Tobester Posted January 23, 2002 When I was a freshman at my old school, i was much smarter than my classmates. Smarter than the teachers, imo. I would usually get finished with my schoolwork before the other students did. When that happened, I'd pull out my big red notebook o doom stuff and start sketching a new area to the map I was working on, writing down some notes about LoL weapons or other stuff. One day, during lunch hour, I was doing my daily "sit at the table in the corner, not eating and minding my own business" ritual. However, it was one of those days where more than half the school didn't skip, so the lunchroom was packed and a group of people had to sit at my normally empty table. I got up and went to the vending machines to buy a soda, and when I got back they were flipping thru my notebook. <otherguy1> What's all this shit? <tobe> some stuff for a computer game I'm working on. <otherguy2> right. <tobe> give it back, I have some shit to finish in their Of course they don't, and they continue searching through it. <otherguy1> uh, whats this? <otherguy2> dynamite, pistol, what's "S-S-G"? <tobe> double shotgun Right then the bell rang. Two weeks later I was called to the office. Someone claimed I planned to plant dynamite in the cafeteria and rampage the school with a pistol and shotgun. Their evidence? My doom notebook and a cut out picture of the columbine people I had to write an essay about for a class I was in. I was expelled before my statement was even taken. Two weeks later I threatened to sue. They mysteriously *lost* my expulsion request they sent to the board of education a month later, and two weeks later I returned to school. By then, however, there was only a week of school left, so they gave me a home tutor for the summer. With the home tutor I got straight B's and I would have been a _Junior_ when I returned to school. However, when I returned, I found this was NOT the case. Visitng my counselor, she told me I had approximately 4 credits. I told her I made up my classes during the summer, but she said she received no notification of this. When we called the home tutoring office, they said they didn't have my grades. The school system had yet AGAIN lost something important concerning me, this time in a very bad way. With only four credits, I was still a freshman. I figured if I tried hard enough, I could get my grades back up. I was in a special program at my school where I took college classes along with my high school classes. I maintained a c average, just barely because of a sinus problem that kept me out of school a lot. I was even picked to go on a 12-student strong team to represent our school at a manufacturing contest in pittsburgh; we won first place on the largest contest there. At the end of the year, we found out they were shutting down the main campus of our school and only using the two other campuses from now on. Anyone who wasn't a sophomore or above had to be transfered. Mysteriously, they lost my grades AGAIN. I was transfered. On my first day there, I found out I was in a school with the same group of people that got me in expelled the first time. I decided to go to the counselor and talk to her about getting my classes changed to stay away from them. She told me that wasn't a possibility; they had the same amount of credits I did, 4, and we were to make up the rest of our freshman classes before continuing on. <tobe> 4 credits? that can't be. I passed all my classes last year. <counselor> that's what it says right here. You have three more years of classes to make up. That was the last straw. I'd rather have my ged and go to community college with a shitty job then wait four years or whatever and be 21 when I graduate high school. boy that took a long time to type. anyone else with a comment on how much that sucks? 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILE_WHORE Posted January 23, 2002 My god, that fucking sucks. I feel your pain man. This shit was a complete infringement on everything that your constitution of stuff stands for. I'd take this to the supreme court if I was you, if your American justice system is as proken as I think it is though, it's useless. If it were me though I wouldn't just go along with them losing my shit, I'd fucking talk to the principal, yell the shit outta him, and if THAT didn't goddamn work, take it to court. /me pours c0ff33 on the US educational and Justice system, because they are both horribly broken. Shit like that would never happen in Canada, I tell ya. You get fair hearings, many, MANY chances, and they don't lose your shit on purpose. You should come live here. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tobester Posted January 23, 2002 Actually, the principal was the one that expelled me. I tried to sue, but they let me back into class, so I had nothing to sue for :/ 0 Share this post Link to post
magikal Posted January 23, 2002 Hmm once you've been pushed out of the mainstream system and labelled,as you seemingly have been,it's virtually impossible to get back.The system will work against you at every turn of the way.I had similar experiences when I was younger.So unless you have uncontroversial evidence there's really nothing you can do except change the way you view the situation and see it as a challenge.At least now you know the truth about a system which represents itself as fair when in reality nothing could be further from the truth.Take pride in doing things for yourself. 0 Share this post Link to post
