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DTWID: Project is done, check the release thread

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Mr. Freeze said:

I feel an update to the exit is coming on the horizon...

Not too sure what to do without tearing things down.. /lazy

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Marcaek said:

we'll need to require a Boom compatible port.

No! Boom doesn't have sky transfers, friendly monsters, or any way to change level progression.

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C30N9 said:

Started working in a new E2 map:

Shipping Area: E2M2


Is this too homagy?

Yea, I'd say so. I think we need to remember that these are supposed to be lost levels, not tributes to the existing levels.

If DOOM had 10 levels and some of these levels I'm seeing were indeed thrown in to the bunch I'd wonder why the level designers were repeating themselves. So just keep it in mind everyone :)


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My exit section is homagy but the rest of the map is not. It may use a similar texture motif but the architecture is not.

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NaturalTvventy said:

I think we need to remember that these are supposed to be lost levels, not tributes to the existing levels.

If DOOM had 10 levels and some of these levels I'm seeing were indeed thrown in to the bunch I'd wonder why the level designers were repeating themselves. So just keep it in mind everyone :)


Mr. Chris said:

Not too sure what to do without tearing things down.. /lazy

I'm more than happy to edit peoples' maps to improve them. I realize many people will not be too interested in that, but if you are open to it, I think it could be a useful way to hone this project. (me or anyone else). I've always felt this project should be more of a selfless effort--making maps that don't have your own personal signature style or mark, but rather mapping for the greater good of the projects goals. Just a thought.

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Please read the update on the first post of this thread and let me know that it is clear what I am asking and that it is not an unreasonable request. :)

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NaturalTvventy said:

Yea, I'd say so. I think we need to remember that these are supposed to be lost levels, not tributes to the existing levels.

If DOOM had 10 levels and some of these levels I'm seeing were indeed thrown in to the bunch I'd wonder why the level designers were repeating themselves. So just keep it in mind everyone :)


Hmmm... all the progress now has the E2M2-ish layout.... So I should start new one without the ExMx-ish layout.

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Hellbent said:

I'm more than happy to edit peoples' maps to improve them. I realize many people will not be too interested in that, but if you are open to it, I think it could be a useful way to hone this project. (me or anyone else). I've always felt this project should be more of a selfless effort--making maps that don't have your own personal signature style or mark, but rather mapping for the greater good of the projects goals. Just a thought.

I'll just have to send the next RC out before you should do any modifications. Try and keep the exit and secret intact (IE the signs especially)..

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Alright, change of plan: put your name next to the appropriate field:

Early Episode 1
Middle Episode 1
Late Episode 1

Early Episode 2
Middle Episode 2
Late Episode 2

Early Episode 3
Middle Episode 3
Late Episode 3

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I'll take E2M1, an early E2 slot, E2M8 and an early E3. 1 and 8 are mostly finished, and I'm working on E2M3 right now. I'd like to take E2M7, but it's the least developed of my maps, and I'm not sure if I can crank out that many maps before Feb 1st.

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I think Ecology Control is a good candidate for a middle episode 2 slot. Ideally e2m5. I'll probably have to modify a lot of the look and layout of the map to create a better contrast between Mr. Chreeze's map though, because at the moment it's looking to be more of an m3-m7 hybrid, but I think it could work out very well. If it were an e2m5 slot this would of course mean that I'll have to work on a secret exit, but that's cool. I'm already halfway there with the existing setup.

Kepler Dorsum might need even more work than Ecology, but I think it could fit in well as either an e1m4 or an m9 map. Seeing as I've yet to get any feedback on the map yet however, and because I’m so unsure of its placement, this position may be usurped if anyone else feels they have a more capable map at the ready. Put it down as middle epsiode 1 for now.

I think I'll remain content with these two maps, as there will undoubtedly be a shit load of bashing and hammering needed in order to shape the maps into the id model, a process which, done right, could take well over a couple of months.

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I'll take a look at Kepler Dorsum, you wouldn't mind linking me to it would you? This comp takes ages to do anything.

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I'll take Late E2 (E2M6 or E2M7), my current map is E2M6, but the progress in it maybe sounds like E2M7, we will discuss about that after finishing it. And maybe I take E1M1 , since it's straight-forward.

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Looks promising, but there's some ugly texture clipping.

st.alfonzo, I found the link, but could you upload it using speedyshare instead of rapidshare? My comp has problems with RS.

My E2M3 is about 20% done.

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flubbernugget, I have a few problems with your E3 level:

The starting area feels like something from a 1994 usermap, rather than an official Id level. It's just so basic and plain. You should redesign it.

The weapon and item placement is a bit strange. The chainsaw is right next to the stairs, there's loads of bonuses on the floors, stuff like that.

The texturing is pretty bad, lots of misalignment.

It feels kind of like there's too many techbase influences. You should maybe replace half of the tech stuff with hell stuff. A little tech is ok.

Also, I couldn't find the Yellow key door :P I'll keep looking, but it seems too well hidden.

There's a bit of potential here, it feels very E3M6, in a good way, but the problems detract a lot from the experience.

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Marcaek said:

C30N9, I have a few problems with your E3 level:

The starting area feels like something from a 1994 usermap, rather than an official Id level. It's just so basic and plain. You should redesign it.

The weapon and item placement is a bit strange. The chainsaw is right next to the stairs, there's loads of bonuses on the floors, stuff like that.

The texturing is pretty bad, lots of misalignment.

It feels kind of like there's too many techbase influences. You should maybe replace half of the tech stuff with hell stuff. A little tech is ok.

Also, I couldn't find the Yellow key door :P I'll keep looking, but it seems too well hidden.

There's a bit of potential here, it feels very E3M6, in a good way, but the problems detract a lot from the experience.

What?... What E3 map?

I think you mean walter

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flubbernugget said:

Here's my wad. It aims for a late e2 spot. As of right now I have playtested it, but I would still like constructive criticisms from other members of the project, and I will fix any problems they find. I may also expand the map to make more optional areas to go to if necessary.


My biggest suggestion for this level is working with light levels. Everything's the same light level, which makes a lot of it look not good. Put half of it in shadows and some bright areas here and there, and presto! Insta-eyecandy.


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Ok, here's the second release candidate of Kepler Dorsum. I've ironed out one or two glaring issues, extended a few areas and better implemented the difficulty settings, although I still think it could be a little harder overall. There's also quite a few alignment issues still.

Download >> Here <<

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