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a small problem [Chocolate Doom, fixed]


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Ok so I got doom ultimate, 2, final doom, and the master levels for doom 2. Now I got all those up and running using chocolate doom, and got the config how I wanted it, but I also ran into a snag. I wanted to put them all on a cd to play them from that, so i used the command -cdrom so that it would save to c:\doomdata; however as soon as I try to save now the game just locks up and does nothing. I do not know why this is anyone else got any insight as to why this is happening? Oh and I also tried using -config -cdrom, but still didnt work. Any help is appreciated :)

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Yes, it's a shame to waste a fraction of a percent of your hard-drive space on storing the IWADS in a place where it makes sense.

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Wow thanks that helped a ton -_-. I mean what did you accomplish wiht that post,seriously? I have my reasons for what I am doing I do not need you to mock my question. So if anyone else has any real advice I will be glad to hear them out.

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i assume he wants to take the disk with him to like. school, where he can't install it so instead he wants to play directly from the cd.

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If you can't directly put Doom on these computers' hard drives, what makes you think that Doom will have programmatic access to the same HDs when saving?

Maybe you could buy a USB flash drive and play on that.

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Ok I will make this clear. I want it on a cd, I am able to save it to a file location called c:\doomdata (that is if it wouldnt freeze my game). I have thought of using a flash drive, and that is my last resort, but I would like to have it work from a cd.

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If you want to run it from a CD, what exactly are you trying to save to the HDD? Just put everything you need on the CD and forget about it.

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I'm pretty sure the save function of the game is tied directly to a relative path to the exe. I doubt anything other than an executable change could change that path to something you are suggesting.

Really, a flash drive would be the optimal option, and honestly I can't fathom a reason you'd think CD would be the better option anyway, unless access to USB ports is a problem...

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The reason I am using a cd is that they are pretty old school, and they would prefer it in a cd (as dumb as that sounds I am trying to make it happen for them). I really dont understand that, as it says on several sites (such as http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Command_line_arguments the port I am using) that, and I qoute,

Save configuration data and savegames in c:\doomdata, allowing play from CD. (windows only)"
It does save the configuration there, but in-game saves just freeze the game which is odd to me.

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That sounds really like something you should ask in a Chocolate Doom specific support area. I don't know if they have their own forums, or what, but I'm sure there's some way to ask directly about things like that.

And by the way, truly old-school would use 3.5" floppies. ;)

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Fraggle (Chocolate Doom's coder) hangs around these forums, but would be more likely to notice this thread if it was in the "Source Ports" forum and had "Chocolate Doom" in the title.

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Just for reference, you can fix the crash by creating the c:\doomdata\savegames directory. It has been fixed in SVN already and the fix will be in the next release.

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