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Deus Vult and Deus Vult 2 demos [-complevel 9]

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Yeah that sounds right, I tend to use -longtics for longer max demos on limit-removing/Boom maps, so I probably just forgot to mention it in the .txt.

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Did a UV-Speed for Deus Vult map04 in 4:23.

Anyone who doesn't like boring parts would do well to fast forward about 2 minutes ahead after I get to the giant bloodpool where monsters will teleport in...or so you think. Gotta love staying pacifist to keep monsters from coming in.

I don't even start attacking til the last 1/4th of the run.

But that wait at the bloodpool area makes up about half the time of this run. Slow it is indeed :P.


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Made a very nice improvement to my Deus Vult map04 UV-Speed. Broke the 4 minute barrier by getting a time of 3:57.

Also including one bug demo I got during the recording session today. Think this is just a case of me getting blasted into an illusio-pit most likely.

Will send the demo to Ops now.

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Anima Zero said:

Did a UV-Speed for Deus Vult map04 in 4:23.

from dv04-423.txt:
There are two switches that can be hit after the bloodfall lowers completely. One is supposed to lower some bars that trap you in the bloodpool area, but by staying pacifist up until you get inside the bloodpool area, they will never ever rise. Weird, but hey, any speedtricks here are most welcomed :).

Okay I had to investigate this. Would you believe that it's the Keens in the secret area, accessible just before you meet the Eye, that are blocking the floor from rising? It's not that you've stayed pacifist, it's that you're in doom2 compatibility mode, and specifically, comp_floors is set. Deus Vult doesn't seem designed for pure Doom compatibility - even though it doesn't use any Boom effects, it relies on Boom's bug fixes to work as the author intended.

When the player runs through the "mouth" into the hall for the first time he trips a linedef that's meant to raise them, but this doesn't happen. The rising bar sectors are disjoint; they have another part over by the monster teleporter holding pens used to control their destination height. Doom starts checking the entire bounding box covering the sector - all 6000x3000-odd units of it - and finds, somewhere in the middle, the Keens, which are the only things in a sector low enough to "block" the rising sector.

Doom goes on checking this huge area over and over again for the rest of the game, thirty five times a second. This is why the framerate drops noticably on my system when the player first runs into the hall. Doom doesn't handle disjoint sectors very well. "ARRGGHHH!!!!", writes Lee Killough, in P_ChangeSector. "This is horrendously slow!!!"

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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...

Played some Deus Vult II (DVII-1i.wad).

Made a map01 TAS UV max in 1:03. The demo is attached to the post.
I have also got an unassisted 1:40 here, but it looks awful, so i'm not uploading it now :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Bug demo on Deus Vult map 29, it show a new sort of potential with Voodoo Dolls for mappers.
The demo work with Grazza's patterns, it explain the '666' in the filename :P
See the attachment...


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This effect is pretty well-known. It's just rare to find a map where it is both possible and useful.

You might like to take a look at these:

BTW, with the current version of the autoloading patterns, it only needs to start with "dvii" to play back with this wad.

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  • 5 months later...

Opulent said in the "Ramon Misc demos" thread:
And here is a demo in map12 of Deus Vult II in 10 seconds:
DV12-010.ZIP: UV speed in MAP12 IWAD: DOOM2.WAD PWAD: DVII-1i.wad note: It shows a bug in this map, i think.

I wouldn't call it a bug, but it certainly looks like an oversight by the mapper.

Anyway, I took a look through the wad for other instances of this, and found four. Three could be exploited, while the fourth was sitting right next to another oddity that could be exploited instead.

So here are four demos. Apologies for crappy running and for not spending very long refining these. I don't play much these days, I'm afraid.


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  • 4 months later...

They're included in the wad zip, same as the ones for DV so I guess it's just a matter of asking Andy to put them up on DSDA as well.

As for 32innail map05, looking back at dv02 and ow11 I don't think I could keep my nerves together in a 40+ minute demo (the route I've come up with would probably end up around the 45 minute mark).

Hearing FF8 music was quite motivating though :)

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  • 1 year later...

Recently I've taken up interest in the mother of all DOOM II levels otherwise known as Deus Vult, so I'm wondering,

Are there any good demos of MAP05 (the entire level) completed on UV? I'd expect it to be a couple hours long and worthy of breaking out the popcorn and Coca-Cola, so links would be appreciated. Thanks.

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No, all the demos are of levels 1-4. Recording something so gigantic and full of lethal possibilities would be rather tiring and frustrating.

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I once was going to attempt it but remember something dumb prevented max kills like infinitely tall hanging ceiling things blocking warpers or something. Maybe I was using the wrong complevel. The gameplay wasn't that great imo. As long as you memorize a route with an intial saves run it can be realistically doable, maybe even fairly safe but just like holyhell.wad or whatever its called, the sheer length increases likelihood of dying somewhere and need to play safer so you don't have to restart a jillion times (I rarely played the last chunk but remember the first ones seemed doable in one go due to memorized crowd handling strategies and block monster lines in one part if I remember).

Also watching hour+ demos can probably get boring because the file size makes prboomplus's speed up demo feature barely work.

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I am actually in the process of recording map05.

Like gggmork said, the biggest problems are the tough fights like the revenant curve in map03 and the big hall fight in map04, but there are others too.
The 20 cybers at the end of map01 can knock you off the teleporter chain and end the run as well. Happened to me a couple of times.

I might as well post my best run so far: just under 77 minutes and dying at the start of map04.

Bonus: I kill a Baron with 4 rockets at 22:10!


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A glide 54 minutes in... Wow. As someone who can't manage to glide at all, I bow down to your skills.

Quite an entertaining demo. The original DV looks bland to me now, though... I remember when I was in awe of that map (which wasn't so long ago). Aesthetically speaking, Sunder ruined Doom wads for me by being so far above anything else - and some might think it ruined my forum posting too as I keep talking about it in unrelated topics. :p

Also watching hour+ demos can probably get boring because the file size makes prboomplus's speed up demo feature barely work.

Alternating between 1x and 8x while watching z0diac's run (which is, as he mentioned, 77 minutes long) worked fine for me. Could it be an hardware issue ? I seem to recall you talked recently about using a computer that couldn't handle DB2.

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Maybe I'm thinking more like 3-4ish hours, the faster demo speeds hardly worked on a holyhell demo of that length at least if I remember.

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Deus Vult 2
UV Speed
Episode 3 in 0:57

Just some random movie I made to tide you over while I do the Demonfear max movie. My previous attempt today went through all the maps, only to die at Map 30 by getting telefragged by a Hell Knight :(


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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, quite an achievement but too bad it's not a movie of levels 1-4 which would produce more or less the same result without system lag on computers like mine.

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myk said:

a movie of levels 1-4

That's not a bad idea. Initially I was thinking of doing DVII map29 now that I've got the maps figured out.
I'm going to have to think about this over the weekend.

Creaphis said:

Or he could have made a movie of maps 1-5 and then everybody wins.

Heh. That would be sick running the whole thing twice.

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z0diac I bow to you for doing a UVmax of the full level of Deus Vult. In fact it inspired me to do a no monster run of it just for kicks.

map05 no monsters 13:52
Exe: prboom-plus

I could possible do it for maybe about 30 to 45 seconds faster but I'll leave it the way it is after doing two attempts.


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Guys! Hey guys, have you seen this demo? You have to watch it! It's completely insane! This guy beat DV MAP01 on UV in 3:39! THREE MINUTES AND THIRTY NINE SECONDS! That's only 1:17 more than the NOMO time! How the hell does this guy deal with FIVE CYBERDEMONS and all the other bullshit in only 1:17?


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