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Best Boss Battle (ever)?

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Well, we've had a poll about the best boss battle in Doom, but how about the best boss battle out of all games. Most tend to be rather... anti-climactic, but there have to be some that stick out in your memory. Let's hear what you liked best.

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The one I always remember the most was the first time I played Tower of Babel E2M8 and just died time after time.I honestly thought there was something wrong with the game!
And then the first time I played Icon of Sin, man I thought I was trippin'.Even now these are difficult to beat (pun intended).

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Serious Sam, when the big guy chases you to the pyramid. The space part was boring.

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Sonic The Hedgehog 2 for the GameGear. The very first boss thing which looked like a pair of scissors with eyes. It tried to snap you whilst Dr. Robotnik sent metal balls crashing down which killed you unless you ducked/jumped out of the way. But the balls fell down the slope and damaged his scissor-boss, DUH.

But it scared me shitless, was awesome compared with the other lame bosses incuding the shitty Silver Sonic and Robotnik himself, and looked kind of insane. Perfect.

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FF7 - the weapon you need the submarine to attack. That was most likely the hardest and most satisfieing fight in a game.

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Bowser in Mario 64. THe whole spinning thing was fun. It wasn't hard, but it was fun. And the last bowser level was cool, what with the floor sections falling out and all.

Despairil from Heretic was pretty cool. He was a bitch to kill, but his voice was awesome, his death animation kicked ass, and when he comes in riding the demon-thing, its pretty cool.

The bosses on Diablo II are all very cool, especialy their voices and such, but they tend to either be excruciatingly hard or very easy depending on your class.

Most bosses are a dissapointment, the low part of the game. The Nihilanth in Half Life. Shub-Niggurath in Quake. Both very dissapointing.

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Final Fantasy 3/6: Kefka. 'Nuff said.

Actually, I take that back. Chrono Trigger, the last battle against Lavos.

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The one in The Lost Vikings.


It sure rocked, and the last two levels in the second game were no worse.

I'll be repetitive and praise DOOM2D again, but I thought that the last level was damn hard, although the robot itself was easier that what was before it.

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The one in 'Secret Of Mana',not necessarily the best, but it took hours!


Uhm, IIRC he went down pretty quickly if you actually used the mana magic on the main guy and charged his sword to level 8.

FF7's emerald weapon surely was the second best boss ever.

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Magus in Chrono Trigger. The song was awesome.


I liked the theme from the lavos fight (when he's in his final form) better.

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Let me also add that I had lots of fun beating Kintaro in MK2. In all MK series, he's the most fun boss to play, because he is tough, quick and requires you to keep your concetration all the way through the battle, and unlike some other bosses, (Shao Kahn, for example) there is no cheap trick that works against him.

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Kefka(FF6)-his final form is quite cool and he is really evil!!!
Omega Weapon(FF8)-its ultimate attack animation looks unbelievable
metal gear solid bosses-i like most of the bosses in this game.each of them has unique personality,and it makes all boss more interesting .i like the helicopter boss the most.

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Let me also add that I had lots of fun beating Kintaro in MK2. In all MK series, he's the most fun boss to play, because he is tough, quick and requires you to keep your concetration all the way through the battle, and unlike some other bosses, (Shao Kahn, for example) there is no cheap trick that works against him.


Oh yes there is. Get him in a corner and repeatedly hit High Punch. You'll kill him by chip damage unless he tries to hit you, wich in that case you'll waste him pretty quick. This works with characters with a somewhat rapid close HP attack like Shang Tsung, and it's terribly hard to accomplish with Baraka.

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Let me also add that I had lots of fun beating Kintaro in MK2. In all MK series, he's the most fun boss to play, because he is tough, quick and requires you to keep your concetration all the way through the battle, and unlike some other bosses, (Shao Kahn, for example) there is no cheap trick that works against him.


Oh yes there is. Get him in a corner and repeatedly hit High Punch. You'll kill him by chip damage unless he tries to hit you, wich in that case you'll waste him pretty quick. This works with characters with a somewhat rapid close HP attack like Shang Tsung, and it's terribly hard to accomplish with Baraka.


If it works for you, consider yourself lucky. But as you said, it only works well with certain characters, and which is also important, it's not easy to corner him.

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Oh I just retreat to the end of the level, wait for him to grab me, and that's where magic occurs. He tends to salute the crowd after that :)

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Oh I just retreat to the end of the level, wait for him to grab me, and that's where magic occurs. He tends to salute the crowd after that :)


Fine, have it your way.

I'm actually gonna try this. Not now, cause MK2 doesn't run well under Windows.

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I really liked the fight against D'Sparil in Heretic. Simply awesome. I think it's cool how he summons all those evil Mages to fight for him. First time I played against him, he killed me in 44 seconds flat.
When I first beat-that was really cool. He dropped his trident/whatever thingy and electrocuted by it! I laughed when I saw that. I thought, "Vengeance is mine!"

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I really liked the fight against D'Sparil in Heretic. Simply awesome. I think it's cool how he summons all those evil Mages to fight for him.


When he's low on health, that's all he does.

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