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Commander Keen

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What was everyone's favorite Commander Keen level from each game?

Mine are...

CK1, the first cactus shaped one

CK2: the one with the frozen vorticon

CK3: The school one

KD: Grape Grove

CK4: Isle of Tar

CK5: Brownian Motion Inducer (cool because of it's refrence to THHGTTG, and the coffee machine)

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this makes me wish I had played those games. Did you guys hear that they are making a new Keen game... it uses the Quake 3 engine, I think. There was an article about it in PC Gamer.

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this makes me wish I had played those games. Did you guys hear that they are making a new Keen game... it uses the Quake 3 engine, I think. There was an article about it in PC Gamer.



Commander keen must always be played from a 2-D veiw.

Anything else is blasphemy!

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yeah, I'd agree with pretty much all of those, strangely enough. I also like Duke Nukem as far as 2d games were concerned, I remember playing it ofr the first time on my mates 3.11 machine. I thought it was teh shit!!

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Just think: a 2-D action platformer, classic Keen-style gameplay, using the Q3A graphics engine? Considering a game with a fixed perspective would require far less polys than an fuly-realized FPS, you could do some awesome shit with that kind of thing.

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I only played one episode...that was the 4th one, I think. I liked the level that appaered and dissapeared at random. The island levels were cool as well. I just liked trying to find all the secrets. Good times.

Also, Duke Nukem shareware is one of the first games I ever beat. Good Times, again.

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