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Why did you even bother to put Milennium on the list? My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren will be grandparents themselves by the time it's released :)

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where's the 'gasses from the sun's supernova option? ;)

Nah, Millenium. I have every faith in Lüt that it's done pretty much, he's just makeing it presentable.

And just for that you can reset my postcount to zero =)

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Nah, Millenium.


Yeah as a matter of fact it's pretty much done, you can play for hours and hours. It's just that now we're adding some cool stuff and Lüt's adding eye-candy.

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where's the 'gasses from the sun's supernova option? ;)

= Charles Manson...he will never be released...geddit?

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is he still even alive? I remember someone asking if he's free yet in school.

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is he still even alive? I remember someone asking if he's free yet in school.

Yeah...they have to transfer him from prison to prison all the time, or else he starts currupting the people around him, bending their spirits, creating mindless followers for himself.

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I might be wrong but the titlepic I drew says "Millennium". Should I change it now?

mmm i think it may need better name,unless the title name has something to do with the megawad's story.

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Just because we missed the actual Millennium doesn't mean we have to change the name :P

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Uhh... I'm not American, can someone explain what did Charles Manson do and why is he considered so evil? The stuff I've read about him on the 'net is not that exciting; really no reason to remember him after 30 years.

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Uhh... I'm not American, can someone explain what did Charles Manson do and why is he considered so evil?

Charlie Manson formed an Apocalyptic cult in the late sixties. The cult is famous for murdering the actress Sharon Tate and her unborn baby, along with a whole crapload of other victims in Hollywood, in August 1969. During his trial, he said that he got a sign that he was the Messiah from the Beatle's White Album, and he wanted to provoke a race war that would leave only himself and his culties alive. Manson is one straaange son-of-a-bitch, and has this awful evil charisma on those around him.

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