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printz said:

That looks like the Crypt of Decay.

I believe that is correct. Long time since I played any Quake...

Was looking through my various screenshots and found this one.

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Nomad said:

That demands an "o hai thar" caption. What is that from?

Hell ya, now that you mention that.. lol. It's from that Half-Life mod that turned into a full game dealie, which went to retail and goes by the name Gunman Chronicles. [edit] haha, I thought it would be on Steam but I don't see it on there. :P

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Nomad said:

That demands an "o hai thar" caption. What is that from?


Cheated by using lolbuilder because my Potatochop skills are not enough.

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AVP Classic 2000 was released on Steam for 5$ and it's just as scary as ever. Those alien buggers move fast. o.o

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Man oh man I should check that out! Wish I even had $5 to spare on games right now though. :(

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GTA3 (ps2) - 123 kills in a row on the Vigilante mission

Internet Hearts - least amount of points between 1st and 4th

Internet Hearts - biggest lead between 1st and 2nd

Super Mario Kart - real picture (sometimes my game bugs out and shows weird times)

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Been playing around with my new TV (40" Sharp LCD). I've been toying with a frontend for running emulators so that I can have a dedicated box set up and running for playing oldschool games on my TV. It's pretty awesome so far, and has support for a wide variety of systems/emulators.

Obviously I still have quite a bit of cable management to do still.. Looking for a good time to go back and rewire everything and bust out the cable ties.

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AgentSpork said:

I've been toying with a frontend for running emulators so that I can have a dedicated box set up and running for playing oldschool games on my TV.

I have done this before. I had just an old PC packed with emulators and fullsets, wireless keyboard + mouse and a pair of PSX controllers with adaptors. It was so much fun, especially for multiplayer SNES stuff like Mario Kart or Killer Instinct. Enjoy :)

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Taken shortly after I discovered the console command in VTM:B to modify breast sizes.
Further experimentation resulted in horrifying images I can't post because they would turn you all gay.

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DuckReconMajor said:

Got some get-that-computer-off-the-carpet management to do as well.

Pfft, like that's ever gonna happen. I've had my computer(s) sitting on the floor for years without a single problem so I don't really know what the issue is. Static? Nonexistant. Dust? Well, I dust my PC regularly so that's obviously not a problem.

In other news... Borderlands is pretty kickin' rad.

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Archvile78 said:

Game's fun mainly with friends but elemental weapons destroy the whole game if you get a good one.

It's got quite a few flaws (semi-sloppy console port, bland environments, useless skills, balancing issues to name a few), but I've found it more enjoyable than just about any other FPS I've played in the last couple years.

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Landing on the beautiful, red planet Rayingri in Mass Effect. I understand the grievances people have had with this game, but I still loved every minute of its story, gameplay, atmosphere, background, etc. Can't wait for next week.

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