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Some of my all time favorite movies:

Full Metal Jacket - Great war drama. A LOT of quotes you may have heard come from this.

American Beauty - I saw this last weekend...damn, and I thought that Hollywood ran out of ideas.

SLC Punk - Like Jack said, great movie about life, the universe, and everything...oh, and punks.

Brazil - Odd movie, but kickass cinematography. Done by Terry Gilliam, one of the Pyhtons.

A Clockwork Orange - Very cool, but parental discression is advised. :)

O Brother, Where Art Thou - A loose adaptation of the Odessy by the Coen brothers. It's also pretty damn funny.

Any Kevin Smith Movie - Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, or Dogma...all very good comedies.

Lost Highway - Not really a good movie, but if you want to do some heavy thinking while hearing good music, go for it.

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Any Kevin Smith Movie - Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, or Dogma...all very good comedies.

Don't forget to mention "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back." Is that out on VHS/DVD yet?

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Yeah, I could tell that just by seeing those damn TV previews they keep playing...all I can think of when I hear that movie mentioned is the oriental chick with the third breast...::shudders::

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Uuhhh...I'm pretty sure there were three. Course, that middle one was so damn huge that, sure, it's possilbe that I was just blinded...

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Any Kevin Smith Movie - Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, or Dogma...all very good comedies.

I watched Dogma a few months ago...warped my sense of theology

O Brother, Where Art Thou - A loose adaptation of the Odessy by the Coen brothers. It's also pretty damn funny.

Watched this last weekend...liked the scene
with the KKK

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Don't forget to mention "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back." Is that out on VHS/DVD yet?

soon, quite soon.

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Don't forget to mention "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back." Is that out on VHS/DVD yet?

soon, quite soon.

I think I may look into purchasing it hten. :D

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Wild Things is a fucking bad and lame porn move in disguise. The only reason why you'd want to see it is Neve and Denise sex0ring. Oh wait, I guess that's a valid reason.

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Okay, I know this is a LITTLE off-topic, but it's pretty funny. A couple weeks ago, a few friends and I decided that a trip to one of the local porn-shops was in order. While browsing the videos, I happened to come upon a porno entitled "Bongs and Thongs." The theme? You guessed it - Girls and guys getting high and having sex.

Pornos have the best titles, don't they? ;-}

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any thing that has tom hank (but not love comedy) forest gump,saving private ryan,green miles,cast away,philadephia all is good movie with good actor like tom hank (but i never see philadephia yet)

back to the future trilogy-the great story about travel in time.with lots of hmor and some acton.

shawshank redemption-a story of prisoner who never give up his hope.quite interesting

cube-low budget movie about a group of people who has been captured in the large cubic maze.they have to figure out how to escape.even the location of this movies is only in this large cubic maze,but the story keeps interesting all the time i watched it.

Amy-a story abut little girl who cannot speak or even hear in what people speak.but she can hear the sound of "music"
this movie is really good.i recommend it.

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Here's some good ones:

- any of the StarWars titles

- Back to the Future Trilogy (dark-tenshi, thnks for reminding me!)

- the Matrix

- Terminator 1/2

- Event Horizon (come on, people, it's creepy...)

- Sleepy Hollow

- Batman/Batman Returns

- American Pie 1/2

- Rushmore


- Princess Bride (...well, it has its moments...)

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You said "Matrix" is "good".
Then I say "Newdoom" is "elite"

By the way, don't bother starting a flamewar about this, because it's half sarcasm.

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Fredrik, no flamewar intended. Just curious, is all...

Personally I liked the environment, action, and basic idea of the film. It's the Matrix sequels that bother me...

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- Event Horizon (come on, people, it's creepy...)

ah...yes. saw it when it came out in theaters, creepy

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Event Horizon is the only Hollywoodesque horror movie that worked for me. The first Blair Witch Project is pretty good at scaring the shit out of you, too. That is, of couse, if you're actually able to convince yourself that the tape is real.

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- any of the StarWars titles
i think it was good for its time.good nostaglia for all star war fans.don't bother episode one unless the people who plan to watch attack of the clones
- Back to the Future Trilogy (dark-tenshi, thnks for reminding me!)
yah,really good movies.i sometimes rent it all.and watch it striaght 6 hours.
- Batman/Batman Returns
the frist two batman was good.it contains dark theme(like batman himself)after batman forever,it was too colorful.
- American Pie 1/2
ha ha good one but i haven't watch AP2 yet

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