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Pokemon Black - Creepy edition

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Seen that story strewn about, and I thought it was a bit silly, and probably impossible to do. Same with the v1.0 Lavender Town music that allegedly caused suicides. The most believable story I've heard is that the music was changed in later releases because it strained the GameBoy's speakers.

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Old copypasta is old. I remember this on /x/ like 2 years ago.

Edit: looks like the bloke used a crayola marker (with its distinctive blue tinge to the black ink) to color the cartridge. There were many, many black cartridges made during this era that were meant to show compatibility with GB and GBC.

Plus he "lost the game".

EDIT: the only thing I can verify of a bootleg is an old version of Pocket Monsters a fan attempted to translate into English years before the english localisation was finished. Moves were hilariously mislabled as "spells".

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This just won't hit perfection until it's made into a fucktard-type YT video with blue Windows Movie Maker title screens, juvenile trash metal etc. and popups saying "totally true!", "vote best evar", "plz add me kthx", "support our troops in afghanstn and irq kthx" etc.

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Is it me or is there an increase of new members with similar usernames - cutman/cutman mike, theultimatedoomer/The Ultimate Doomer?

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Planky said:

Is it me or is there an increase of new members with similar usernames - cutman/cutman mike, theultimatedoomer/The Ultimate Doomer?

At least in the former case, they are, in fact, one and the same. :P

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Maybe it's because I was only enlightened to the story a few weeks ago, but it seems that this is getting a lot more attention lately (last few days or so), despite how old this (apparently) is.

But if it is real, I'd be very interested to play it and see if a dead chick comes out of my gameboy/pc 7 days later.

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I know it's fake but it's still an interesting read. Supposedly there's a rom-hack project in the works to replicate this on the actual Pokemon Red cartridge. =P

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Hmm, someone linked a video of a WIP hack in the sister thread on the other forums, but it looks like they were using FireRed instead. I dunno, I'd find it creepier if they based it on the original Red ROM, though maybe it's just not as hackable.

Helluva good read, at any rate. I'd play that. :P

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deathbringer said:

Lol Pokemon is still going? Thought it would have gone the way of Power Rangers by now.

As long as Nintendo maintains complete control over our kids, Pokemon will continue to exist.

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Nintendo reported that B/W has over a million preorders already in Japan only, which makes it the fastest DS game so far to do so. So, it is obviously still going strong thanks to no part to the complex & competitive nature of the deeper mechanics in the games.

That said the fanbase is very divided. Probably the most players are the kids, the second group is the "casual" players and the smallest niche is the hardcore competitive community. *COUGHsmogonCOUGH*

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Xaser said:

Hmm, someone linked a video of a WIP hack in the sister thread on the other forums, but it looks like they were using FireRed instead. I dunno, I'd find it creepier if they based it on the original Red ROM, though maybe it's just not as hackable.

Yeah, the original red/blue/green/yellow versions aren't really all that hackable at all. You can do some minor stuff but nothing like the creepypasta. That's why they went FireRed, but it looks like they're going to be replacing the resources with the old original game ones at least, too.

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The closest I've seen is the knife hack, which allows you to remove NPCs from the game forever, but apparently it's buggy as hell.

Maybe it could be done with one of those fancy emulators that allows lua scripts? I've seen some crazy stuff done to games with that.

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I quite like the idea of that - though I'd want it to be its own game to work properly. A game where you have the potential to kill everything, set to be depressing which can only truley end in your death.

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Now I'm upset that this doesn't actually exist. That'd probably make it the most awesome game hack of all time if it did. Somebody needs to make this a reality post-haste.

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Reading this article reminds me of the time how I use to fuck with the missingno glitch with my Pokemon blue game and acquiring infinite master balls. Good childhood times for me :)

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There's actually a homebrew DS game that basically just retells the story with accompanying pictures and sound/music, but the new altered ending was unexpected. Anybody with a DS flashcard can try it out. =P

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Hell's Vendetta said:

Reminds me of the Unit 731 glitch.

That shit fucked with my head for a couple days when i actually read the wiki article.

What are you talking about? *googles*

Well I wasn't planning on sleeping tonight anyway

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