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Pondering what people want for DOOM 4 (weapons, monsters, gameplay, modernizing)


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kristus said:

Maybe it is. I thought it was the same or a similar shotgun to what the Terminator had in T2 when he was riding the MC.

That's the shotgun I was referring to earlier, a lever-load shotgun that could be used one-handed (the same model I ripped).

But IDK if Doom 4 would be bashed for including dual-wieldery. Would people see it as too gimmicky, or as a cool addition if they could waste demons with a chaingun and a shotgun at the same time?

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I wouldn't like duel weild weapons unless it was dual pistols, because that's universally cool.

What about this... Doom with a cover system? Plenty of games have a cover system now, where most of the time, it is one shot and you're dead. Although, I think of Halo ODST vs Halo. People much prefered having a good amount of hits until death like in the original Halo games.

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Epic battles. I want Call of Doom, seriously. CoD had really fast-paced gameplay for a game that shot for realism - and hordes of enemies, none of this sissy one-on-one. I want to see a platoon of marines against hundreds of demons. Screw graphix

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geo said:

I wouldn't like duel weild weapons unless it was dual pistols, because that's universally cool.

What about this... Doom with a cover system? Plenty of games have a cover system now, where most of the time, it is one shot and you're dead. Although, I think of Halo ODST vs Halo. People much prefered having a good amount of hits until death like in the original Halo games.

Halo sucks

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I have never played Halo, but their space marine looks a lot like Doom's space marine. I thought it was a spin off series at first.

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geo said:

I heard somewhere the original chaingun / gattling gun was made by General Electric.

So I am gathering from this conversation... people want DOOM IV to be more like DOOM I, if not exactly the same with better graphics. However, involve modern weapons that are not gimmicky and include a grenade launcher.

Yes, the M134 Minigun was made by General Electric and used to good effect in Vietnam. But it needs 4 car batteries to power it. You are not going to be able to carry that around in a game. It uses 48 volts @ 130 Amperes to power the electric motor that spins the barrels.

A AA12 shotgun would be good in Doom4.

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geo said:

I heard somewhere the original chaingun / gattling gun was made by General Electric.

The original Gatling (one t) gun was made, surprisingly enough, by a certain Mr. Gatling. He was not an employee of General Electric, he created his own business, the Gatling Gun Company, in 1862, thirty years before GE was even formed. The GGC was bought by Colt in 1897.

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I would like Doomguy to have a push-cart, maybe with a trained imp or zombie pushing it, for all the guns he usually haul around...or i can settle for him being able to carry fewer guns around at one time ( for instance: flashlight and knife, one handgun or smg, one shotty or assault rifle and one BIG gun ) or at least a near realistic maximum carry weight - more weight = penalty to manuverability and stamina.

Guns wear out and jam and break.

No soulcube or über-artifacts plz.

Randomized spawnpoints with random monstertypes, for better re-playability/re-use of levels. If a suddenly needed gun is "back there somewhere" for instance.

Unlike popular opinion i would like DooM 4 to be as dark as DooM 3 and that it´s left to modders to ducttape flashlights to guns. The flashlight could be charged by plasmacells and perhaps the bulb can break, leaving one in near utter darkness untill replaced.

Perhaps it´s out of this DooMworld, but a Fallout type RPG-element would suit me just fine. Being able to customize DoomGuy to be the usual gung-ho fighter with bonusses to melee/gunplay or a sneaky bastard able to set traps and stuff...arhdunno.

Human NPCs with questionable allegiance, like soldiers ( different army factions? ), scientists, civillians...

Really i just want the immersion and suspense DooM 3 gave me. Yeah, i actually liked it!!

Good luck with that!

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Human NPCs with questionable allegiance, like soldiers ( different army factions? ), scientists, civillians...

Questionable allegiance... like people who are posessed, but not zombies, posessed people can do great things on behalf of evil. Like Batruger did.

Or factions like the church on a crusade to cleanse the Earth, a faction of scientists trying to reverse the zombie process, a faction of scientists wanting to harness Hell's technology, an army wanting the technology, a militia fighting to kill Hellians.

These would add depth and brilliance. Plus it would be a story people could get into without cut scenes.

The publisher is Bethesda. It has a higher likelyhood.

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Well, here I have to shamefully repost my MSPaint edit of that cover, to reiterate my akimbo wishes for Doom 4...

After all, wouldn't all games be better with a bit more Halo in them? ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
printz said:

I'd just like to see Doomguy on the demons' side now.

I was just thinking about this recently. Doom 3 strongly implies that everyone comes back from Hell either insane or possessed. What if the fleet brought the lone survivor back, not knowing he'd literally been through Hell, and once there, he was somehow responsible for bringing Hell to Earth?

He could even be the big bad of Doom 4, or one of them, like Sarge was in 3.

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printz said:

I'd just like to see Doomguy on the demons' side now.


The whole point of Doomguy is that he endures the worst that Hell can unleash, and is still badass enough to shrug it off and kick Hell's ass.

Ryathaen said:

I was just thinking about this recently. Doom 3 strongly implies that everyone comes back from Hell either insane or possessed.

Another thing that Doom 3 imply is that everyone on Mars had been hearing voices, and subject to anguish and depression. The Doom Guy, like Campbell and Swann, is freshly arrived, with a healthy mind that hasn't been eroded yet by long exposure to the demonic influences awakened by Betruger.

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I want magnetic mines that can stick to the ceiling, floors, walls. Gotta be metal though or it won't stick. By default the magnets are off; right click to activate, hold left to throw further than 2 feet.

Also a buzz-saw gun would be cool.

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Gez said:


To tip the scale backwards. To try making something worth playing that places the player on the other side. Because the word doom in the name wouldn't lose its sense. It may even become more evident considering what outcome a game with the player on such role would have.

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I know why the Doom guy would join the side of Hell / Mars / evil...

That way he wouldn't have to kill his way from Mars 2 Earth 2 Hell. He could infiltrate it and walk up to the Icon of Sin and double barrel him to dEth.

So what about this idea?
- Doom 4 on Earth
- DLC in Hell
- DLC on Phobos
- DLC on Mars

Fallout 3 had plenty of DLC.

I've been watching game trailers and looking at the new Aliens vs Predator and the new game feels so much like Doom 3.

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printz said:

To tip the scale backwards. To try making something worth playing that places the player on the other side. Because the word doom in the name wouldn't lose its sense. It may even become more evident considering what outcome a game with the player on such role would have.

So it'd be MW2 with demons as allies. Sounds like a terrible idea.

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DooM 4, and DooM 3 had few things what make me like DooM 2 more:

- not so much monsters on DooM 3

- The originality! Look Hell Knight at DooM 2, then DooM 3. See changes? hope you do!!!

So, i would like that the HellKnight really looks Hell knight on DooM 4 :)

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Archfile said:

- The originality! Look Hell Knight at DooM 2, then DooM 3. See changes? hope you do!!!

Weak argument. The HK in Doom 2 is a nerfed and palette-swapped Baron, while the HK in Doom 3 is its own character.

The character and object design in Doom 3 was well made; though the demons looked, on the whole, more like aliens or mutants than like "actual" demons. What was subobtimal was the level design.

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