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What's easier to believe? That everything suddenly exploded into existence or that a supreme being (god) created us? I ain't posting my opinion just yet, cause first i want to see what you all think...

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There was no beginning; time is just a product of our imagination. The universe consists in its entirety without need for any external "creator".

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What's easier to believe? That everything suddenly exploded into existence or that a supreme being (god) created us? I ain't posting my opinion just yet, cause first i want to see what you all think...


Whatever you believe is what's easier to believe. Ultimately, it doesn't matter.

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"Big bang" doesn't mean that everything suddenly exploded into existance.


then clue me in, because that's what i always thought it meant...

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I think that there was a gradual formation of everything that can be explained along scientific lines. With good enough theory and tools, you probably could document the development of everything back to the Big Bang.

One thing that strikes me as funny is that fact that science has produced such exact theories, that there are maths that can (relatively) quickly and accurately describe everything. The universe works with very exact rules. My thinking is that there has to have, at some point, been something or someone who wrote the rules of the universe...

So I believe in gradual development (big bang, evolution, and all that) with a higher power kinda guiding things along. The way the Catholic church puts it, "Evolution with direction." But that's just me.

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I think that there was a gradual formation of everything that can be explained along scientific lines. With good enough theory and tools, you probably could document the development of everything back to the Big Bang.

One thing that strikes me as funny is that fact that science has produced such exact theories, that there are maths that can (relatively) quickly and accurately describe everything. The universe works with very exact rules. My thinking is that there has to have, at some point, been something or someone who wrote the rules of the universe...

So I believe in gradual development (big bang, evolution, and all that) with a higher power kinda guiding things along. The way the Catholic church puts it, "Evolution with direction." But that's just me.


sounds reasonable enough...

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they actually did simulate how life may began, hold on let me break out my biology notebook.

Oparins Hypothesis on the Orgin of Life:
1. Todays atmosphere differs from earth's primitive atmoshphere

Primitive Atmosphere:
Mathane (CH4)
Ammonia (NH3)
H2O (water Vapor)
(the above gases naturallly leak from earth now)

2. Energy sources: Lightning, Ultra Violet Radiation (no ozone layer), heat

3. Combining primitive ATM + energy sources chemical reactions could take place producing organic compounds that could lead toward life.

Stanley Miller - tested Oprin's Hypthesis (made an aparatis with the primitive atmosphere and the primitive energy sources.

2 weeks later amino acids were produced. Later experiments produced nucleic acids capable of replication

Sidney Fox - carried Miller's experiments even further

amino acids - gentle heat - peptide chains
peptide chains - heating/cooling - droplets
droplets - acidity changes - droplets clumped together

these were called coacervates (cell like structures that show some properties of living cells).

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Dude, I'm cool with the belief that cells and organic life had their origins in natural gases and compounds, but one question...when did the first organic life begin 'thinking?' I mean, they still haven't figured out exactly how we think or feel emotions, or whatever...

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I don't know anything about feelings, but thinking is present even in single-life forms. Basicaly it's just 'gather nutrients, wiggle around, divide, wiggle around, gather nutrients, wiggle around, divide...'.

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I mean, they still haven't figured out exactly how we think or feel emotions, or whatever...


If I a 15 year old kid managed to figure out that emotions are nothing more then chemical reactions in your head then I am sure all those questions have been answered. How do i know that? Take ectacy for example, all it is is a pill with certain chemicals that realease other chemicals in your head that are responsible for feelings of happyness, love, and socialness. I'm pretty sure I could finally say I felt love thanks to it.

For some reason I didn't want to believe that concept at first because it made life seem pointless and fake, but I understand it now.

You also may ask how does the body know when to realase a certain chemical to let the body know what it should do. I think Sygmund Froyd (sp?) answered that question by saying that most of the decisions we make come from the unconcious mind (the voice that we don't hear in our head.

Again I am just 15, I didn't take psychiology yet so all this is just my little hypothesis behind life.

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What's easier to believe? That everything suddenly exploded into existence or that a supreme being (god) created us? I ain't posting my opinion just yet, cause first i want to see what you all think...


Both and none. You can't say extra-dimensional creatures are real since there aren't in this Universe, and yet you could say something wanted the Big Bang to happen. Besides, whatever happened before the Bang belongs to another Universe given the radical differences in the Physics or Forces of Nature, whatever you preffer. We'll likely never find out the origin because it's not on the canvas Science works on.

And Orion, it's Sigmund Freud.

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Not to mention he was on...what was it...heroin or something most of the time...

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Well I used to think that whatever I believed in my own head was what was really there (and I still think this is partially true) but I have come to realize, though reason, that it doesn't matter what the fuck you believe on Earth, it's what's really there ("there" being the afterlife or lack thereof) that matters whether it be some sort of God or not.

Meh. As to the Big Bang stuff, I never correctly explain how I believe to people so it is of little avail.

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Well, people, the reason i asked is that my parents brought me up Catholic and, inherently, to believe in creationism. but lately, though not sure why, i've been doing a SHIT LOAD of questioning about my beliefs. after thinking about it for awhile i realized that they were never really MY beliefs, but rather those of my parents. I guess you could call it conditioning, in that i was taught over and over to adhere to a certain set of rules and beliefs. but...i don't know. i can't bring myself to subscribe totally to evolutionism, because i have never been able to trust the theory, which, when you think about it, is nothing more than a conglomerate of multiple theories. THEORIES, as in, NEVER BEEN PROVEN...

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But theories are supported by our Science, wich is our only way to describe the Universe's mechanisms. Believing that certain phenomenon originated because of God's Will doesn't help Humanity at all. Trying to explain it with a model, a theory that at least works good enough to provide us technological advances is much better than just blindly remarking it was God's work.

For you who believe in God, yeah, it was probably his Will, but there are certain mechanics to make it happen. You want a sandwich, but it doesn't just pop in out of nowhere, you gotta make it somehow following the rules of the Universe.

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Mmm, sandwich.

I think our universe, as we define it, is just one of millions of universes, as our star is just one of millions of stars, and the glaxy is just one of milllions of galaxies...

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We are part of the multiverse, other universes that extend in all direction in the four dimensional directions of "ana" and "kata" but are too complex for our three dimensional brains to imagine.

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will I be taking this shit later on in my high school expieriance? or is this college material? Cause I fail to picture something that's not 3 dimentional (be it 2d or 4d).

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yes, how could something exist that's 2d? think about it. picturing it isn't hard but thinking of a way it's actually there is.

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yes, how could something exist that's 2d? think about it. picturing it isn't hard but thinking of a way it's actually there is.


Shady would tell you to read Flatland, by Burger. And so would I.

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bah... I don't have that much intrest in it, especially not enough to actually think of picking up a book. =]

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yes, how could something exist that's 2d? think about it. picturing it isn't hard but thinking of a way it's actually there is.


Shady would tell you to read Flatland, by Burger. And so would I.


Nah, that's just Jack, I'D tell you to read Flatland by Abbott and Sphereland by Burger.

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yes, how could something exist that's 2d? think about it. picturing it isn't hard but thinking of a way it's actually there is.


An image on a piece of paper is 2d.

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yes I have no problem picturing that, it's just that when I think about it a little deeper I know the paper has some thickness to it, and I know the led left by the pencil also have thickness to them, therefore as an object (not a drawing) the image isn't actually 2d.

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