DarkStorm Posted January 23, 2002 man, RIP THEIR FUCKING HEART OUT, then give it to me, i'd poke it with a stick for a while then eat it *blinks at the aquward silence* eerrr....... i mean you should raise a fuss to the board.... 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted January 23, 2002 Wow, makes the fuck-ups that happened with my A Level papers seem like nothing... This is fucking ludicrous, people sue for a lot less, surely you can sue 'em for mental distress and unfair dismissal resulting in lack of education before they took you back. Oh screw them, screw all the vindictive bastards schools that find ways to get rid of kids they don't like. Two, no three good friends of mine were literally forced out of my old school 'cos the head didn't like 'em, cockweasel that he is 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted January 24, 2002 It's hard to believe this is posible. I would've lost my temper a while ago. I'm a very pacific person but that's so insane I would've undoubtely chased those morons with an axe. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted January 24, 2002 It's hard to believe this is posible. I would've lost my temper a while ago. I'm a very pacific person but that's so insane I would've undoubtely chased those morons with an axe. 0 Share this post Link to post
destx Posted January 24, 2002 Sounds like you should have gone on that shooting rampage. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted January 24, 2002 I kinda had something like this happen to me. I always draw guns and shit, things getting killed, never humans, maybe zombies, but not humans. One day I am called into the office. I remeber it all...word for word...mostly Arnold=principle Strang=assist. principle Florian=school guidence counseler draw a lot right? Me:Um....yeah Mrs.Strang:What do you draw? Me:Stuff...its not any of your buis- Mr.Arnold:Yes it is our buisness Me:*glowering at Arnold* isn't, its MY doesn't concern you... draw guns and killing don't you? Me:Point? Mr.Florian:Andy...we belive you may have violent tendances Me:Me? Violent? What the fu-*stop myself* Mr.Arnold:Andy, we are suspending you until you see a phycitrist (sp)'re frikkin' kiddin' me arn't you? Mrs.Strang:Andy, these pictures you draw scare the other students Me:GOOD! I don't care what these idiots think! They can go to Hell for all I care! Mr.Arnold:Andy, students are nervous around you, and ever since Columbine Me:Are you saying you think I might bring a gun to school? Mrs.Strang:Yes, Andy, we belive you might do that Me:(I'm so angry at this point I want to fucking punch somebody) I wouldn't waste perfectly good bullets on anybodys sorry ass in this school... *their jaws drop* Mr.Arnold:Andy, let me look in your backpack Me:No Mr.Florian:Andy, don't argue *snatches my backpack* Me:You do realize I can and I will have you arrested if you open that backpack...*glare* *Florian drops the backpack* can I go? Mr.Arnold:No Andy, we are going to put you on in-house (in-school suspension) until 3:30 and then you may leave... Me:I don't think so... Mrs.Strang:What do you mean Me:One phone call to my mom or dad, and I'm gone, and guess what? I think you guys are paranoid retards. I would never bring a gun to school. Why would I? If somebody pisses me off, I'll piss them off right back, shit, I haven't even fought on school grounds Mr.Arnold:We are suspending you until you get an evaluation from Mr.Florian Me:What the fuck ever...*call my mom, I get to go home, I go home, I break some walls and shit* There ya have it, I probably left out a lot of stuff, but hey, I typed what I remebered... 0 Share this post Link to post
deathz0r Posted January 24, 2002 wow, there are no fears whatsoever of columbine here. heh, we can draw whatever we want and no-one would care less. i've drawn porn on my pencil case, and the worst thing i got was "get a new pencil case". 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted January 24, 2002 Nothing like that would happen here (Canada) either. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tobester Posted January 24, 2002 hey that brings back memories of the same conversations i had with my principal.... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted January 24, 2002 I've been drawing weird stuff for a long time and never got anything but congratulations. Not even my parents are worried, it's the other way around actually. The only thing they once said to me (and I agree completely) is that these drawings are probably psychologist's material. :) 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted January 24, 2002 I've been making 'dramatic' drawings since I was a small kid (I remember a drawing I made when I was four years old, showing a car crashing through a wall) and people have always just been saying that my drawings are very good. Seems to me that them Americans have become horrendously paranoid since the Columbine shootings. BBG: I don't think that swearing and saying bad things about your fellow students in front of the principle is such a good idea. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure that they are all jackasses, but if you had acted a bit more mature in the principle's presence, then perhabs they'd have thought twice before suspending you. The more aggressive you seem in their eyes, the more they want to get rid of you. Just a friendly piece of advice (but of course I could be wrong all the same - I don't live in the US). I would actually love to see your drawings - I usually learn things from seeing other people's drawings, which'll improve my own skills. Btw, tobester: I guess that you've learned not to leave your notebook open, so that retards can see what you're drawing/writing. I hope these fucktards'll burn in Hell - at least for a while. I don't accept that ANYBODY do this kind of shit to ANY of my friends, be it real life friends or forum friends. BBG and tobe: You have my sympathy. 0 Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted January 24, 2002 that sucks...i feel sorry for you two how those teachers treated to students is not right.they'd rather ask the students why they do that (drawing stuff)by approching with reasonable and intellectual questions more than making the studets admit that they are violent people like those teacher thought. 0 Share this post Link to post
CapNapalm Posted January 24, 2002 I don´t think dropping out of high school is the way to go. That will mean they win and you give up. There will always be fuckheads on the way trying to make your life miserable but you shoudn´t let them stop you. I know you must think this easy for me to say and shit, becuase this hasn´t happened to me but just consider this and think about it. Hell I´m going to be 20 until I graduate. 0 Share this post Link to post
