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hmmm, that's funny

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sometimes when you're playing a game and something goes wrong with the scripting or whatever and something humerous happens. and example is many years ago when i was playing mario kart and there is a part in the level where you have to jump over this thing and one of the computer guys missed and banged into the wall every time. when i finished the race under time completed for him it just said "never completed". i thought this was very humerous. my poll is about times when you have played a game and something out of the ordinary happend that was funny. try not to make it doom related because then we have allready probably heard it.

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The duping thing on Diablo. You could get so much gold, that it was hillarious.

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I'll tell you one that isn't funny:
When I first played Half-Life, one of the aliens that warps in and then back out during the catastrophe in the test chamber...DIDN'T WARP BACK OUT...it took me a few retries until I finaly escaped with about 40 health.

And this was the first time I ever played.

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I'll tell you one that isn't funny:
When I first played Half-Life, one of the aliens that warps in and then back out during the catastrophe in the test chamber...DIDN'T WARP BACK OUT...it took me a few retries until I finaly escaped with about 40 health.

The thing went aggro on you? That sucks. I can see how that could turn you off from HL.

Right now I'm playing Harvest Moon 3 on my Game Boy... I'm milking this one bug that can double the amount of eggs I get from my chickens.

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The thing went aggro on you? That sucks. I can see how that could turn you off from HL.

No, Half-Life is one of the few games I can actualy play through, not to mention multiple times, without getting bored.

Now I just remembered a throughly bugged game: Pokemon. There is that one bug where you can multiply any item in your inventory to get 99 of them (helooo masterballs), and then there are those weirdass pokemon, like the one without a picture, or the 99th level squirtle, or the alleged one that looks like Yoshi (never seen it).

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Right now I'm playing Harvest Moon 3 on my Game Boy... I'm milking this one bug that can double the amount of eggs I get from my chickens.




Heh, what the hell kind of game is that?

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It's... Well,it's a farming simulation... Kinda.

The actual farming is simplified in the Harvest Moon games a lot like the combat is simplified in the Final Fantasy games. It's incredibly addictive. Here are some screens, in case anyone cares...

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It's... Well,it's a farming simulation... Kinda.

The actual farming is simplified in the Harvest Moon games a lot like the combat is simplified in the Final Fantasy games. It's incredibly addictive. Here are some screens, in case anyone cares...

Heh, just when you got 'partial retard' ;)

As far as the author of this thread is concerned, I produced a pamphlet for his benefit.


Ok, so you've been told you may be shotgun_bill. Right now you're thinking, "will I ever lead a normal life again?" Naturally you're scared at the implications for you, your partner and your lifestyle. But you needn't worry.

FACT: 7 out of 10 shotgun_bills can go on with their job once diagnosed.
FACT: 5 out of 10 shotgun_bills are able to resume a relationship.
FACT: 9 out of 10 shotgun_bills experience a full recovery.

Yes, it may be that you don't recover. It could be that you become diagnosed with not_shotgun_billism. This regression can be effectively dealt with teh use of psychotropic drugs and/or severe beatings.
If you suspect a partner or other person who is a recovering shotgun_bill is showing the main symptoms of not_shotgun_billism (forum-posting with a remarkably similar name to shotgun bill, spamming, DOLTism [see related deseases]) contact your physician immeadiately.

Your rehabilitaion has just begun, and it won't be easy, but with love and care you can put this behind you and regain control of your life, cos if you don't, we'll paint the hospital walls with a new colour called 'hint of brain'.


(this has been a joke (j/k) by pritch, the origional DOLT, 2002, all rights reserved)

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SUPERMAN FLIES!!1 on several racing/car/GTA games. You know that specific impact vector that thrusts you into an almost infinite trajectory? I get that a lot.

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Harvest Moon is great...one of the very few fun and original console games ever made. The only thing I hated is that when you get your girl to marry you, she just sits around the house looking depressed. Kinda sad, really.

Back on topic: On of the most bugged games ever is the Out-of-the-Box version of Fallout 2. WHATEVER YOU DO, DOWNLOAD THE UPGRADE BEFORE PLAYING! Once I was playing, and I went into one of the New Reno mob bosses's headquarters, and I had sex with his wife and daughter. Then when I came back out, the other people in my party were gone, but somehow still in my party. Thus, I still was partied with two armed NPCs, but they couldn't help me with any battles. I'll tell ya what...it was a bitch getting into the NCR.

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Harvest Moon is great...one of the very few fun and original console games ever made. The only thing I hated is that when you get your girl to marry you, she just sits around the house looking depressed. Kinda sad, really.

I like the new GBC game; the girl actually helps you out on the farm, even before you marry her. (In fact, she's a big part of that bug exploit.)

Back on topic: On of the most bugged games ever is the Out-of-the-Box version of Fallout 2. WHATEVER YOU DO, DOWNLOAD THE UPGRADE BEFORE PLAYING!

Ooooh, yes. Don't forget the Amazing Disappearing Car!

Anachronox is one of the... hell, the most horrendously buggy game I've played lately. Abstract CRPGs and the painfully specific Quake2 engine don't mix well. At one point, my party and some monsters were getting into position at the start of a fight; one of my chars had to pass through one of the monsters to get into position, and made it halfway before the clipping kicked in and they got stuck. The game just kinda stopped; the music and animations kept going, and the game was obviously waiting for the actors to get into position, but the Q2's clipping wouldn't let them. I had to reset my machine from the tower for that one.

Even after the first patch, Anachronox is still buggy as hell. And Ion Storm's gone kaput,so there won't be another patch or any expansions or support. Which is really too bad, since Anox also one of the most fun CRPGs I've played of late.

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