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DTWID: Project is done, check the release thread

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For anyone who's played my E3M3, I'm not sure if the last version had any skies, but there will be skies in future versions. I also tweaked some item\monster placement.

I didn't get any feedback on it, but I'm planning on widening the map a bit, specifically the hallways. But that won't happen on this computer.

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Hey Hellbent, I have several samples of music I can show you as a progress update. If you're interested, I can upload them.

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Hmm... I can only spot three non-orthogonal walls in these shots. Not to totally knock it just yet, but it's an important consideration in this sort of mapping.

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To be honest, I'm a bit mixed on Manufactorium. It plays well, but it seems too small, cramped, and segmented. It doesn't really feel authentic, but I know that saying so isn't very helpful on its own. I'm going to give it a more careful looking over soon, once time permits.

While I'm here, I may as well post up a beta of my E2M1-ish thing, which I've gone ahead and titled "UAC Receiving". ;)

There are a couple of spots that are honestly too-homage-y even in my own eyes (the spiky-candle teleport border and the skylight in the first blood pool), but I honestly kinda like them and will probably save a separate copy of the map for personal enjoyment before I go about removing them. I'm just curious to see how the rest of it goes...

Also, screenshots, copypasta'd from an older post for justice:

[The water in the first shot is gone now. Other areas shown are up to date but are missing an enemy or several.]

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Small and cramped I'm working on, but segmented, what would be a good way to change that? Any specific areas I can join?

Regarding right angles, which ones specifically should be changed?

Also, did I pull off the hell factory motif?

Your E2M1 is looking fine, but if you think there's homage-y areas then those should go, unless they're not TOO similar to existing areas.

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Yea Xaser, that felt way too much like an e2m1 rip to me. Here's all the things that reminded me of that level:

view out window at start
floor that lowers into blood when you step on it
star-like sector around teleporter
optional red key
teleport into area with pillars/cacodemon/plasma
painful red triangle sector
the same textures used

Still had plenty of fun running through it, but I'd be confused as to why such a similar level was in the game if it was a 10th level in DOOM.

The pipe stuff was nice, especially the trap room with SKINTEK and all. I really liked that.

Secrets were good too, especially since I could find 'em all (with a little help from IDBEHOLDA.

I think this thing could use some serious tweaks to give it it's own flavor for sure.


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Mr. Freeze said:

Hey Hellbent, I have several samples of music I can show you as a progress update. If you're interested, I can upload them.

sounds great Mr. Freeze. Yeah, you can upload a few here.

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For maps that don't make it, we could always compile a Rejected-DTWIDD wad file..

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Mr. Chris said:

For maps that don't make it, we could always compile a Rejected-DTWIDD wad file..

This thought actually has crossed my mind more than once. We could call it DTWIDDWD (Doom the way id did doomworld did)! :P

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I propose that the maps rejected from this project get tweaked and retextured, and they can make up E4.

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Marcaek said:


I propose that the maps rejected from this project get tweaked and retextured, and they can make up E4.

I approve of this idea

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I redid the starting area of my map.

its gonna be an early E1 map, name Computer Complex (has that been name been used before?)

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that looks much better. I believe the name hasn't been taking--although it's a bit similar to Computer Station.

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Olympus said:

its gonna be an early E1 map, name Computer Complex (has that been name been used before?)

Looks good. I'm not sold on the name, though. A couple ideas: "Logic Construct", "Main Engineering", or "Networking/Synthesis".

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NT: Looks like you forgot to remove the End4 resources from it. It's 17 megs. @_@

[EDIT] Actually, that's because it is the End4 resource. You uploaded the wrong wad. :P

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@NT, Those Brightnesslevel changes in your outside areas look really unproffessional, I would suggest you not changing brightnesslevels outside at all, or that you maximum vary the brightness outside by one step. (32?)

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Now, I know I'm probably known as a ZDoom mapper here, but would anybody mind if I had a go at a mid-E3 map?

I won't be able to start until Wednesday (maybe Tuesday afternoon) due to university final year exams, but I've had some ideas, and tend to be pretty quick when it comes to making maps, particularly in the 50-150 monster region.

I realise this project is looking for talented mappers, so if you fancy "vetting" me before making a decision, my site is linked in my profile. The Contributions section is probably best for seeing what I can do using vanilla/limit removing settings when working with Doom(2) (cchest3 MAP18 at the moment, with a few more coming out in the next year or so).

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Icytux said:

@NT, Those Brightnesslevel changes in your outside areas look really unproffessional, I would suggest you not changing brightnesslevels outside at all, or that you maximum vary the brightness outside by one step. (32?)

Hmm you are right. I just looked around and ID never altered brightnesses outdoors. I'll see what I can do.

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