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The Flat Earth Society


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You are ALL wrong.

Look here.

The Earth is not flat. It is not a sphere either (ridiculous idea that). Earth is in fact a giant turtle, on whose shell trees grow and animals live.

Let me explain this further. In the beginning of time, which was 890 years ago (fuck christianity), there was only fire, which was called Inforne. From the fire rose clouds of smoke, and of the smoke the first man, Throngar, was formed. Throngar flew, for men were able to fly in these times, high up in the air where it was cold, where the flames of Inforne didn't reach.

As Throngar got cold, he started freezing and shivering. He got a bit scared, so he started crying. Tears fell onto the fire, which was extinguished. But then the evil fire demon, Gathne, got angry. Gathne threw bolts of lightning at Throngar, who just barely managed to dodge. In return, Throngar fired his crossbow at Gathne.

The chaotic war was bound to last forever as both Throngar and Gathne were immortal, but the Fairies of Swift didn't like that idea, so they created the Nine Saviours of Wealth - Nassle, Berta, Gontra, Spilty, Mendior, Winött, Gralder, Horhar and Yffulo. The nine saviours created a sacred Spell of Truth, which caught Throngar and Gathne so that they were unable to move.

On top of the fallen two, the Nine Saviours created the Turtle, and on top of the turtle they formed land. Plants grew and animals were created by the Goddess of Moon, Shirjo.

But Throngar managed to escape. The turtle got split in two, and oceans were formed in the gap. Throngar climbed up onto the turtle and started building the civilization.

There's more to it.

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Lol, this just keeps gettin' better and better!
What're we gonna hear next?
That the Earth was created from the flesh and blood of some giant?

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Basically, Throngar and Arbaldartus married and got twenty-eight children, who became the Monduholls. The Monduholls formed the cities, the wagons and the Purâ-Parû and then the flood came. They baked a cake that became snow and a cookie that became Brazil. Earth was created.

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Heh. This just shows how easy it is to make a creation myth. I could make one a day, if I wanted to.

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Heh. This just shows how easy it is to make a creation myth. I could make one a day, if I wanted to.

LOL, then one day, there'll be a religion based on your creation myth Danny - beware!

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mm, I 99.99% think the world is spherical.

It's like the shape of the countries, the only reason I leave .01% is because I myself cannot directly prove for myself that these things are true, and I never discount the possibility that I am being subject to a huge inter-galatic conspiracy.

Damn, that coff33's good.

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mm, I 99.99% think the world is spherical.

It's like the shape of the countries, the only reason I leave .01% is because I myself cannot directly prove for myself that these things are true, and I never discount the possibility that I am being subject to a huge inter-galatic conspiracy.

Yeah...I believe that nothings impossible, but there are some things that are so grossly improbable that there is basicaly no fucking chance of it ever being true.

BTW, the Earth is eliptical, not spherical...remember that, there is a difference.

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BTW, the Earth is eliptical, not spherical...remember that, there is a difference.

I've been told that it really has the shape of a pear.

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There is a poster in my math hall that asks, "What if the Earth was a hyperbolic parabaloid?"

I believe, if the Earth was a hyperbolic parabaloid, then we would be sitting in the Doomworld forums arguing back and forth at whether the world was not a hyperbolic parabaloid.

(The above was misquoted from a story my sister wrote. For those that care, a hyperbolic parabaloid is shaped like a saddle.)

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If you were raised by wolves you would think your keyboard was made from doggy bone chew treats and would be chewing on it right now instead of typing that blasphemous post.

Bah, only if he was raised by reeeeally dumb wolves... now if it were domestic dogs, now we're going somewhere. Keyboards smell too funny most of the time to be inferred as edible by anything with an IQ above a glass of water.

Oh, and the earth can be whatever shape it wants to be. I'll just be happy if nobody blows it up.

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Oh, and the earth can be whatever shape it wants to be. I'll just be happy if nobody blows it up.

That means YOU shady!

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BTW, the Earth is eliptical, not spherical...remember that, there is a difference.

I've been told that it really has the shape of a pear.

Yes. Technically speaking, the Earth has a shape of a geoid (sounds dumb, yes? sure it does). And geoid is, apparently, a pear :) They created that term specifically to describe the shape of earth.

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BTW, the Earth is eliptical, not spherical...remember that, there is a difference.

yeah, it's like 40km wider or something, isn't it? There's some experiment you can do with a pencil and a strip of paper which shows how it occured. The effect of magnetic poles 'squashed' the Earth a bit when it formed; fascinating.

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Pear? Please show me a picture for proof.

Actually, I've been waiting for such a picture for proof for years since my geography teacher told me that the Earth was the shape of a pear.
So far, I'm a firm believer of the Earth having some sort of round shape (whether elliptical, pear-shaped or just plain spherical), and people can tell me whatever they want about the Earth having a specific rounded shape (as long as they don't claim that the Earth is flat or has the shape of a box).

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Heh, so far no mentions about the supposed hole on one of the Poles, wich serves as highway to some UFO base/Ancient Civilization.

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Heh, so far no mentions about the supposed hole on one of the Poles, wich serves as highway to some UFO base/Ancient Civilization.

I live there.

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Lüt actually does live somewhere close to the south pole, under a rock, with nothing except a computer optimized for www.doomworld.com/forums.

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Lüt actually does live somewhere close to the south pole, under a rock, with nothing except a computer optimized for www.doomworld.com/forums.


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Well, you haven't heard the story about ME yet...

Well, we all know that you're Swedish. Hmmm, maybe you live somewhere in the Swedish mountains in a cave, whith only a bow and arrows (for hunting) and a computer optimized for www.doomworld.com :-)

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Well, you haven't heard the story about ME yet...

you're a swede living in a swedish cave with a computer that's optimized with the button "Join Project".

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