Shaviro Posted January 24, 2002 bbg: much of that story is actually true? 0 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted January 24, 2002 Damn. That's worse than the school story I have, where in an art class in the third year of secondary school (I think that's 10th grade, I'm not sure) I draw a scene from Mortal Kombat II. Hey I loved the game at the time. Anyway, one of the meatheads in the class spies the drawing. Ooooh, two people fighting. So obviously, it's an indication that I think I'm 'hard'. OH, OBVIOUSLY >:( Next stop, the bus home. Nobody gets off, until I do. Which is about the fifth stop the bus took. Cue EVERYBODY on the bus getting off with me, and swarming around me. Next thing I know, there are a bunch of guys wanting to teach me a lesson. Oh yes, I learn well when held from behind while some guy punches me square in the stomach as hard as he can. Like hell I do. Meatheads. Next, my parents are phoning the school, obviously quite angry (Scratch that, my mother did. My Dad was an asshole about it, thinking that if I were a GOOD son to him, I could have took out the fifteen-or-so that were mainly behind it all). Back to school the next day, and the expected meeting with the headmaster (That's British for 'Principal'). Except it wasn't to get me some justice. No. It was to get me some programming (Read: Counselling) because of MY violent tendencies. All because of a picture I drew. And rumours that around twenty kids spread about it all. Obviously their word was better than mine. Anyhow, within a month of this, I left the school to attend a different one. It's was sheer *luck* that this incident wasn't reported to the next school I went to, by the sounds of things. So, I nearly had my life ruined. But still, your story is a worse account of life than mine... unless I give you the Life Story(tm), which I won't even tell to a counsellor. 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted January 24, 2002 Fuck you tobester and BBG, you've taken away my right to complain about what I usually complain about. :P I suppose the thing to do (or that should've been done) is to make it public. Give the issue alot of publicity. Even the threat of news media and newspapers etc. getting up in their faces makes them tuck their tail between their legs. If suing is the way to accomplish this, then do it. Everytime I get fucked over by a big company, the latest being TI for a bad graphing calculator, I talk really fast and loud and throw in various threats about the "Board of Consumer Affiars", "local NBC consumer dude", and "City Council" and I get a refund. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wobbo Posted January 25, 2002 ummmm.. keep in mind i REALLY DONT MEAN TO OFFEND YOU, but uhhh WHERE WERE YOURE PARENTS!?!?!?!?! what makes this story so depressing is that you speak as if your TOTALLY ALONE. WHatever, i understand and im sorry about it 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted January 25, 2002 If suing is the way to accomplish this, then do it. Everytime I get fucked over by a big company, the latest being TI for a bad graphing calculator, I talk really fast and loud and throw in various threats about the "Board of Consumer Affiars", "local NBC consumer dude", and "City Council" and I get a refund.... So every time one of your new toys doesn't work just right, you make a loud ass out of yourself? ... Okay. I admit I'm a litle biased; I've worked retail before, and I have a lot of experience with loud, fast-talking jerks. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tobester Posted January 25, 2002 1) Seeing as I hate my dad and won't let him come near me unless I have a cattle prod, my mom left work after the first incident, found out what happened, and her threatening to sue was what got me back in. Since then, its been mostly me. Some things I can take care of myself, something I can't :p 2) Every lawyer I've talked to has said, simply put, that there is nothing i could sue for. My school district has been in the red for the last few years; they have no money to take. That and I'd rather just get it over with and no longer deal with the school. They ruined my life enough. 0 Share this post Link to post
Hongkongfui Posted January 25, 2002 yeah uh tobe welcome to hell also known as reality more t han likely something like that has happened to all of us if anything happens that makes sense now and days its construed as dumb and ignorant. but personally i would of found those punks and made sure they came back with eyes sewn shut so they couldnt see anymore of yur notebooks. (or just show them one of the weapons they liked looking at so much) but ya didnt hear that from me. 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted January 25, 2002 ... So every time one of your new toys doesn't work just right, you make a loud ass out of yourself? ... Okay. I admit I'm a litle biased; I've worked retail before, and I have a lot of experience with loud, fast-talking jerks. When the toy doesn't work five days after I bought it from regular use and the warranty is mysteriously not honored then yes, I do make a loud-ass of myself. That or get raped for $100 of my own money (which is alot for me althought to some it is pocket change). 0 Share this post Link to post
Gh0sT Posted January 25, 2002 Tobe, i feal your pain, life becomes pure hell at DPS, cause the teachers dont give a fuck, the pricipals just want you outa there hair, so they do whatever is necisary get you gone! I would go nuts tho if some idiot thought that he could take away my constitutional rights as a minor(in your case) to get your high school education! i mean come one people, dont we all need a 12th grade knowledge sometime in our lives? heh. I have now spoke my mind. Tobe, lets goto C-Dub packin some uzi's!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
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