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No Skulltag weapons when IDFA is entered

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There are three ways, choose your favorite:

1. Don't use Skulltag.
2. Edit skulltag.pk3 to add the CHEATNOTWEAPON to them.
3. Edit skulltag_data.pk3 to remove these weapons' sprites.

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Gez said:

There are three ways, choose your favorite:

1. Don't use Skulltag.
2. Edit skulltag.pk3 to add the CHEATNOTWEAPON to them.
3. Edit skulltag_data.pk3 to remove these weapons' sprites.

4. Edit the source co... oh wait. Nevermind.

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Thanks, should have known that one :\

EDIT: I modified the Pk3 and got this message:

Script error, "skulltag.pk3:LANGUAGE" line 1:
Found a string without a language specified.

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I'd say a console alias would be easier.
alias ImAcheater "give shotgun; give supershotgun; give chaingun; give rocketlauncher; give plasmarifle; give bfg9000; give ammo; give keys; summon impse"

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