groups. I hate that.

And something else I find strange: Hitler said that an Aryan was a tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed person with no physical defects. I find it ironic, then, that Hitler was a short little man, with black hair and brown eyes.

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Guest Fanatic

Yeah, Hitler helped to design the VW Beetle. He was a rather brilliant man. Just mean, very, very mean.

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The fact that its a movie that's trying to capitolize on the deaths of over 450 people just to make a few people very rich is just fucking disgusting. Let's invent a love story and ignore all the real tradgedy that happened.

Don Incognito:
In fact, if you swore in front of him you were FIRED.

When him and his wife took the cyanide capsules, though, he ordered a soldier to shoot him to end his pain while his wife was left to suffer. That doesn't sound so damn sensitive to me.

Hence classes and licensing.

1. Won't happen.

2. 99.8% of all legally obtained guns are NEVER used in a crime. Been paying attention? What about all the school knifings that have been going on in Japan lately? Fucked up people will do fucked up things any way they can.

It's a lot easier to get an illegal gun here than it is in Japan. Don't blame me, though. Blame Clinton. Felony gun prosecutions dropped over 75% on his watch. Oh yeah, he really cared about us.

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The Nazist societal ideal, much like the Socialist or Communist societal ideal, works VERY well on paper, but, just like the others, it forgets about the human element. I don't think Hitler ever considered anything other than the concept of what he was doing.

Of course, he took drugs for chronic flatulence. The drugs he took were advertised as having mental instability as a side effect, so it's totally possible that ten million people were summarily exectuted just because some little pissed-off German counted keep his ass shut.


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Of course, he took drugs for chronic flatulence. The drugs he took were advertised as having mental instability as a side effect, so it's totally possible that ten million people were summarily exectuted just because some little pissed-off German counted keep his ass shut.

So we should all stop holding back farts :)

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Has there EVER been a US president who hasn't been either corrupt or uncaring (or both as in George Bush Jnr's case)?

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None that were in office during my life.

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tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed person

True Aryan's are red haired

During the period between World War I and World War II, anti-Semitic sentiments persisted and even increased throughout the United States, in discrimination against Jews in employment, in access to residential and resort areas, and in tightened quotas on Jewish enrollment and teaching positions in colleges and universities.

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Hitler was a mean, mean, very mean, sonofab*tch, but he and his Master Plan spawned some great games in the form of Wolfenstein 3D, and the orignal side-scrolling Wolfenstein.

Did you know that his Head of Gestapo thought he was the re-incarnation of a 10th-century warrior?

Crazy man.

I'm not sure if it blond hair or red hair.
Oh well, it doesn't matter.

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A president that was NOT corrupt or uncaring? The last one we had was Reagan, to be honest. Nixon, JFK and Clinton were some real treasonous motherfuckers that sold our beautiful country short every fucking chance they got.

There's a difference between meaning well and failing, meaning well and succeeding, meaning ill and getting caught and meaning ill and getting away with it.

Some nasty shit went down during the previous Bush administration I'll admit. Some of our biggest corruption lies within our Diplomats... the Diplomat for some African country (I mean no insult, but it's in the middle and begins with a K I think :) was caught dealing cocaine and the mainstream public never heard a word of it.

When we elected Clinton his state was overall the 48th state in terms of overall goodness. Bad schools, bad justice, bad bad everything. The fucker still got elected because the American people are so easily brainwashed.

Maybe you don't want an uncaring, crotchety and cantakerous old fuck running the country but I DO.

Why? Simple.
1. He's so damn old money means nothing to him.
2. He grew up in a time when people had to work to succeed when even money wasn't enough to guarantee success.
3. He won't accept bullshit excuses.

If you ask me... the last 50 or so years of presidents has been pretty damn disappointing to me.

Bush comes from a wealthy family.

Gore's daddy owned a huge string of posh motels.

Bush grew up in a mansion.

Gore grew up in a hotel with constant room service.

Both went to war, neither of them fought for our country.

Clinton fucking ran away at the prospect of war.

We need a pissed off miser to run the country I think. Someone who will get seriously pissed off when hundres of millions of dollars just vanishes into thin air. Someone who will punish criminals the way they should be.

