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Falling snow?


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how do you make snow fall from the sky? i am using skulltag (doom in hexen format) and using doom builder 2. can someone please help?
sorry bout all da questions, wanna make my game da best it can be.



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If you have some ACS and DECORATE experience, you could also try using JonnyFive's weatherFX. It includes snow and rain effects, an example map and a PDF file with instructions for setting it up. There is one problem though, the scripts depend on player TIDs and may require some modification for multiplayer use, which is quite probably the main game mode of your mod. If you just want some simple and easy to use decorative snow, I would go with the Realm 667 simple snow spawner, but if you strive for realism, then I would try using JonnyFive's weatherFX.

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  Xtroose said:

If you have some ACS and DECORATE experience, you could also try using JonnyFive's weatherFX. It includes snow and rain effects, an example map and a PDF file with instructions for setting it up. There is one problem though, the scripts depend on player TIDs and may require some modification for multiplayer use, which is quite probably the main game mode of your mod. If you just want some simple and easy to use decorative snow, I would go with the Realm 667 simple snow spawner, but if you strive for realism, then I would try using JonnyFive's weatherFX.


dang, tha jonny5 thing is confusing already, does it work with doom builder 2? (skulltag (doom in hexen format) ) if so, is there a tutorial on how? i can get much of the readme in the file.

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  Kaylomaster said:

dang, tha jonny5 thing is confusing already, does it work with doom builder 2?


DB2 is an editor. A map editor. Not a source port. This question is therefore pointless.

  Kaylomaster said:

(skulltag (doom in hexen format) )


It should. It's old enough to only use features that are available in Skulltag.

  Kaylomaster said:

if so, is there a tutorial on how?


No. There isn't a tutorial for each and every single special effect in existence. Tell you what, experiment and tinker until you get it to work and then you can write that tutorial yourself.

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  Kaylomaster said:

dang, tha jonny5 thing is confusing already, does it work with doom builder 2?


Yes and no. You can use DB2 to place the WeatherSpot things, though the effect won't be visible in 3D edit mode.


skulltag (doom in hexen format)


If you can get JonnyFive's demo maps to run in Skulltag - yours should as well, providing the ACS and DECORATE scripts have been setup properly.

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didn't johnnyfive post a tutorial on this very forum? I believe he did. I'm going to see if I can't find that and post it here. And Gez isn't an asshole, he just knows what he's talking about. He's an infinite resource on all things ZDoom related.

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  Patrick said:

didn't johnnyfive post a tutorial on this very forum? I believe he did.


Isn't it going to be the same information as what's in the doc bundled with the resource?

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  Gez said:

Isn't it going to be the same information as what's in the doc bundled with the resource?


Yes, but there were some questions and answers in the thread that should be useful to folks who wanna use it. Jonnyfive made some things a little clearer in his responses.

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I got Johnny5's WFX working in GZDoom a bit ago when I made a "Heavy Weather" demo a while back. Sadly the host I had it on has since disappeared. However, I do have the demo still on my home computer, will upload it when I get home in 3 hours.

EDIT: Here we go, finally got around to it.


Note, this was basically a tech demo on getting the environment looking just about right with heavy storms and whatnot; in other words, if your computer is slow, this will bog.

In this thing I have the other Johnny5 weather resources still in the DECORATE lump. For a different (and laggy) effect, go into StormRainSpawner in the DECORATE lump and change the spawn for "RainDrop2" and "RainDrop3" to both "HailStone". For an even more amusing one, change them to SnowFlake.

Free use of any of this stuff as long as the proper credit is given to Johnny5 for the system and me for the storm assets (and whoever made those trees, I don't remember where they're from, just that my friend gave me them a while back).

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Hello, the right thread for me.

Now one question:

How I can this snow effect "translate" from hexen format to doom format?
DECORATE re-scripting?

I think, the simple snow FX from realm667 is enough for this.

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  BadCompany said:

How I can this snow effect "translate" from hexen format to doom format?


JonnyFive's version uses ACS. Therefore, you cannot. The Doom map format was never made to support ACS; a fact which becomes readily apparent when you remember that ACS was the reason Raven Software modified the map format to begin with.

Okay, sure, you could mess around with libraries and with a custom map translator and do all sorts of complicated workarounds. The workload to make it working clumsily would be approximatively fifteen times larger than the workload to use a Hexen-format or UDMF map instead.

For the simple snow spawner, there's no ACS. However, the spawner actor uses three arguments. Now as you should know, you can't give arguments to things in the Doom-format map. So again, you'd have to go through a clumsy workaround -- creating dozens upon dozens of variants with predefined arguments in DECORATE -- instead of doing this simply.

Why do people want to use ZDoom features in a Doom-format map is beyond me, honestly. It's more limitating and more complicated than using Hexen-format or UDMF. I can understand not using UDMF if you dislike, or cannot use, DB2; since at the moment it is the only editor that supports this format. But for the Hexen format, this argument wouldn't hold.

