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Six's Nonsense Doom Art


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Hey guys!

So female Imp with a top hat entertaining with a hula hoop whilst charging an attack:

I'm a digital artist (or a disaster to art, which ever you prefer), and i create bizarre stuff like this for absolutely no other reason other than fun. Here i thought i'd share with you work cooked up from the mind, and although... disturbing some might say, it's still fun to share!

So guys, give me any ideas, anything at all, what Doom character do you want, and what do you want on/with it and so forth? If i like your idea, i'll go ahead and create it! No ball. Until then however, i'll go ahead and design something else.

Edit (10/05/10): Although i allow requests to be made, i may have to look past several in order to keep up with what's most recent. I will also just submit anything that comes to mind rather than undergo a suggestion made by a user. The style will vary also, as i get bored fairly quickly of repetitive themes and techniques, but i'll change to something more improved. The downside to this would be an extended length of time to submit, but you're a patient bunch.

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I like it and always thought the nipple spikes were too much, with the exception of a female imp. female Imps are allowed to have nipple spikes.

she needs nipple spikes. after all she's young and thorny :D

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I'm as enthusiastic to see more of your stuff as everyone else, but I can't help but mention that your first image is a little proportionally awkward.

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I agree with Bank on the proportions. you should do a female arch-vile next, tho arch vile's are a little proportionally awkward.

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Bank said:

I'm as enthusiastic to see more of your stuff as everyone else, but I can't help but mention that your first image is a little proportionally awkward.

FUCK YO-- Nah, i understand what you're saying. I wasn't really careful in creating the type of pose i wanted in mind for her, and i rushed it to a point that i really dislike it, but live and learn as they say.

I'm currently experimenting with different styles, one's that aren't too dependant on realism with proportions, more cartoony as it were, where the rules can naturally be broken and not directly affect a persons perspective negatively. Hopefully people will be more in favour for this style, example:

Coopersville said:

Doomguy and a Pinky Demon playing fetch.

Good? Bad? Meh? Blah?

Patrick said:


Creaphis said:

I think we all really just want to see some rule 34.

I bloody will! ;P

I'll get around to the other suggestions as well, no worries.

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Six, that is sick.

Anyway... an idea... how about...

A Cyberdemon and Spiderdemon having a philosophical discussion over the merits of root beer. A Cacodemon is in the background, looking a little uncertain as to what exactly is transpiring.

Actually that sounds a little complicated, so let's go with...

Doomguy playing baseball with zombieguys and his bretheren. Spiderdemon peers over the outfield fence, disapprovingly and a little left out.

I'm sure that's too complicated too so I'll just stfu now.

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Excellent, I like your stuff so far.

My suggestions:

  • Several Arch-Viles simultaneously blasting a Mancubus to (try to) help him perform a high jump.
  • A Revenant trying to shake off a Demon who is biting the Revenant's shinbone and refusing to let go.
  • A hungover Cacodemon looking annoyed after blowing up yet another toilet with his fireball vomit.
  • The Lost Soul running away scared from the Doomguy who is armed with a fire extinguisher.

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Coopersville said:



Magicsofa said:

Spider mastermind scolding a bunch of arachnotrons

I did only one Arachnotron, just because i'm currently strapped for time. That, and i'm just lazy:

The legs are a little wonky, mostly due to the awkward angle, but it'll suffice i suppose.

Thanks for the recent suggestions also, i'll get right on them whenever possible, but as you may be able to tell, i'm working in order of who shared their ideas first within the thread. Also, i won't have time to do them all of course, just the one's that stick out most.

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Gez said:

A Cyberdemon arms-wrestling a Maulotaur.

If that mental image is up your alley, maybe this will suit your fancy as well:

In case someone's interested, the full artwork is available here or with captions here.

And Six, keep it up! The spidey image was just as hilarious as the previous two depictions.

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That giant picture with all the various fictional characters was like a Where's Wally scene of nerdy awesome **

And congratulations to Six for his humourous and well done drawings too!

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Shapeless said:

you should do a female arch-vile next...

Seduction is a killer:

You weren't so specific with what should be included exactly, so i came up with my own idea.

Thanks for the praise guys, but feel free to leave constructive criticism as well, especially if you feel there should be any changes/improvements in the style at hand.

Also, i have more art uploaded on Deviantart if you want to check it out. The links in my user profile as my homepage. Most of what's shown here is there as well.

Edit: Fixed discoloured pixels, repositioned Shotgun Guy, and added caption.

Edit 2: For the lurkers who would rather not register to view profiles, the link is here: http://zwigzy.deviantart.com/

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Great stuff Six. I love the demon and aracnotron. you don't have to give me any credit tho, the idea is all yours. I'm sure I'm not the only person to think of a female Arch-villiness.

you should add the caption Dead or alive.. she'll get ya up.

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Well, put it this way, if you hadn't of suggested it originally i may not have gone ahead and created it, so you deserve some credit for the idea at least. Even if you feel i shouldn't need to, i'll leave your name there anyway, just because i'm that type of guy.

As for the caption, that's just brilliant, i'll do that!

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  • 1 month later...
Six said:

FUCK YO-- Nah, i understand what you're saying. I wasn't really careful in creating the type of pose i wanted in mind for her, and i rushed it to a point that i really dislike it, but live and learn as they say.

I'm currently experimenting with different styles, one's that aren't too dependant on realism with proportions, more cartoony as it were, where the rules can naturally be broken and not directly affect a persons perspective negatively. Hopefully people will be more in favour for this style, example:

Good? Bad? Meh? Blah?

I bloody will! ;P

I'll get around to the other suggestions as well, no worries.

The pink guy looks like Krang from Ninja Turtles a little bit here.

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QUOTE: stuffs

WAIT, isnt the "minotaur" actually Diablo from Diablo2? it must be, looks like him, to the maximum.

and yea, archviles are SZMeXy, even if ure dead or not :) ;)

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Pretty cool DOOM critter renderings--I like your cartoony style.

I liked the Cyberdemon armwrestling Diablo pic that Janizdreg posted too--that's just the kind of crap I'd expect out of a cheating Cyberdemon. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Too badass! I hope yer not done posting here, Six! Familiar with Ed Roth's work? Rat Fink! http://www.ratfink.org/
How about a Revenant jammin' the gears of a '67 GTO? Or ANY car! YOUR favorite car!

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Thanks bytor! Also Ed Roth's work is very familiar in the sense that i know i've seen it somewhere, and the style is especially quite bizarre, but brilliant nonetheless. Thanks for sharing.

Also thanks to the rest of you guys who showed interest. I can only apologise that i haven't shown much interest or enthusiasm in showcasing anything new. I've been working a lot lately, and have been undertaking new projects that have interfered with this general stuff too. Trouble with me is that i get bored of a certain style, and i try to spice things up and attempt to make it more interesting and appealing, so if i upload Doom related art here soon, expect something a little 'fresh'.

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