Politics has turned from who cares about what and what can we do to fix it to who cares about you and how much money should we throw at it to make it the problems go away.

Fuck, the period on this keyboard is almost dead. Figures.

The oil industries are making billions more then they ever have right now because of a scheme they came up with in the early 90's to stop building refineries so they couldn't keep up with the rising demand. That's a fact and it's been proven that at least four of the biggest oil industries are skullfucking our economy.

Right now I could spend 20 years minimum in prison for selling marijuana yet only 4 if I shot someone in the face. In fact, if I'm black and have millions to spend on attorneys I won't even get those 4.

Car prices are insane. Thirty years ago a brand new Volkswagon Beetle was only $2000. Now they want $28,000 for a midsize. Thirty years ago an Atari was $400 which today is the equavalent of $715. I HAVE WORKED IN CAR ASSEMBLY PLANTS. Every new contract signing requires a price cut on the parts supplied... every single fucking one. So why have prices skyrocketed?

Most people that watch the superbowl watch it for the commercials. If that doesn't speak poorly of our culture nothing does... as if it wasn't bad enough when they started pausing games for commercial airspace anyway.

They actually have to make it a law that says you shouldn't drive and be on a hand-held cell phone. Are people really that fucking ignorant?

Bah. I guess there's just too many things to get pissed off about nowadays. I'm sure I missed tons of them. Oh well.

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hitler was not really that intelligent just insane. i took a class of the holocaust and we also studied hitler. he was babied and spoiled by his mother, droped out of high school, he thought he was a great architecht and artist but failed to get into the school, gave speeches to nothing in fields as a child, dreamed of rebuilding austria, and was a bum on the streets as well infact it was said he was so dirty that the homeless shelters kicked him out. He started the nazi party with only 4 other men and 2 dollars. man this guy was nothing more than an insane loser!

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Well, you can't take over a country with four dudes and a couple of bucks... it takes great ability to swoon people and make them think the way you do. I think Hitler had a great knack for mass brainwashing. He could convince anything from anyone. I honestly believe that Clinton has the same 'skill'.

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We need a pissed off miser to run the country I think. Someone who will get seriously pissed off when hundres of millions of dollars just vanishes into thin air. Someone who will punish criminals the way they should be.

That would be me. The first thing I'd do is make stupidity a capitol offense. Reconstruct the roadways and vehicles in general. And make sure than any fucking athlete or entertainment figure making over $60,000 a year "donates" the rest to my government. And drop the prices of all Microsoft products to $39.99, and make them fix a long list of bugs I've come up with over the last 7 years. And lastly, put all those "Doom/Marilyn Manson caused Columbine" people in learning camps.

Oh yeah, I'd rearrange the music scene too.

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Someone who will punish criminals the way they should be.

That, I can't understand.
Is there someone out there who agrees with the following?

Criminals, thiefs, rapists, serialkillers, etc. are ALL sick-minded people who should NOT be put away to rot in jail, but should be treated by shrinks, institutions, etc. to make them better persons IF possible

Putting them into jails creates safety on the streets, I understand, but it DOESN'T solve the REAL problem.

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Someone who will punish criminals the way they should be.

That, I can't understand.
Is there someone out there who agrees with the following?


I think a harsh dose of Danzig 5 would work best, unless the person had totally lost their mind.

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What's up with that Danzig 5-stuff?
Are you receiving phat checks from that band to promote them on forums?

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All the punishment laws are just fucked up.

Murder bargained down to manslaughter is 7 years with parole possible after 4.

Every state line you cross with marijuana is a mandatory 10 years without parole. I can get to Chicago in an hour and a half and I cross two state lines in the process. I do it with a baggy of weed in my sock and poof, there goes ONE WHOLE FOURTH of my life.

I don't get that, especially since Clinton, Gore, and Bush Jr. have all openly admitted to smoking pot in college. Oh, I get it. It's okay to get stoned if you're super rich, right?

Why is booze legal but pot not? That makes no sense. Booze alters the mind but you're still active. Pot alters the mind but you're too sluggish and lethargic to actually get up and do anything.

People don't drive stoned. They try but as soon as they stand up they sit right the hell back down. I do anyway. =)

Our jails are crammed full of people in there just because of weed. That makes no sense whatsofuckingever.

