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The Flat Earth Society


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The Flat Earth Society is meeting here today,
Spinning happy little lies,
And the Bright Ship Humanis is sailing far away,
With great determination,
And no destination.
Lie lie lie! Lie lie lie! Lie lie lie!

(Flat Earth Society by Bad Religion)

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The Earth should be flat, that way, when politicians are finally proven wrong they can heard the mass population to the edge, through dollar bills over into the empty abyss of space and BINGO, the human population is exterminated. YES!!


Jack, you made that one too easy.

No, no, allow me:

Blow out the human race

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people who are HANGING DOWN, HEAD DOWNWARDS while we are standing head up?

WTF? Hahahaha...retards...


ROFL...ahahahaha! Dumbasses!

Replace the science religion...with SANITY


We maintain that what is called 'Science' today and 'scientists' consist of the same old gang of witch doctors, sorcerers, tellers of tales, the 'Priest-Entertainers' for the common people.

Bahahahaha! LMAO!

have been and are the Few, the Elite, the Elect, who use Logic Reason are Rational

LOL...yeah right!

Science is a false religion, the opium of the masses

hahaha...heh...oooh...ohhh...it hurts.

Also demonstrated Sun and Moon are about 3,000 miles away are both 32 miles across. The Planets are 'tiny.' Sun and Moon do Move, earth does NOT move, whirl, spin or gyrate.


Owowowow...stomach cramps...

Also a Fact the Spinning, Whirling, Gyrating Ball World Planet, Globe Idea is Entirely 100% now and at all times in the Past, a RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE...


the old Greek superstitution earth a spinning ball!

GHHHHHHAAAA...I can't hold it in! HAHAHAHAHA!
oooh...it...<gasp>...hurts...Jack...Jack...you...y-you...gotta...find some more of...of this crap...HAHAHAHA...this is rich....I havn't laughed so hard in...heh..well...heh...<gasp>

/me dies

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I persoanly don't at the moment, but there are mathmatical calculations, pictures from space, scientific laws and theories that support it. I'm to tired to dig them up right now.

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All of them, however, could be false, wrong, or simply non-existant. *YOU* have no proof.

The ONLY reason you believe Earth is round is because the majority of people believe that. 500 years ago you would believe Earth is flat, and you would laugh at an article that said it's round.

Never accept things without questioning.

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All right, here's the reason I believe the Earth is round.
1. Humans have seen the planet from outer space - and it sure does look round from there.

2. We all know that the Moon is round - well, humans have landed on the Moon, taken pictures, filmed the events there, and from the looks of this material, the surface of the Moon looks just about as flat as the Earth's surface - go figure.

3. There is *one* proof: We cannot see to the far corners of the Earth - we would be able to if the Earth truly WAS flat. The horizon marks were the surface rounds.

Now I come to thing of it, the Earth isn't excactly round, but shaped more like a pear (and don't forget that all those mountains n' stuff makes Earths surface too rough to actually be fully round)

Anyone who claims that "an other religion is a false religion" deserves to be hung in his/her own entrails. There are NO "false" religions!!!

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That is a stupid joke. People just can't be that retarded, no way...

at least I really hope so.

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Shit fucking fuck. We know the earth possess a curved surface since the time of the Ancient Greeks. The old fashioned "monolith's shadow at halfday in 2 different countries".

Then you have the whole concept of "Mechanics" that talk about mass centers and shit. To say the Earth is flat is like refusing our entire Physics, and I don't know you but your little computer, not to say the fucking printing machine that prints your stinky Bible works based in this very fundamental principle.

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That is a stupid joke. People just can't be that retarded, no way... at least I really hope so.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a joke, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was real either. They're a lot of mentally ill, gullible and irrational people out there. Remember that mass suicide? Where everyone thought they would be teleported up to a space ship that was hiding behind a meteor or something like that. Personally though, I think those people, if they are serious, need to be put away. Anyone that stupid should be considered dangerous.

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Oh, they're real, I've heard of them a couple of years ago.

Is that surprising? I mean, there's a fan-club for Sock's, Hillary Clinton's pet cat...

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God fucking damn, this has to be some sort of cruel joke.

*takes a look


*brain fries from utter stupidity of page

*pours coffee on the flat-earth society so that they die and don't come back no more

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Fuck, I wrote a long, detailed reply, went back a page to copy Zaldron's post, and when I went forward again, the reply disappeared.... Please don't tell me IE doesn't suck - it does, it does :\

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What the heck is wrong with you people? Don't you recognize a satirical humor site when you see it? I'll bet you think landoverbaptist.org is a serious site as well.

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500 years ago you would believe Earth is flat, and you would laugh at an article that said it's round.

Unless, of course, I was living in the Moslem lands, where they all KNEW it was round.

If the Earth were really flat, how could the sun be up in one part of the world, and already set in another part of the world? Plus, you'd be able to take a high-powered telescope, climb a mountain, and look at any country in the world with it. It doesn't work that way.

I think the sillyest argument they have is that people in Australia would be hanging upside down if the world were a globe. Its not like Antarctica is 'down' and the north pole is 'up'. In the third dimension (interesting concept), 'down' is the center of the globe, and 'up' is the outside of it. Its a little thing called gravity, people!

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500 years ago you would believe Earth is flat, and you would laugh at an article that said it's round.

Unless, of course, I was living in the Moslem lands, where they all KNEW it was round.

Yes, in Moslem countries you would believe it's round because everone believed it's round, and in European countries you'd believe it's flat because everyone believed it's flat. You're fucking pathetic.

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I actually believe that the Earth is a truncated icosahedron, something akin to a soccer ball. That would explain absolutely nothing, but I like to blindly hold to that ideal anyway.


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Yes, in Moslem countries you would believe it's round because everone believed it's round, and in European countries you'd believe it's flat because everyone believed it's flat. You're fucking pathetic.


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Ssh, he's just bitter cause IE managed to screw up his reply. BTW, you could at least tell us what was about...

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About the same thing of course - that you don't have any proof that the earth is round. (or that physics is true, etc)

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Yeah Lament is right. Maybe the sun isn't a ball either, maybe it is just a disc that is always facing us. Maybe if you dug a hole far enough into the ground, you would fall into outerspace. Maybe people that travel the friendly skies with Delta airlines aren't seeing a curved Earth, maybe the air in the airplane is contaminated with some sort of hallucinogen. And maybe the stars are little pin pricks in a dark cloak that someone put over our Universe, which is really a science experiment that belongs to some giant alien. Open your eyes everyone, the Moon probably is made of cheese.

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Fah, believe what you want. Leave and live in the forest, for all I care. Afterall the plastic on your keyboard's not made of syntethic components but baby skulls...

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Bah Zaldron, you only believe that because you were brought up in a society of demonic apeman hybrids. If you were raised by wolves you would think your keyboard was made from doggy bone chew treats and would be chewing on it right now instead of typing that blasphemous post.

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Ah, this is why DW rocks! People have the funniest discussions with some of the funniest replies, lol. I think I'll go start a new thread in this forum about something *slightly* more Doom related.

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