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ok i have been trying to get these Johny5's weather effects to work but its too damn hard!! theres no explanation i look at his tutorial with the 'Adobe Acrobat' thing and it looks like it is for people that have a great knowledge of it already. Isn't there a damn simple way? Yes, i know about the simple snow spawner but it doesnt work even then. What the hell? I am a kinda new member but not too new, so i dont get all this technical crap. It is just too dam confusing for beginners... I use doom builder with Skulltag(doom in hexen format) so i have all that stuff, but it is not registering any snow effects. i use XWE so is there an easy way to maybe import the effects to my own wad? i have tried importing the Weather.acs file and it is in my wad, but it doesn't seem to do anything and makes no difference. with the #import "weather.acs" under the Other command that lets you start scripting. something like.. #include "zdoom.acs" or something but no difference... please help, im making a game and i want snow. it's just so hard for me to comprehend.

Please help.


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  • 1 year later...
  Gez said:

I tried it out and all I got was one white "snow" particle sitting on the floor of my map lol

seriously though, I cant get this snowsimple package to work either. yes, I wish I had all the knowledge to make my own functions such as this, but sadly I dont. is there a script you need to make in order to execute the function? the DECORATE does nothing for me...

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  Gez said:

No. There isn't a tutorial for each and every single special effect in existence. Tell you what, experiment and tinker until you get it to work and then you can write that tutorial yourself.


this isnt the easiest thing to just sit down with and tinker on. if you dont know how to do something, its nice to get help. But you wouldnt know that because you seem to know every single aspect of doom editing inside and out.. must be easy for you to just tell someone to learn themselves.

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A little tinkering can go a long way. The effect does work and everything you need is in the DECORATE script apart from an editor number for the SnowSpawner actor. Based on my own experiments it sounds like you're placing snow particles instead of spawners in your map.

Here's a small test map you can play with and wander around to see spawners in action.

BTW - you don't need a separate post for each reply, a bit of judicious copy/paste will usually do the job.

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thank you, I appreciate it. yeah, I placed one snowparticle on my map lol me and my brother laughed so hard when one snow particle sat on the floor in testing. also as for the three messages, yeah I apologise for that I forgot to just use three quotes.

EDIT- I figured out my problem. I gave a spawn number to the SnowParticle instead of the SnowSpawner.. I am a dumbass haha. although I still can not get rain to work lol

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  boris said:

More and more people asking "does this and that work in Doombuiler" is becoming annoying.


People that are new to making maps will ask such questions. It's no different than my driving students asking 'How do I change gear?'.

This is also an editing sub-forum, where advice and knowledge is passed and shared around. If you find it annoying, perhaps you should stay with other sub-forums.

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I'm actually having a few problems myself.

The wad I am using contains all the neccesary files.

When I place the weather spots at the northwest and southeast part of the room at the ceiling height. Along with spawners for snow/rain etc, nothing appears.

I am having trouble with the scripting I think. I took map01 from 'j5weatherFX.pk3' and used doombuilder 2 making sure the resource files were correct (which they are), the sectors that are already made work just fine.

What happens when I create a new sector creates problems. I have done exactly the same as what the map script already does AND WORKS. But for me the new room doesn't work I get this error:


This error occured when I was modifying that map01 and now on my own map I am tinkering to get used to it.

What's going on? And if possible could one of you be so kind as to explain it in full detail how to work it from start to finsih please; I intend to make a tutorial on many doom modding aspects so your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance guys =)

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  GreyGhost said:

You're welcome. With a bit of trial and error you should arrive at the effect you're looking for.
Try this thread where you'll find another test map that looks eerily familiar, and this thread where there are links to a couple more rain effects you can try out.


nevermind, I realized I was using Skulltag as the tester and it's usually my primary source port anyway. that was my only problem this whole time. I tested in zdoom and sure enough there it was, again... rooky mistake lol thank you for all your help otherwise =)

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  disentomb said:

maybe change #import to #include? most easy thing to try first, even if you doubt that being the cause.


Same error. Thanks though anyway. :)

Anyone know what's going on? I've tagged the sector and compiled the script exactly as the test map (map01) is configured. I have given all the spawners ID's and everything works for the rain and snow that was made by Johhny Five.

The error says: Couldn't find include file "weather.acs" It is in the wad so I don't know what it's talking about.

The funny thing too is that when I take out that part of the script it says the same thing but for 'zcommon.acs'.

Come on guys, we know you're lurking please help us out.

Here is the script, the top regular snow is my part of the script.


#include "weather.acs"
#include "zcommon.acs"

script 1 open

//Set up the weather spots
WFX_WeatherZones 5;

//Regular snow

//Regular snow

//Light rain

//Heavy snow

//Hard rain

//Execute the weatherFX script


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