Violent criminals should not only be locked up (FIRST offense (offence for Fod), not third) but also EXILED. Get them the hell away from everyone. An island prison is a good idea. While they're there MAKE THEIR LIVES A LIVING HELL.

Prisoners right now get cable, heat, and free food. If I were a bum I'd crack a cop over the head with a brick just for the luxuries of life I would recieve.

I'm talking hard labor, I'm talking zero amenities, and I'm talking as limited interaction with each other as possible. Make them LEARN. Don't let them ride out their sentence on their ass watching Oprah, force the fuckers to bust rocks and granite for cement. Don't let them get more than 6 hours of sleep a day.

Make them fucking pay for what they've done. And DAMN well try to solve all of their problems.

It's easier to get drugs in prison than it is on the streets and that's pretty fucked up too.

I have no fucking pity for murderers and neither did anyone else during the time of Christ. It's not immoral to execute murderers it's COMPLETELY JUST. Hang the fuckers. HANG THEM. Cheap fast and effective.

Psychotherapy and aromatherapy and cable tv and easy drugs and people just like you and an easy life... for murderers? Fuck that. Hang them and charge the family for the rope.

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First off, my point on government corrruption...I livei n Canada...you want selling down the river, here goes...Our ex-Prime Minister Brian Mulroney was involved in shitloads of scandals and even has a couple murders that are associated with his party. He also helped forge free trade...mind you, back then it was for auto...so it wasn't a bad idea...chretian made it worse by allowing Mexico and the U.S. to use OUR country as a resource tap should we find anything...I don't fuckin' think so...and what province were the BOTH from? Quebec...Now, nothing against you Quebecois, but you DID try to split the fuckin' country thank you very much...we also have the tainted blood scandal, which my own step-father was affected by (He now has hepatitis C thanks to a bunch of cover-ups, which are now being uncovered), and our police force is probably more corrupt than most period. I would even honestly compare them, in some cases like Toronto's, to the Gestapo.

Now, in regards to the Nazi stuff, I've said my piece, already...however, we also studied Hitler in grade 9 and 10 Canadian History, and 12 World History (I took Ancient HIstory in Grade 11), and Hitler was considered to be a very intelligent man, but he could neither read nor write. That's very contradictory. What he was was a political genius...but he was not intelligent, he's what my dad would refer to as being smart - an evaluation of how one uses their own abilities. and Hitler used his to his full potential. But he was not a military genius (He had Rommel for that), nor a literary one (I haven't read Mein Kampf, but I know the editing took a VERY long time...Oh, I don't intend to either, although probably I should for enlightenment; and then burn it for personal enjoyment...the only book I'd ever burn...).

And in regards to solving crimes, I think we should do what the Arabic Muslems do. Rapists are castrated, thieves lose a hand, and murders lose thier life...and treasonists should be drawn and quartered. Actually, I'm just kidding. In this society, it wouldn't work because we're too desensitised. What I think we should do is send them to an island and let them fend for themselves...maybe somewhere in the pacific with cannibals and poisonous snake-infested jungles and waters infested with great whites...yeah, that'd work.

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The original purpose of the criminal system WAS to reform the criminals, hopefully releasing them back into society as helpful, useful citizens. Unfortunately, massive sloth and apathy on the part of state has turned the prisons that AREN'T freaking four-star hotels into dirty, disgusting, pound-me-in-the-ass boxes where crime is bred, not remedied.

There are some criminals who SHOULD be institutionalized, I think. I think that juvenile offenders should be punished this way (I went to counseling for close to six years, and I would DEFINITELY call it punishment).

Call me sentimental, but the death penalty used to be effective in deterring criminals. Now, any old fucker can get off by appealing until his ass sticks to the chair. I definitely agree with the "one-appeal" approach (in that, as soon as someone is given the death penalty, they are granted an appeal), just to try and ferret out some of the rampant corruption at work in the legal system.

When you punish one offense consistently (the same punishment for the same crime), then people start to unconsciously equate the two (i.e. serial killing = capital punishment). That's not enough for some of the REALLY sick fucks, but it's enough to dissuade some of the less determined criminals.

Barring that, electrified knitting needles applied directly to the groinal area have been proven to decrease criminal offenses by 100% for the following week.


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