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Just one of the random screenshots taken on Dragon Age: Origins, this is the first quest you deal with when you're the City Elf.
Pretty fun, haven't played in a while cause other games occupied.

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Mithral_Demon said:
Just one of the random screenshots taken on Dragon Age: Origins, this is the first quest you deal with when you're the City Elf.
Pretty fun, haven't played in a while cause other games occupied. [/B]

I bought the game a while ago but i have yet to get into it, like you i have other games that occupy my time. :/

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Edit: planky needs to learn to read

From Pirates of the Burning Sea. It was good fun and the only MMO I've bothered with:

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I found some ancient shots while working on my parents' old computer, the other day.

This was an attempt to make my Runescape avatar look enigmatic. Even way back then, I was trying to inject a bit of mystery and immersibility into that two-dimensional universe. Strange that it would take years longer for me to finally leave that wasteland.

Also, here's a signature image I made for a Runescape forum. None of you should have any difficulty recognizing my source material.

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Creaphis said:
Also, here's a signature image I made for a Runescape forum. None of you should have any difficulty recognizing my source material.

You vagina.

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Gez said:

Curse you, Braben, for not working on Elite IV!

Braben turned into an idiot a long time ago, about the time he started issuing C&Ds to people who made Elite-like tribute games. I love that Ian gives most of the ROMs away on his homepage, not only is it very philanthrophic but it's an awesome troll against his former friend and it truly must make David's blood boil.

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exl said:

scary abominable snowman

When I was a kid... the first time that happened, I shrieked louder than almost any other time in my life. It was the scariest thing... until I saw It, anyways.

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I got the Jedi Academy pack off steam last month, Doom_Dude, and I still need to play those. I played Outcast a long while ago and it was pretty fun.

Been playing a lot of UT3 lately for some reason. Having a lot of fun.

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Patrick said:

A little halo with some friends:

You didnt take that screenshots, that image always comes up when you google "doom" ya liar. You clearly dont have halo OR friends!

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40oz said:

You didnt take that screenshots, that image always comes up when you google "doom" ya liar. You clearly dont have halo OR friends!

Heh, the fact that you know that would indicate that you too have no friends.

I enjoy the game, but I always get trounced in MP. Hell, the computer on medium kanes me unless I have allied computers helping me.

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Nomad said:

I got the Jedi Academy pack off steam last month, Doom_Dude, and I still need to play those. I played Outcast a long while ago and it was pretty fun.

Both of those games are pretty fun IMHO.

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I wonder if someone here still plays Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. Its a fun game and the editing possibilities are endless.

Here is a mod I made with a friend some years ago. You run around as Peter Lustig, the main character of a german kids show. You have to find Paschulke (one of Peters friends in the TV show), but he`s evil, sends his demonic faces after you and shoots at you with his massive mechanical atomic penis.
Dont ask. We thought it was funny back then.

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