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Map 07 Speedrun...

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How does this dude overcome the fact that the central stair is too high to get up without jumping. Is it the rocket blast or the mancubus fire or something else? Is it some quirck of the engine being used to do this?

I saw this vid ages ago and I tried to replicate it, and of course I couldn't. So I thought I would ask how it is done. And is it doable in vanilla/chocolate or is it a sourceport trick?

Pretty neat however it is done.

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*checks Never_Again Compet-n copy*
Yes it is doable in vanilla. It's possible to run to the center platform from a mancubus' platform, but you need a rocket blast, or else you will fly too slowly and lose height.

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The rocket boost increases the player's speed, so he crosses the gap in less time and consequently does not drop down in height. He is therefore able to reach the platform. No jumping (upwards), no change in the game physics needed.

It can even be done without a rocket boost, though it is on the absolute borderline of what is possible in the Doom engine, as it requires full use to be made of the "levitation" effect, and for the player to be perfectly positioned.

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I just opened up DB2 and moved the platform so that it's right next to the centre podium, and, it is indeed possible to step up from the mancubus platform to the podium.

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