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Does anyone use EDGE?


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Hey, I was just wondering, does anyone here actually use EDGE? I mean, the few who were using it seem to have stopped releasing stuff, and anyone who posts questions about it never seems to get much help. Also, the web site doesn't seem to be updated too much either.

Is EDGE dead?! I hope not because it really is a great little engine and it would be a shame if
a)nobody is using it for levels or PC/TC and
b)development has stopped on the engine itself

Anyone care to enlighten me?

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Come on people! There must be someone out there who uses EDGE?!

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i use it, and no, i'm not available to work at non-commited teams because i'm doing my own projects kthxbye

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i'm not available to work at non-commited teams


Me neither ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Come on! At this rate it looks like I'm the only one using EDGE for a TC (and no, it's not Resident evil. It's a personal one man job that I've been doing on and off for a long time)

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I use Edge. I'm working on a TC, which is again, a personal, one-man effort.... well, more a labour of love than an effort.

It's a shame that Edge isn't more popular, as DDFs are very easy to script and implement, etc.

Anyway, some details of my TC will be revealed shortly...

...other than it has new... EVERYTHING.

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I play EDGE constantly. The GL graphics are cool, and I LOVE the dynamic lighting.

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I don't like the way EDGE plays, but it's very easy to learn to edit.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've never heard of relapse. I used to ude EDGE all the time, but I got kicked off games for EVER. (until I move out)

But I can still move on with GIjOE TC for Doom2. I've studied WWII stuff closely, so that I can bring an accurate recreation of the war to your computer. I'm building a site that will show my progress and stuff from the TC, hopefully I can get hosted on DOOMWORLD. For now you can go to geocities.com/carnage_doom home of HQTC (Carnage = brother, hence the site sharing) I know it's not very pretty, it was a practice site, Carnage is going to upgrade.

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Doom-Child said:

I love EDGE's graphics, but it seems to choke on some WADs.

The dynamic lighting looks cool, but itd be MUCH better on 32 bit. 16 bit makes brown textures look really gay...

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I use EDGE.

I have had about 4 mods going with it at any one time (pleez note that I dont have a website to display them on).

*DeathTC - A large scale mod involving changes in all the weapons plus several new ones. In addition all of the monsters have been changed and some new ones have been added. No map work was to be done but concepts for an ultra-tough episode were made (plus a gathering of music from other mods/wads for each level). New monsters/items were inserted into the game using RTS scrpiting code (to "drop" the item into the maps at a specified location).

A recent upgrade on my computer fried all of the .ddf files to deathTC effectivly killing the project (occured while backing up :). At least I still have the wadfile (approx 2.5mb).

*7eyes - A simple mod changing some of the guns in the game. Mostly an aesthetic mod but there were ddf code changes.

*<unknown> - Another large scale mod - never fully got off the ground. The general motif is that the main chaacter is a super-badass in power armor carrying around weapons that would make the bfg want to hide. Suffice to say the other characters in the game are equally deadly. Again, no map work was to be done.

*Xcom2TC - Was to be a total conversion based off of the microprose game "xcom2: terror from the deep". Flopped badly. Was cancelled before edge v1.24 came out.


Surprisingly not many people play edge for some reason. It has revolutionary state-of-the-art functions built into the game (ddf + rts code, GL modes, and the passe' true3D game support) but not the more fun factors like multiplayer.

Apparently edge v1.27 will be the last version, the developers of the port seem to have run out of doughnuts, coffee, and cigarettes and cant program without their fuel (in other words, they got tired of making revisions so they're going to make their fans suffer by closing up shop).

If, for some reason the edge webspace closes down and edge cant be found anywhere, I will begin serving copies of EDGE with tutorials on how to make mods for it.

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Um RusseII, you suck.

Relapse is still in development stages - you cant form much of an opinion when it isn't even done yet dumass.

Oh, and I take offense at that since im part of the relapse team.

Are you in the project?
'cause I havent been around for a long time and diptera has been wanting me to do ddf coding for them (which i'd be more than happy to do - as soon as he sends me the stuff I need and tells me what he wants).

Oh - for the level editors of Relapse, you should probably produce levels with as little amount of sector lighting control as possible - placing lamps and flourescent lights in places that need to be lit (outdoor places and stuff like that should be generally brighter, sector lighting should still be used but only in a broad sense). I'll most likely end up making the lamps/lights use GL dynamic lighting. This all depends on what the project leader says (who seems to be sleeping at the moment), but I strongly advise it.

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Actually, there may be at least one more version of EDGE which will bring it up to 1.28!!

Me: Hey, I was just wondering if there will actually be an EDGE 1.28? Will the code be optimized at least, even if no other changes are made?

Darknight: Its possible. I've just finished a major project at work and now have some time on my hands, so I'm hoping to do some work to EDGE. The real issue is whether the team will have time as a whole to do it. Keep a look out.

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sirgalahadwizar said:

Oh, and I take offense at that since im part of the relapse team.

I don't. I was in the team, and I remember how Ryan kept putting too much pressure on me, so I quit within a few weeks.

let's see, my EDGE projects....

UACRess: My biggest project which I leaded, it was planned to have over 50 levels, shitloads of new weapons and enemies. I have postponed it to work on UDM2 and CTS. Webpage was hosted on doomers.org, but mewse shut down the server. Latest uploaded beta is available on my page.

Marines: Replaces monsters with doom marines with various weapons. I'll upload it soon.

DeathBot: My attempt to make a DM bot with monster AI. Very early in development.

Black Magic: Replaces weapons with magic weapons. Almost finished.

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Well, im the new official DDF coder for relapse and im getting things done faster than ryan can spit them at me (getting them from home onto the 'net is a whole 'nother problem which eats up alot of time though).

Im also letting him scavenge/rip pieces of flesh and organs out of my deathTC project (ie, sharing. so now he'll have something that looks halfway decent). In return I get to take stuff from relapse and modify it and use it as my own (that IS what sharing is like, well more like trade or barter actually, though there isn't much in relapse i'd want to pick over except the sounds and some of the monsters).

Im not a mapmaker, but I do just about everything else (and can even do textures to a limited extent). Seems mapmakers are the only thing that comes to mind nowadays when the word "mod" is used, makes me sick. Unfortunatly relapse probably needs more of them ('cause I havent seen a single screenshot of a relapse level yet).

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