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Is this possible in GZdoom?

The Pursuer

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Well, i'm up to map 31 in scythe 2 and i've been having a blast, but i just can't stand it anymore. Is it possible to even get the super secret exit to get to map 32 in this port? I have seen prboom demos of this level but i just don't understand how, are there limitations for this map in this port? Any help appreciated.

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The door is blocked as soon as you step down from the starting point. This lowers a ceiling in a hidden control sector, in which the secret door sector has a disjoint block. As a result, when you try to open the door, it does as all doors do and raise to nearest ceiling minus 8; that is to say, it doesn't raise at all.

If it is possible at all in some ports, then it would be because maybe they don't activate the special if you don't cross it from the front; because as you start you cross it from the back.

Now given the height of the hidden control sector (836 units), it might take a short while to lower. So if you speedrun like crazy, you might succeed to reach that point before it's completely closed. You only need to grab the keys to raise the bars in front of the super secret exit, no need to activate the switches. Be super-fast or fail.

If you want to make it easier, you can make a custom map translator to cheat. You just gave me a good idea of an example for the wiki. ;)

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