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TNT TAS Unfinished

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                            TNT Evilution
                             Done Quick
                 The Ultra-Violence TAS Speed Movie
Map    Level    Episode        Time  Kills  Items  Secrets  evdq4114*
                Episode I          
Map01 - System Control       _  0:20   30%    16%     0%     -0:08
Map02 - Human BBQ            _  0:28   20%     0%     0%     -0:28
Map03 - Power Control        _  0:36   19%    33%     0%     -0:19
Map04 - Wormhole             _  0:09    6%     0%     0%     -0:04
Map05 - Hanger               _  0:43   31%     9%     0%     -0:25
Map06 - Open Season          _  1:40   63%     0%     0%     -0:28
Map07 - Prison               _  0:33   12%     0%     0%     -0:13
Map08 - Metal                _  1:29   25%    21%    25%     -1:02
Map09 - Stronghold           _  1:05   36%    41%     0%     -2:12
Map10 - Redemption           _  0:42   20%     0%    60%     -0:17
          Total Episode I    _  7:45                         -5:32
                Episode II   _  7:45                         -5:32
Map11 - Storage Facility     _  0:16    4%     3%     0%     -0:03
Map12 - Crater               _  0:37    8%     0%     0%     -0:05
Map13 - Nukage Processing    _  0:52   24%     9%    16%     -0:10
Map14 - Steel Works          _  1:05   29%    25%    25%     -1:06
Map15 - Dead Zone            _  0:16    6%     9%     0%     +0:02
Map31 - Pharaoh              _  skip    -      -      -      -0:34
Map32 - Caribbean            _  skip    -      -      -      -2:19
Map16 - Deepest Reaches      _  1:05   22%     4%    25%     -0:20
Map17 - Processing Area      _  0:03    2%     0%     0%     -0:32
           Toatl Episode II  _  4:14                         
                 Episode III _ 11:59
Recorded using GLBoom-Plus & Doom Replay Editor 2.0
Strafe50 is always ON
Playback with original Final Doom v1.9:
  doom2.exe -playdemo 17ev1159.lmp 
or  with   any  other  fully  compatible  doom  ports,  such  as
PRBoom 2.2.3 (or later) or Eternity engine: (-complevel 4)
  prboom.exe -iwad tnt.wad -playdemo 17ev1159.lmp
  Eternity.exe -iwad tnt.wad -playdemo 17ev1159.lmp


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here's a tip. In map18 you don't need to take the blue key. There's a crazy trick where you go to the place above and rocket jump around the barrier. Stx-Vile did it in a compet-n demo.

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  • 2 months later...
Akse said:

P.S. Fucking dre don't work with fucking sp3 !!!!

I had contacted the author a year ago, he gave me a newer version of dre that worked in sp3 until sometime where it stopped working, I thought it stopped working due to a recent XP update, but very recently I found out that it's due to kaspersky on my pc, I needed to stop it and it worked on sp3, adding dre to kaspersky exclusions didn't work.

This is the new version of dre http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?6ko5qaok4riohs1
You need to run both DoomCore.exe and dre.exe. For some reason it has broken pwad support, but you can merge pwads with the IWADs, I found only Deth to merge them correctly

Let us know if you'll continue this tas :-)

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