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I believe.

Lord FlatHead

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"I believe in the one Carmack, the Programmer, the Almighty, maker of Keen and Wolfenstein, of all that is Quake 1, 2, and 3.

I believe in one Doom, only Son of Carmack, eternally begotten of the Carmack. God from God, light from light, code from code, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in being with the Carmack.

For us and for our salvation Doom came down from heaven; by the power of the compiler Doom was born of the Virgin Carmack and became an executable. For our sake Doom was crucified under Doomworld Trolls. Doom suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day Doom arose from the dead in fulfillment of the .plan.

Doom ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Carmack. Doom will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and Doom's kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the code, the tools, the givers of life, who proceed from the Carmack and the Doom. With the Carmack and the Doom the code is worshipped and glorified. Carmack has spoken through the code. We believe in one, holy, id Software Inc, the communion of Doomers, the forgiveness of our Masters, the resurrection of the body, and the gaming everlasting.


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LOL, i remember hearing the original version in church as a child. born of the virgin carmack...

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::laughs for a LONG time::

Flathead, my friend, you've made my day.

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Glory be to John Carmack, Kevin Cloud, and John Romero. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, DooM without end. Amen.

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You forgot Adrian.

"Glory be to John Carmack, Adrian Carmack, Kevin Cloud, and John Romero. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, DooM without end. Amen."


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Hahaha, thats fun and stupid - what is/ or who is *god* for ya? Tell me what is the mening of these word for ya?

That looks for me as pagan belif - our allmighty king will bring us rain so let us hail him in his name!!! :)

Thats so primitive dont you think so?

Ask me to construct your true DOOM belif...and i will.

Revelation 2:28

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Actually we could get enough Shackers to praise Carmack enough to foundate a new religion.

OK that sounded WAY too geeky.

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I said this before, but why would a person devout his/her entire lifetime worshipping a god that doesn't want them to even say his name? And that's besides the facts against it like evolution.

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I said this before, but why would a person devout his/her entire lifetime worshipping a god that doesn't want them to even say his name? And that's besides the facts against it like evolution.

You know, I came over to the Doom 3 topics because I wanted to get away from all that "Religion and Politics"...and this is what I get...;-)

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Ling started it, he should be DOLTED!

::Orion chuckles in satisfaction of his own joke, just as Linguica quietly enters the room grasping a fully-loaded beretta...::

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So move this thread to the Religion & Politics forum, and we can continue ranting without being offtopic :)

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Give it until the end of this first page. There may be some redemption for this thread, yet.

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Ling started it, he should be DOLTED!

Naw, actually Flathead started it by posting this thread. I must say that I don't "worship" JC, but I have a helluva lot of respect towards him.
He may be nerdy, but he's a genius and I can thank him for countless hours of fun - the fun not only being the time spent on Id's games, but the time spent on posting on these forums and doing Doom-related drawings and such.

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...and doing Doom-related drawings and such.

Where exactly can I find these?

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...and doing Doom-related drawings and such.

Where exactly can I find these?

Well, you wont find my drawings anywhere since I don't have a scanner, but you can find Doom-related drawings on Jeremy's site (I think it's www.doomgalaxy.com, but I don't remember for sure. Try looking for a thread called "more of my Doom artwork").

[edit]Jeremy's site is here[edit]

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You forgot Adrian.

And what about the apostles? eg American McGee, Jay Wilbur etc.

Ling started it. He should be DOLTed!

That would be a very powerful addition to my army.. ;)

Seriously if Ling DOLTs himself he would probably move to the top of my respected DW members list, currently the lead is shared by Zaldron and fodders a snip ahead of MACVILE_WHORE. I'm thinking of publishing my whole list, but I'd be bound to be punished... :(

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You forgot Adrian.

And what about the apostles? eg American McGee, Jay Wilbur etc.

Look, I'll worry about it once we found the new religion...

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American McGee is the strangest name ever...right up there with En Esche and Balthazar Ghetty.

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